I am real pleased with how it came out. There are still places that need a little tweaking and a few more things on one wall, but I am ready to go for it! Meri, did you hear that???? :)
I needed a place where things could be unseen....and Wayne and I looked on Craig's List and Goodwills for a piece of furniture that would work. Then, Wayne realized we had the perfect components in our closet! We had been given these cubes by good friends who were moving, and they have come in handy more than once. So, this is how we configured them in the room:
We then had another friend come put up the shelves. We had the brackets from our previous house, don't ask why we brought them, but they worked out perfect! The shelves were laminated MDF, but on the thin side, so I use some ME borders that teachers use on cork board. I can change it anytime I want and it is 2.99 a package! Great decorating idea, if I do say so myself! :) BEFORE
I also wanted a piece of pegboard to hang up some misc. things and so I painted it the color of the room and again, used the cork board border to finish it off. I just love it! So easy to do.... I even found hooks with red tips on them! ( Wal-Mart)
My printer table and my kitchen cart:

The 12X12 bins that I keep a multitude of things in: again easy to move and reconfigure if I need to. Again, got them at Wal-Mart.

So.....that is it! What do you think? I love this room, and I love being in it! I have the best husband in the world! I am going to get busy now making things for the craft fair that a few of us here in AZ are going to have.....thanks again!
The 12X12 bins that I keep a multitude of things in: again easy to move and reconfigure if I need to. Again, got them at Wal-Mart.
So.....that is it! What do you think? I love this room, and I love being in it! I have the best husband in the world! I am going to get busy now making things for the craft fair that a few of us here in AZ are going to have.....thanks again!
P.S. Check out Meri's blog ImagiMeri's for info on the craft fair! It is in April and we need Arizona crafters to come join us!
It looks perfect and I'm having some serious envy right now! :-) The borders on the mdf shelves are genius. Fabulous job and I bet you're so excited to get started on some craft projects. Have fun!! -amy
Looks great and so big and colorful (and tidy...how long will that last?) I have the same fence that you have for your inspiration board. Great room, now put it to good use! Congrats.
I love your studio!!! I love what you've done with those ME borders. So cute! And those ceramic knobs are adorable! I can't wait to see all your fun projects as you begin crafting in your new room!
I don't even know where to begin Sandy! You have done a wonderful job putting this room together. The cubes were nice and servicable but the addition of the knobs made it "ART"! Genious! Of course I love the Mary Engelbreit borders...her colors go perfectly in your room...I mean haven! I loved the wall color when I first saw it and the checkerboard floor is so whimsical! Your oilcloth topped table fits in just right. This is worthy of being magazine material. Bravo Sandy...I love it all!
4 more sleeps!
Sandy, what do you think we are thinking.
We love it. What an attractive, efficient area.
Especially love the door pulls.
I bet you think you are in a dreamland. Guess, again, your room is a perfect dreamland.
I think it is absolutely delightful! I can hardly wait now to move and decorate my creative space...don't be surprised if I steal an idea or two. When left teaching high school and began teaching college I missed my ME trims and my own classroom to decorate. You have given me permission to dig those great borders out! Thank you for the wonderful inspiration. Enjoy your beautiful space. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
ADORABLE...I would never want to leave the room!
Everything turned out just perfect asnd sooo pretty.
All the storage and organizational ideas = wonderful...very functional.
Your going to love it in there!
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Stop over and enter my first giveaway!!!!
Sandy your new room is gorgeous! I love it. You are living your brand too. I think you should contact Where Woman Create or STUDIOS magazine and submit photos of your creating space.
I hope you are have a great day. Happy creating, gail
Love all the color in your new space. You really did a super job of making it fun, organized, personal, and functional! Have fun doing more creating.
LOVE! Enjoy! ♥
Oh Sandy, I am so happy for you! Your room is too wonderful for words. There are so many ideas that we can all borrow (the peg board is genius). You have just the spot now to inspire you to create and a place all your own to make you smile each and every day. About those bowls.....I'm holding you to the shape. How about this, Draw each bowl separately, then tape together on the back as though stacked. Trace that outline on your card stock, each bowl will have a different color but you will have to have a little rim or strip of color to deliniate. Have your bowls go from lightest on top to darkest on bottom - it will work! Such a cute idea to begin in your adorable craft room! Eak! Just love everything! Elizabeth
Sandy, it's PERFECT!!! I don't know what else to say 'cuz my jaw is dragging on the floor! I'm so proud of you! How can you ever think of leaving this delightful room? Just add a bed, bath, and fridge - and you're all set!
