Thank you for all of the emails I have gotten! I am a bit overwhelmed! But happy to oblige! :)
For right now, these are the ones I can make….I will be making more when I can get a certain someone to come over to my house. :)
This is what it looks like on the jar, I can make this in three different sizes. The large jar, the medium jar and the small jar.
These are the two I have right now….I would be happy to either sell the decals with instructions or make a jar, but be aware that shipping the large one is costly! Ask Elizabeth! LOL
I am flattered that you would be interested girls!
I don’t mean for my blog to be a marketplace, but I am awful proud of these…..
Sizes are:
Large you get 2 decals- fits the 1 gallon jar.
Medium – you get 4 decals- fits 2 quart jar
Small you get 9 decals and it fits the smallest jar
These take a lot of ink and the paper is more expensive than regular copy paper so I am going to charge 12.00 a sheet. I tried it at the $8.00 and I barely made anything. These use an enormous amount of ink, but you get a lot on one sheet!
If I do a jar for you it will be the price of the jar and the price of the decals…..I get the jars at a few places, and occasionally get them on sale, so that price can vary. I ship USPS Priority.
Please email me to let me know if you are interested!
I will have a lot more very soon…..if you have an image you would like me to make a decal out of, just let me know!
Thank ladies….I appreciate the interest!
I also recently bought this on the Internet, I just love the graphics on the tin, but look at how cute and red the contents were!!!! I don't have any little girls in my life ( yet!) but this is so adorable, I just look at it and smile! :)
Your decals are absolutely adorable, Sandy! I'll have to look around for what I'd like to do with them, and I'll let you know what I need! What a clever girl you are!
Hope you're having a wonderful day & that your Easter weekend was a beautiful one!
Sandy, these decals bring back memories when everything in the kitchen nearly, had decals on them very similar to these.
You've done a beautiful job with these.
Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Oh cool! I would love some of these. I need to look at my jars and see which size I need! THANKS!!
Hugs, Lisa
Well, I sure will be ordering some of these....I am going to figure out what I want!!
AWESOME...I never knew that anyone could make decals. I think one with some sweet puppies on it would be something I would purchase, and flowers..you could make so many!!!
I hope you do well at the craft show!
Deb :)
I already have a jar waiting for this particular decal. Ever since your giveaway several months ago I have been pining away for just such a jar.
I would love to have decals.
My jars are gallon size.
Hey Girlfriend,
Looks like you're a hit! Congratulations!
Wowwwwwwwwwww! These are BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Hi Sandy!!!!
I am planning on stopping by the craft sale in Mesa, so I will maybe get some then, I do not have a garden(not yet anyway) but they are so cute, I might get some for my MOM!!!!!
It sure was a nice Easter in AZ huh!!!!!
Did you feel the earthquake??? Our friends did in Mesa!!!!!
Have a great week
I'd like some Sandy...will you email me at christineishmael@gmail.com or make a comment on my post of where I mail the money? Adorable! Maybe 2 sheets? Where did you get the jars? Are they from Walmart Martha Stewart collection?
cute images! very 521 lake!
These are so cute! Do you paint the lids or do you find them in the red?
Sandy, You know I adore my jar! There will be demand for these. Your price is very reasonable. Today I found vintage small Santa mugs that are the cutest I have ever seen, and I am saving one away with your name on it. I'm thinking bottle brush trees and vintage things to fill them, will be on the lookout. Always a big smile when I visit Lake Street! Elizabeth
Love the decals that is great and the pony tail kit is adorable...my daughter would surely love it...Go Costco...right up my alley too....those towels are darn cute! Thanks for inviting us all over...I love your blog..Mica
This is very exciting Sandy! I remember finding out from another blogger that you can make your own decals, but as you said, it takes alot of ink, so Mr. Old Glory nixed that bright idea of mine! I think $8 is very reasonable, and I would gladly pay it. I think you're about to change everyone's world, or at least their kitchens!
Happy REDnesday,
Hiya Sandy :D Love the decals you make! The little hair-do kits are so cute - what'd the tin look like?
Cute towels from Costco. Happy REDnesday~
Oh sweet SIL.....I think those decals are the best idea yet!!!
Hi Sandy! I just love Dumpling Dynasty stuff! I bought my Teen the bunny kit for Christmas. Mister just went back to work after being unemployed for 1-1/2 years, so I will have to buy a decal later in the year! They're to die for!
I love the jar decals...very, very cute. Also, I'll be heading to Costco real soon, thanks for the tip. :)
The pigtale kit is too cute. We really do love the same stuff.
Wow! Towel bonanza at Costco.... :-)
Love the jars.
Warm blessings,
Ohmigosh...that pigtail kit is the sweetest! It reminds me of childhood at the dime store. I seem to have seen it somewhere before and I can't remember where...it couldn't be Daiso...'course, now I want one, but not for my girls, for me! lol.
Cute, cute labels!!!!!! I can see them on an entire canister set!!
Cute towels.....this is why I need a Costco card! I know, I know.....
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