It is time for Vintage Christmas Monday and this post is perfect so please conside this my Monday post too! :)
Christmas is always a double edged sword for me. I am such a child at heart and I love the magic of the season so much! And having had two boys of my own I always tried to make it that magical for them also. So when I receive items from my childhood era I sometimes start to reminisce....
I bought these two sweet cards on Etsy, to put on my Christmas Card CD and when I opened them and saw the sweet writing inside it made me a little sad. Who was this sweet little boy in 1952? Are his parents still getting the joy of spending Christmas with him? Having lost my folks so early on, I think of all of the holidays I didn't get with them, it can be painful at times.

I bought these two sweet cards on Etsy, to put on my Christmas Card CD and when I opened them and saw the sweet writing inside it made me a little sad. Who was this sweet little boy in 1952? Are his parents still getting the joy of spending Christmas with him? Having lost my folks so early on, I think of all of the holidays I didn't get with them, it can be painful at times.

So many women of this time had the same script.....had to be how they learned to write in school. I love the way she put the date on the card too. My Mom did this on the backs....I have many like this. What a sweet sweet time this was in America. And I am glad I got to be a child in this era.

The other thing is being into genealogy, I can't help but wonder who these belonged to? What person out there wouldn't be so happy to see this card one more time. That's why I am so pleased my Mom held onto all of the sweet birthday and holiday cards they gave me and my brother. When I go into a Cracker Barrel or a store that has vintage photos for sale....it just really affects me.....who were they, where are their families? How did these wonderful pieces of a family legacy end up here? You look into the eyes and you think....they were once young, in love and married, possibly had children, worked, retired, a whole lifetime...and their photos end up in a restaurant or an antique store. I know at times there just isn't anybody left to own them, but it still seems wrong.
So, if you come across photos in attics and closets that you might not know who they are, ask people in your family! If you are fortunate enough to have relatives that could remember, show them the photos! You might not only find out who they were but what their lives were like....sometimes you can get that great Aunt or Uncle, Grandma or Grandpa talking up a storm when a photograph triggers a memory...
Spend some time with your relatives....find out about their lives, especially this time of year, when it can be difficult at best to spend time with "Great Aunt Lucy". All of us matter, and all of us have stories to tell. It truly is a gift to spend time with the past.....
Sandy, your post today has really touched me. I always feel that same way about abandoned photos. I can't help but buy them on Ebay, because I feel like I need to keep someone's memory alive. Even if I never find out who they were. If that is the case, I usually make up a name for them. I then post them on my Flickr account to share with others. Due to forces beyond my control, a whole box full of my Grandmother's photos were lost. No one in the family passed them on, and I long for them deeply. Genealogy helps to stay connected to those whom have passed, and I embrace that wholeheartedly. Enjoy your Christmas memories!
Love your blog! ... straight into my favorites!
I love the writing's in the cards I get. I like them better than the never used ones. I know what you mean about the hand writing my grandmother's was just like this! She was my memommy so I had a lot that looked VERY similar to this!
What fun to see old pictures. I have some of my mom as a child at Christmas I need to make a frame for. Lovely post!
Hugs, Lisa
It always makes me so sad to see old photos for sale. Several years before my Grandma passed away, I made her go through all of her photo albums, and in telling me about the pictures, she was telling me about herself, and it was just so fascinating to me. It made me see her as the young girl who came over from Czechoslovakia and had to work very hard to survive in a strange new country, instead of just seeing her as my Grandma! This was such a great post Sandy!
I'm glad YOU will treasure these and think of those that came before. Thank you for keeping the past and sharing with us.
Hi Sweet SIL - What a heartfelt post. Such a sweet card, too.
Love you,
I know what you mean. I never knew my parents. Never even met one relative on my father's side of the family. Never met him. I have one photo of them on their wedding day. One old black and white, creased from my holding it in my hands. Wondering why they left me? Wondering who my ancestors are, where I came from? I buy these old photos of strangers now and put them in my home and I love them. Everyone should have a place somewhere.
I feel the same way as you Sandy. I once bought a box that had cards that belonged to a teacher and were from her wedding to the birth of her baby. It was hard to believe that no one wanted them.
These cards are so adorable. I feel the same about the old photos and wonder why no one wanted them anymore. I like to collect them and remember them in a respectful way. It bothers me that so many end up being 'altered'. I love geneology and don't have near as many pictures of my family so maybe that's why I am so drawn to these faces. Have a wonderful week! Twyla
Sending you warmest Vintage Christmas Monday wishes from Boxwood Cottage in Germany
So true!!!! I love to buy antique postcards when I am traveling away from my children...I leave the previous writing on the card and write my note right beside the old note! It carries the love on! My Granny had 2 dresser drawers full of her cards she received. She would always joke and say, "When I am gone you girls will say what is all this junk!" That junk is now a treasure to us all. Memories and history! Merry Christmas!
Mama Holli
These are such beautiful priceless cards, thanks for sharing them... Bisous... Julie Marie
What a sweet and touching post. I, too love vintage greeting cards, especially the hand-written notes inside.
Second Hand Chicks
Sandy I understand just how you feel. I have been to auctions where family members are present and know these things are being sold, I just could never grasp that. I guess that is why there are folks like us to keep and cherish these sweet pieces of the past. Thanks for your heartfelt post. Judi
These are such pretty little cards Sandy. I think the same thing you do when I come across old photos in vintage stores. I always wonder about the people in the pictures. Thanks for sharing these.
These are such sweet cards. I think the same thing you do when I come across old photos in vintages stores. I always wonder about the people in the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
lovely to meet you!!!!
Sandy, We have like minds. I always love the writing inside the very best in vintage cards. Please be sure and let me know when you have your CD ready to sell. By the way!!!! My wonderful jar came today! I am thrilled to pieces with it! I will post a photo when we have a sunny day. It will be part of a project after the holidays. Thank you again for offering it for sale! Elizabeth
I love those sweet cards. My mom wrote just like that. Good writing was very important to our parents' education. I don't think that would be the same these days.. xo Joan, your hostess
these cards make me feel nostalgic...and happy:) thank you - and your blog is very cozy!
Wonderful Items & a wonderful post !
Merry Christmas !
Love the old cards and even better personalized! It is a genealogy find. I love finding the actual handwriting of a older family member who isn't with us anylonger.
Thanks for sharing this.
Your blog is so cheery.
Merry Christmas!
What a sweet and touching post. I, too love vintage greeting cards, especially the hand-written notes inside. Kelly Second Hand Chicks
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