OK...I am back. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed to say the least....I sooo went overboard with everything...again!
First, I need to thank my dear friend Meri Wiley for coming over and helping me wade thru the chaos. The first thing we did was organize all of my scrapbook papers. First I had to go thru every sheet and decide "keep" or "giveaway"...that was pretty easy, as my tastes are pretty set now, but the problem is I have been collecting paper for 4 years, and never using it....I know, sick! I just love paper! But after going thru this, I have pledged that I am only going to buy paper if I have a project already in mind. Meri said I can call her if I get the urge to go nuts again! She is a real good friend that way....
I didn't take any photo of the actual purging and organizing process because to be honest it was a bit embarrassing....my shopping addiction was in full force with the paper.
So, I am going to show you how beautiful it looks now, we went to Staples and bought a file cart ( 39.00) , Meri put it together and went to town!
She organized the paper first by pattern or solid, or card stock. Then we had a few other categories, such as Holidays, then a few more by Company....October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket, etc. This endeavor took Meri all afternoon! Again way too much stuff!
It turned out so nice, now I can roll this cart in front of me at any time....
I still don't have my shelves up, but I have been purging and putting things in my cute little boxes....
There is still so many things to go thru....I kind of hate doing this, because once again my shopping addiction is right there staring at me.
But, I am really going to be more aware of my emotional feelings when I go shopping. So very soon I can start creating fun things too!
Meri is coming back over on Monday, so I am sure we will get a whole lot more done!
I do have a note for all of you that thought the kitchen cart was a good idea for the printer....turned out it wasn't. It wasn't sturdy enough and it rocked, and messed up my print head. Everything printed fuzzy. Got the printhead realigned and Meri once more came to the rescue with this adorable vintage sewing table. I am going to paint it a fun color and put some decals on it. But it works perfect. The cart is in another part of the room now for storage.
Oh, and my boys came and took me out to dinner Friday, and brought me these beautiful flowers! I love flowers!!!!!
Your craft room is getting better and better every day! Imagine how wonderful it's going to feel to know exactly where everything is. I've enjoyed watching this whole process of yours, because I need to purge myself of alot of craft stuff too. I've just started getting into paper. It sure does add up quickly, doesn't it?!
Yeaaaa........I get to go over and do more work!!LOL It's all good, besides we get to eat all kinds of garbage, and yack all day long. Sandy and I are great at yacking, we actually can go all day looooooooong! It is really important, though girlfriend, that you get your act cleaned up, as I can't have you taking after a piggy like me. Of course this means that once we get your place cleaned and set up...your butt is over here helping me get cleaned up ;o)
Love ya'
I think I have the same paper issues that you have! Oh, and my desk looks so much like yours right now. I have projects to work on, but no space to work! I need to tidy up so I can play! You've inspired me!
HI Sandy! love your sweet blog. Happy Belated birthday too! I'm so behind on keeping up with blogs.. its so time consuming.. but I love it.
the table you covered with oil cloth turned out awesome. what a good idea.
well I'll be sure to come back soon!
have a great super bowl sunday!
Happy Birthday Sandy! I have such a smile especially visiting Meri's blog first! She says you love paper - I think you do! At times I think of taking over my spare bedroom which is very roomy, but I think I would become a paper collector, too! My very tiny craft room forces me to "stay small"! I just know when you are all set up, your room will inspire you to create. If not, well it will be darn cute just sitting and looking around! Have a great week ahead Sandy! Elizabeth
Good for you for seeing the shopping is tied to your emotions. Half the battle right there.
I have lots of great ideas for doing things but never seem to get around to doing them.
There seems to be something else taking up all my time. What could it be? Hmmmm I wonder.
Well this is great progress there girl with the help of a good friend makes it all the better. I'm watching how you do this so when I get a new craft room I can take a page from you on what or what not works. Keep up the great posts I love them. Nan
Your room is going to be so perfectly decorated and organized with wonderful work spaces when you get done. How nice that you and Meri were able to work on it together... made the process a lot more fun I bet.
I have to get serious about my 'stash room'.
You've made so much progress by the end of the day.
I wanna be like you ! ! ! ! Organized !
I think your paper addiction is like my ribbon/lace addiction! I'm glad you got it all sorted out. Now, hurry up and finish so you can get busy creating, so you can show us your stuff!
What a dear friend you have in Meri to help you so much with your organization. Getting oraganized is such a great feeling.....and hyour looks good too!
Hey Sweet SIL...I know you will get to the bottom of all of this.....THE PAPER AND THE SHOPPING! :>)
See you Wednesday.
Hi Sandy, I originally began to make the tag set with you in mind but thought I would wait and see your studio to see what it "needs". I am swapping my tags with Julie who makes the most complicated cards I could sure use help with a visual. I can't wait to see the big reveal in your craft room. I have just done a rearrange and am using a few of your great organizing ideas. A heart is definitely in my mind to make for you! Have a great week! E
There is nothing quite like the feeling of starting anew. A reorganized craft room or area is just what one needs to get their creative juices flowing. Great job with the organizing.
You're making great progress!!! I love the file folder idea. : )
I am "drawn" to scrapbook paper myself. Been buying it for oh, seven years probably. I don't go to Hobby Lobby when they have the half off sale anymore! I've been using mine to decoupage, so am slowly whittling it down. Also, my neighbor's seven year old granddaughter loves to come to my house when she's visiting and play with my stuff. So when "purging" I gave her a bunch of paper, rubberstamps, inks, etc., for her very own at Grandma's house.
I wish Meri lived close to me so she could help us get organized. We're a mess! We adore paper, too! Have a great week! Twyla
I know, I'm looking forward to it! : )
Would you mind emailing me? My address is houseofwhimsy@juno.com.
Thanks so much,
Mary Lou
Oh my friend...I have an entire wall of paper. For a long time I would buy paper that I loved and then wouldn't be able to cut into it. I'm getting better about that though. I'm actually using the Cosmo Cricket, Graphic 45 and October Afternoon papers instead of just looking at them. I am saving some $$ for my fun shopping in AZ! We will have so much fun! Your room is looking good. It will be so cute when it's all finished.
Good luck in the contest Sandy. Thanks for stopping by.
Boy, do we have a lot in common...I am in the process of going thru my crafting/sewing stuff and donating a lot...I have way too much stuff, too & not enough time to craft! I have the same Heartland Cherries boxes, too...in fact, they contain my scrapbooking/stamps stuff...yeah, the scrapbooking stuff I never got around to doing. Right now they are out 'cuz I was making Valentines.
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