What a fun room! Lucky, lucky you! You've done a wonderful job, I love it!
Hi Sandy! Everything is so cute and pretty! I love it!! Must be fun to work in there now. I wouldn't want to leave.
Debbie from NJ
Wow! Love what you've done. Creative juices will flow now. Those knobs are the coolest addition and so are the shelves with the borders. LOVE. IT. ALL.
Your studio is soooo cute! I love that ME border. I have one of her inspiration signs that is meant for a class room over my doors in mine. You will have so much fun in your cute studio!! I wish mine was so organized!!
I am soooo jealous. I can never get organized enough to get my craft room like that. I usually do a project and the fur and feathers fly and it takes me a while to go back to clean it up.
Great job. Janis
Soooooo cute, that room looks so cheerful, you'll really enjoy working in there. Have a geat weekend....
Sandy, I love the changes..so funny you were able to find the new stuff in your closets...Hubby did a fine job!!
will you please ask your mom if i can come
over and play?
what an absolutely adorable blog!
Wonderful--what neat ideas are here. Love those knobs!!
I think I want you to come here and replicate that at my house, is what I think! Where did you get that corkboard border? You know I love what you did with the table top. Love all the colors and absolutely everything about this inspiring work of art that is your room. You are going to be immensely creative here!
I don't see an email address for you here. But I've been meaning to tell you that every time I comment, I get an email saying that an email to you with my comment cannot be delivered. So I got to thinking: is she not getting my comments? But it looks like you are. Just thought I'd tell you.
Brenda (again)
Sandy, I have come back three times now to look at your adorable craft room. Oh my gosh what I wouldn't give to have my entire closet made into the shelving unit you repurposed! Too funny about our tag deadline - Tomorrow Sandy! You have an entire month! I won't mail tags out until the Tuesday after Easter. I need that much time just to keep the piles organized! Have a great weekend, enjoy your creative space! Elizabeth
Hi Sandy, nice to meet you!!
Ahhh, you know I'm gonna love coming here!
Look at all the lovely color, retro yummyness!!!
I'll be back to look more!!!
Okay - you were my 125th follower - I'm your 125th follower!!!! :)
Your work area is just too cute! What a charming place to get creative.
Susan and Bentley
Sandy this all came together so nicely. I love your ME look in this room with the color choices. I'm thinking when I do mine it won't be this easy buying containers and cabinets as we live in Alaska and there are none locally so I must shop many miles away and haul them home. Your sweet Moose book came today and I thank you. I didn't have a clue what it was so I was very surprised and I did not have this book. I'm going to have to send you some of that special jam the moose was eating in the book. Hugs Nan
Soooo happy and cheery! It needs to be in that magazine..... Where Women Create!...
Warm blessings,
Okay, I am speechless. This room needs to be in a magazine! Kudos to you, Meri and the Mister. I LOVE it all. I especially love the ME borders on the shelves. Pure genius! : )
Thanks so much for sharing all the fun with us.
Sandy.....this turned out so darn cute! Can't wait to come over and do a few projects with you.
Oh my stars! I am so jealous! The border trim on the shelves is just the best idea! It all looks so cheery and sweet and creative and inviting and bright and - well I could go on and on. Cute! Now I want to see what you will create in there.
Oh wow! Thats all I can say.
YOur little craft room is so beautiful. I just love how you've got it all together! Congratulations, I just love it. I've enjoyed reading this post very much. Aren't hubbies good?
Hugs and Love Suex
What a great room to create in! I especially like the pegboard with the border - it looks very polka dotty. :)
One word... beautiful....
Oh, I just love your studio. The colors are perky and how could you not love the cherry cover on the table. I wish you could make a room for me. I love every detail. Superb job!
This is fabulous. The shelves look so whimsically cute. Great choice of door knobs and everything comes together so well. Great job! You should be very proud.
I absolutely LOVE your studio! I love the colors the cupboards, desk, table...just everything what's in it! Well done!
I LOVE it---It's inspired me to re-do my "craft palace"
Right on. This is just great. Now get busy and make stuff in there to mess it all up. Lol
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As soon as you get deceased so far off the deep end, that they don't precaution if they own biblical evidence or not.
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