The first part of this post took on a life of it's own last night when I received a scrapbook I had bought on Ebay. It was for a girl born in September of 1954 in Chicago, Illinois. It was for the first three years of her life. Baby, First Birthday, Christmas, Easter, and Valentines Day Cards, letters her Mom and Dad received, etc. I paid a good amount of money for this book, but I wanted to scan the cards and put them on my CD I want to make to sell.
So, anyway....I opened it up, and immediately the genealogist in me started screaming! She is 55 years old, there is a good chance she is still out there! The woman who I bought it from, knew nothing about the girl.
So, I said a small prayer and went to Ancestry.com. I went to Public Trees, put in all of the info on her folks and believe it or not, there were two trees with her parents and her listed as a living child! I could hardly write the emails to the tree owners....I was shaking so hard! I just pray they can help me get this book back where it belongs.
These are the Valentines cards that were in this sweet book:
These little strips of black are part of the book itself....
As you can see, the scrapbook itself is just falling apart, I am afraid it won't handle another trip, but I am going to try my darnedest to keep it together.....
I really hope I can get this to the woman if she is still alive.....I am sure this would mean a lot to her. I know what it would mean to me. I just wonder why she doesn't already have this?
I will keep you appraised of the results!

Dolly had a Wonderful Valentine Swap and she asked us to post about the box of goodies we got from our swap partner. I actually had two partners, Claudia lives in New Mexico but use to live in Arizona. She sent me a sweet box of all kinds of goodies!
There were sweet cards, and a valentine cupcake soap, and a cute pair of lips pin, pens and lip gloss and candy a wonderful vintage doily( hand embroidered) ...it went on and on! Thank you so much Claudia!
I also have another partner names Fitty, she lives in Malaysia and her box seems to have gotten on a slow boat....so I hope it arrives soon! I am also anticipating her box real soon....
So....Have a wonderful day and be sure to go to Dolly and Jean's blogs to see all of the other wonderful posts today!
As always..... thanks for stopping by!
Happy Valentine's Day Sandy! What a wonderful post! Can you just imagine finding the owner of this fantastic book? I am so excited for you to create a CD of the wonderful images. Put me on the purchase list! Diane of Saturday Finds has just put out her first, and I have already made a project with it - I know, obsessive, but the images are to die for! Have fun looking at all of the posts! Elizabeth
Oh! I hope you find the original owner. How awesome would that be?
Great time! enjoyed it all!
Thanks for sharing!
Karen @ Some days are diamonds
How thoughtful of you to do that for the scrapbook. I always wonder about such things - like did they lose it in a move, was it stolen, lost, or did they purposely get rid of it 'cuz they had a falling out or just hate the clutter? Ya never know...but, I guess you'll find out. There are good people like you in the world...and, not so good as I think of what happened to my sister several years ago when they lived in the desert. She and her family were out of the state for a while and some lousy rotten thieves came and took everything out of their home - everything! All her children's photos, special mementos, nothing was left! Now, why would they take those?
I love the scrapbook you bought and the cards in it. It's so nice of you to try and get in touch with the original owner. I'm sure she'll be overjoyed, I definitely would. You received some nice things in your swap too. Have a wonderful Valentines Day.
Aw you are such a sweetie to look for her! I have moved a lot in my life and somethings just disappear from your grasp and you just can't figure out how. Girl you made out like a burglar! So cute! Have a happy Valentine's Day full of LOVE and laughter!
luvs and glitter
Sandy, my brother somehow lost our my mothers photo album and my hope is that some day, somehow, someone like you will track one of us down to return it- if it's still in one piece! ♥
I hope you find her.
Happy Valentine's Day.
I enjoyed visiting your blog this morning.
Happy Valentine's Day. Some people never want to keep anything, but sometimes people get rid of things and then later wish they had them back.
Scrapbooks are amazing finds! I just love that you kept it all together.
Genealogy, isn't it just the greatest.
Hope you receive a quick response to your query.
Had a similar experience.
I received an email from a gal who was going thru her newly departed uncle's belongs.
Came across a photo of a soldier from WWI with his name on the reverse side. She googled the name and came upon my website.
The Photo was of my mother's uncle so I got in touch with mom's cousin [my cousin,also] and let her know.
