I have written before about my sweet “Grand puppy” Abbey. I don’t know if I ever will get grandkids, but this pup is awesome!
If you have read my blog, you know Abbey was brought into our family by my son Bryan, he bought her at 6 weeks and she was the cutest pup! He bought her with a broken front leg though….so the $300.00 dog became a $600.00 dog in 72 hours! LOL

She has had her fair share of growing pains and being a pain…..but has become a beautiful dog, she is now almost 10 months.

If you haven’t heard of this breed ( English Pointer), they are like a ADHD kid on Mountain Dew!!!!! Talk about hard to train…..so he sent her to a trainer from New Mexico named Terry Chandler, his kennels are called Rugerheim Kennels in Las Cruces New Mexico. His wife Janet and Terry breed, show and compete with champion German Shorthair Pointers. Take a look at the beautiful dogs they have! He does a training camp up in the northern part of Arizona every summer. Abbey is up there now. They had to start late as we had all of those fires early this summer. It is so beautiful up there…..in the 70’s during the day and 60’s at night….
Since Abbey is just a pup she went for obedience training only, but then they got to working with her and Terry and his co trainer, Guy realized they had a gem…..a natural…..take a look! They asked my son if they could start her on birds…..

She is in her glory, to be sure……Guy has had to pick her up and move her back from the birds, she gets within 5 inches of them and “points right thru the flush”….usually they have to train them for that I guess, not out girl! She will be up here for until October 1st….my son Bryan is up visiting her now and he is so proud! The trainers said they could sell her right now for $2500.00 without batting an eye….of course we would never sell her……she is a member of the family!
When she gets back to the valley, Bryan will learn how to do trials with her……our little runt of the litter has become quite a bird dog!
I love this photo, it shows how she watched her trainer like a hawk….

They have a long line on her so she doesn’t go out too far, she will be a “short range” dog….You will notice the “shock” collar on her? Hasn’t had to be used once!!!! It also had a GPS on it…..She is in her element and it shows.
She has become a full grown dog while she has been gone….I am sure we will be shocked when she gets home….
( Our first meeting)

You go Abbey girl !!!!!!