I am so excited to be a part of Rednesday with Sue from It's A Very Cherry World... (see my sidebar). I am going to post a few photos of my Christmas decorations that have red in them!
This is one of my favorite things in my kitchen, it holds my Fiesta ware normally, but I loaded it up with vintage Christmas goodies this year, and a few fun Etsy items I have bought. The little felt cupcakes are so sweet! And the planter is fairly new, it is also from one of my favorite people Mary E! I love to "plant" suckers and cookies in it. No watering needed, and you can ask Jo my sister in law...that is a good thing! LOL
This is my regular cookie jar, and she isn't Christmas but I just had to take her picture too! Isn't she sweet? A Cracker Barrel find from a few Christmases ago...
This is over our TV....I have had Mr. and Mrs. Santa now for about 15 years....they are just about to be retired.....so my kids can have them. I got the wonderful "Believe" banner on Etsy this year. I have had the red hurricane lamp for years also.
So head on over to http://suelovescherries.blogspot.com/ she has all kinds of great people signed up for Rednesday! Thanks for coming by.....
Oh Sandy, I got so excited, first by your pretty plate rack, and then by the old boxes on it! What is that Sparkle Christmas Snow box? That ornament hanger box is so cute, and so is the Diamond Ray box. All of those old boxes really catch my eye lately! Love your apple-pickin' lady cookie jar too. Love it all!
Happy REDnesday!
I love what I see here! I have that Mary E. planter too. I put a mini Christmas tree in it in our room. I love your vintage items too and the banner. Who did you get it from? Your plate rack looks gorgeous too. I'd love to see MORE!
I just ove your plate rack with the bright Fiesta Ware. And the kettle is too cute! Have a great week and thanks for sharing your treasures today! Sherri : )
How can I not love your ME planter? A+ on your shelf decorating! Your tea kettle is so fun - I've never seen one like that before! Now, you know, that cookie jar is really Mrs. Claus doing her year-round apple-pickin'-for-pies!
Thank goodness someone is counting down the days till Xmas lol
Love your music, I'm a music freak, I love it.
Your vintage finds, all of them right down to the bottom of your page, yup went all the way down... love em all.
I'm going to look into Vintage Christmas Monday sounds like fun.
Your rack... plate rack that is looks smashing.
Happy Rednesday Sandy
Love Claudie
P.S. Mr Linky won't let me in tonight ; (
Aww..so many nice reds. I love the red Santa the mostest I think...seems like I remember having one. Happy red day!
Love all of your vintage Christmas things! the old boxes are so cool. Love the santa containers.
thanks for sharing all of your great goodies!
Oh, I forgot to mention I am having a vintage Christmas giveaway, so stop by and leave a comment stating you would like to be entered.
My pictures are always crooked like that. I can't figure it out. I go into my photo program and straighten them every time. I do have one hip higher than the other but good grief not by that much.
Hey Sweet SIL - I know how much you love RED!!! Great photos.
I think I have that teakettle, but I don't have mine out yet.
Thanks for showing your red pretties! I so love red, so I must try and remember this next week.
Wow they are all lovely. Been blog hopping for quite sometime now and people have different Christmas decoration and ornaments and they are just awesome. Thanks for sharing!
My Rednesday
I love santa tea pot!!! I love coming to everyone's blogs and seeing all the decorations. It is so inspiring!! Love the colors of your vintage items! Hugs. Tammy
I love your REDS! Especially that Santa tea kettle; I have a Santa tea pot, but it's not as cute.
My mother grew up on Lake Street in Brooklyn, NY -- so your blog name caught my eye. Thanks for visiting That Old House -- I'd love to meet your SIL and her Cavalier; we've had Cavaliers since 1994, used to "show" them but now just love them. Merry Christmas! Cass
Love all your decorations, but that Santa tea kettle is precious. So cute.
I love all of your red decorations. That little tea kettle is so sweet. I've never seen one like it. I like the banner on your entertainment center. I've been trying to think of what I could put on mine to tie things together. That is a perfect idea.
Hi, Sandy! I'm so glad you came by and introduced yourself! I love to make new friends. You have some super cute images over here! ♥
Hi Sandy,
The believe banner is too TOO wonderful! Your whole house (and your blog) looks so darling and festive! I LOVE IT! I'll be back for a cup o' tea and some Christmas cookies! lol
Well, all the pretty Christmas decorations were great, but it was that beautiful red lamp that caught my eye! Thank you for your sweet comment on our blog. I am so glad you like our tutorials! Enjoy the season! Twyla
If you give your Santas to your kids, what will you do next year???? Get some new ones, right? Your Fiesta is beautiful--I just found some cups and saucers at the junk store--they're the newer pastels but soooo pretty. Happy belated Rednesday!
LOVE all the RED!!!! you have some of the cutest holiday decorations!
I'm out making the SSS rounds hope your holidays are merry and bright!
Hi sandy it's helen from the malfie artfire shop i just joined your blog it's lovely have a very merry christmas.
Hi Sandy,
What a bright and cheerful blog you have and I love your holiday decor. The little red santa on green skis on top of your plate rack, I have on too! I have had since childhood, it was given to me as a gift and came filled with candy canes. My Santa has a skiing accident and the front of his skis are broken off but I still use him every year. Fun post!
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