In the end the photo ended up in the hands of the solider's daughter.
Small world.
good luck
Good for you. What a kind thing you are doing. I have on occasion when I have had time gone through all the family bibles for sale on EBay and contacted family members that I could find to inform them that their keepsakes were being auctioned off.
One happy fellow looked into and then got back to me and said the person bidding on the bible was his cousin so it was coming back into the family. He was so grateful.
Oh Sandy, I hope you find her! Maybe she got rid of it when she was younger and didn't care about such things. I bet she does now! Things from our childhood start to mean so much more to us when we hit middle age! In the meantime, I bet you're going to have fun making something cute with those sweet valentines!
Happy Valentine's Day!
How sweet that you are tracking down that once little girl. I wonder how the album ever left her. I know at 50 I still have my little scrapbook, in fact all my scrapbooks. Thank you for sharing.
What a great story! Thanks for sharing!
Oh! I hope that scrap book makes it back to the original owner. ♥Happy Valentine's Day♥
Valentine's Day is a day about love and how blessed you are to be able to show love to someone you don't know by giving her back a piece of her history. Happy Valentine's Day to you.
You are so gracious to try to find the original owner of the scapbook. There are many things I got rid of (or my mother did) along the way that I would love to have now..who knew at the time. Good luck,
I'm so glad you are trying to find the original owner. Sometimes when people die or move things get left behind by mistake. It happened to us... we got a call from the people who bought my dec'd father in law's house... they had found a suitcase full of pictures, etc under the basement steps. We went over to pick it up and it had my husbands grandmothers photo album and his grandfathers bowling scrapbook, and all sorts of other wonderful family treasures in it. We never knew it was missing, my brother in law had told everyone he had the old family photo albums. This must have been one he didn't know about. We were so grateful to the new owners for finding it and contacting us.
What a special lady you are to want to return this scrapbook to it's original owner! I do hope you find her and she reunites with her sweet cards, if not, I am sure you will treasure them.
Your swap box looks like it was full of fun goodies, I hope the one that landed on the slow boat finds it's way home soon too! Happy Valentine's Day!
What a great find, but greater still you want to find it's rightful owner. :) I hope she's still out there and these mean something to her, I don't understand the people who aren't sentimental about these type of things!
Fun goodies too, in such a pretty box!
Hi Sandy,
I love this story. I hope you find this person. I would love for you to help me find out more about my family roots someday. I hope you have a wonderful valentine's day. I wish I had known about the valentine swap, I would have loved to have been a part of it.
Carey from Chicory Nits
How interesting! Good luck with finding the scrap book's owner. And have yourself a sweet Valentine's Day!
How very interesting. Hopefully the woman wants the book back, although I know quite a few people who are not sentimental in the least, and they would give such things away. I have a few in my own family! However, I'm not one of them, and I love vintage Valentines. Happy Valentine's Day!
Such a sweet scrap book, and very nice of you to look for the owner, Happy Valentines!
Hi Sandy! How thoughtful of you to try and get this scrapbook to the lady or at least her family members. How smart of you to look into her ancestry and find some relatives! Good luck.
What a great box of treasures you've received! I love these swaps!
Happy Valentine's Day to you,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love that you are going to try to find the owner! How wonderful of you!
Thank you so much for including it in the Vintage Valentine Card party. xo Joan, your hostess
What an amazing story....I so hope you can locate the owner...that would be so wonderful! Loved this post...Happy Valentines Day!
What sweet cards, and a great story.
Hello Sandy,
What a beautiful post! I love the Valentines cards. Did you received the emails I sent you? Maybe you have to check your spam folder. Please, let me know. Groeten, Corry
What an amazing story. I have often wondered why people give up their family photos and scrapbooks instead of keeping them in the family. But this is a real mystery if the woman is still alive.
Looooove the cake keeper below, that used to be your mother's. What a wonderful gift. : )
I hope this story will eventually have a Very Happy Ending.... If Not, I know You will Treasure the Old Cards
Yes, i hope you find her. This is such a nice story!
Just a quick stop by to look at your Vintage Valentines. How much fun this is!
Hugs and happy hearts EVERY day!
Betty :)
ps ... can hardly wait to hear about the scrapbook's adventures to find the owner. B :)
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