OK....this is my first craft show. And I feel like I am going in 10 different directions! The show is from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday.....I am still making stuff.
Thanks to my friend Cheri, I do feel better about what I need to do. She is my "let's get organized and get it done" friend! God Bless her! :)
So, I probably won't be posting much of anything until after the show and I get back from vacation....so I will talk with all of you then!
The photo pretty much says it all! LOL
Thanks for coming by......
Good luck!! Try to enjoy it also!!
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Good luck with the show! I am also doing my first ever craft show as a vendor in May. Already I am trying to plan how I will display things and decorating and such. I am anxious to hear how yours goes. Take pictures, please! Becky
Good luck!! And I will be there Saturday! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Chill honey or you will be so uptight you won't be able to enjoy it. And a tiny tip for you is that the one thing that used to relax me during the show itself is to have something to be "working" on and it did two things..drew more people to my booth and it put them at ease while shopping. Good luck and I just know you will do so well. Wish I could come! XXHugs, Mollye
You'll do great, Sandy! Just don't freak out! I've been right where you are now---I know how you're feeling! It will just be alright!
You're creations will be wonderful and the ladies will love them--just enjoy--and BREATHE!
Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it went!
You're gonna be great! And I'm gonna get to see all your hard work in person! Woo hoo!
Good luck!! Have a great vacation and we'll look forward to hearing from you when you get back.
Susan and Bentley
Ditto to everyone before me. That last minute panic is normal but everything will be great! Your things are lovely and if you sell out-WOOHOO! Do you have your plan in place for your table display...I always find if I set it all up on my diningroom table and take a picture...it makes setting up at the site much easier. Here's are big hugs for you Sandy OOOOOO...just have fun and chat with evryone...oh wait, I don't need to tell you that..you'll be great!
Good luck with your show Sandy!! And if you have a spare moment that day, I hope you take a picture or two. :-) Wish I lived near enough to come!
Sandy, pleeeease make sure to take pictures of your booth and the show! And try not to worry. Everything that you've made is adorable. I just know you're going to be a huge success!
HI sandy, good luck with your show. Once you get there and get set up, the work is done and then you can relax and enjoy yourself!
the paper you asked about is by october afternoon and its new, just out. isnt it sweet!
and thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I'm fine. I dont know why I even posted about it! Its just a moment in time.. it will pass!
thanks again and hugs!
We'll be here Sandy! Wisconsin it is! E
HI Sandie!!!!
NOpe, the baby chicks are gone, living at my cousins house!!!! She gets about 6 eggs a day from her other hens!!! SO 3 more hens, yeah!!!!It takes about 5 months for them to start laying eggs!!!!
I will get some of her eggs when I visit soon!!!!
I will let you know the sizes of the labels as soon as I talk to MOM about a size!!!!!
Have a great week end
Hi Sandy, I hope your glaze is dry! Boy oh boy are you busy! I wanted to let you know that I just finished your peg doll and Scottie. Would you like me to wait to mail them until you return from vacation? I would LOVE to visit the west again. It was so beautiful and the happiest of memories for me. I have met Paula, and she is soooo funny! A group of all our friends would be heaven sent! Have a great weekend! E
Relax as best you can and enjoy.
Blessings to you! Come join me when you have a lighter moment and best wishes with everything! Hugs Anne
Hi! I am a friend of Jenny's and I saw your name over at her blog so I thought I would come and check you out! I love your blog. I think it might be fate that we meet, I lived on Lake Street when I was growing up!
I just know your show will be a huge success and you'll totally sell out of all your crafts! Have a wonderful time!
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