Friday, November 4, 2011

My Wonderful Farmhouse

Now we all know there is a house we have driven by that just hit us as the “perfect abode”……and every time we see it, we imagine living in that house, making it ours and of course having all of the money to do so!

My cousin Linda and I were driving down a road in the outskirts of Eau Claire and went by just such a house… yelled to me, not quietly but rather loudly….here I am!!!!!! 

So I went back on a sunny bright day and got photos, and every photo I got  a little bit closer, this is across the street…


Then I kept getting closer until I was in their driveway!

My Dream Farmhouse in EC  OCT 2011

Look at the trim work….


This was a working farm… has a barn….right by the house….


Barn next to my fav farmhouse in Eau Claire

IMG_0221 and many newer little buildings, and the cutest garage that I didn’t photograph, my cousin is going to see if they decorate it for Christmas and send me photos…..right Linda?????  :):)


A white Victorian farmhouse with a red roof and red trim…..need I say more????  Other than being right on a main road I would have knocked on the door and asked to buy it!  I was still tempted to knock on the door and ask to see the inside…….this is definitely my farmhouse!!!!!  It is lovingly maintained and taken care of in such a way I doubt anyone would want to sell it…..but you can always dream, right??????  :):)


Linda said...

Oh I can see myself in such a house too! Wonderful!!

Into Vintage said...

I have those dreams all the time! This one is a beauty - I can see why you love it.

NanE said...

Oh I love it Sandy, I could see myself living there too! What a coincidence, yesterday I was "pinning" and I came across this gal's board and everything was white snow with red buildings. I will see if I can find it again, you would love it! Your new header makes me so homesick for Ohio! Hugs, Nan

NanE said...

Found it! I had pinned several things from it!

My Vintage Mending said...

Oh my goodness. Can I live in the barn? Amazing detail. Can you imagine all the painting....fabulous...smiles...Renee

Betsy said...

This house would have stopped me in my tracks! A white farmhouse with a red roof and a big red barn is my dream home. I know I'll be looking at this picture over and over again!

Cindy said...

There is nothing wrong with if you start moving your stuff

It would of caught my eye also.

Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

If you can't buy it, you can certainly keep looking at your photos. (That's what I'd do, anyway.)


Imagine a world without red
For either a robin or sled:
How drab it would be
No scarlet to see,
But only grey shading instead!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Red Oak Leaves

Wendy Annabeth said...


Debby said...

It's very cute. You can dream.

Carla said...

Hey ... That's my dream house too, Lol. It's going to get crowded when we all move in.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! even if I am fond of my green gables! ♥

vivian said...

Im always torn between a big old farm house and a tiny little cottage! what ever puts me closest to the lake I'll take! lol
have a great weekend
did I already leave a message here? I think I'm losing my mind! lol!

Andy's Attic said...

Sandy, I can hear it calling you even from here. It is perfectly adorable and should be yours!!

John'aLee said...

Gotta love it! Where would we be without our dreams?

LANA said...

Yes, I have a few dream houses in a near-by village. I drive down the street every month or so just to see if there are any changes and I check the internet almost daily to see if one of them goes on the market. I don't even know what I would do if one did become available; I would have to put my house on the market immediately, and how long would it take to sell? But I dream.

Lynn said...

omg, it is just beautiful!!

FHCS said...

What a pretty farmhouse. I agree, the white with the red trim is just beautiful. Hopefully it will one day be yours :). Thank you for sharing!

Jenny said...

What a fabulous house! And a fabulous dream!

LV said...

Living on the farm would be nice in buildings like this. They did make buildings like that when I was growing up.

Mecky said...

That is a great farmhouse!!
There is one not far from here that I have always wanted. I would love to knock on the door and offer them a good price to buy it if I could. The people who own it now have let it go to pot. So sad because if they don't do something soon, it will be too late.

Lynn said...

That farmhouse is splendid! Like you, I would LOVE a tour of the inside. I'll bet it's brimming with vintage goodness. I'm you neighbor at Rednesday and your newest follower. Love your cheerful blog!

Susan Freeman said...

I don't blame you. It is a charming farmhouse and barn!

Susan and Bentley

SueLovesCherries said...

Wow, that is definitely a top-of-the-line dream house!

Mine is in my town on a street called . . . Lovers Lane! It's farmhouse-style, yellow with green shutters!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Beautiful Farm house ! I can understand why it's your dream .

Cindy said...

Hi Sandy.

I sent you some emails and I haven't heard back from you.

Did you recieve Sadie Mae yet?

I hope you know I sent you a private email to join this ornament swap...but I never heard from you. Now I realize you might not of got it.

Let me know as soon as possible about Sadie.

Hugs Cindy

Donna said...

Hi, Sandy,
I can so relate. I DO have a dream house, too.
I think it would be fun to do a blog party of us posting our dream house. I'm going to take pictures of mine. Thanks for the idea!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

sandy, i love this, too! it is the perfect red roofed house!!!


Twyla and Lindsey said...

Hi Sandy,

Woohoo! blogger is letting me leave you a comment. It's not been for me lately.
I have had several houses like that ever since I was a little girl. I love imagining myself living in beautiful houses such as that one! I love the trim work!
Have a lovely Sunday, Lindsey

Unknown said...

Oh Sandy, I hope you are feeling better! Your quilt! It is so very YOU and so wonderful! I am so happy you have this to look at when you wake in the morning. What a way to start the day with a smile.
Love, love your fall blog. Makes me smile!!!! E

Cindy said...

Hi is me again. I sent you a long..long email today..explaining alot of stuff you had asked me about...and that Sadie has been sent to Ali..instead of you...I pray you got the email. Would you please send me an email so I know....glad you are feeling a little better. Get some rest!

Hugs Cindy

deb said...

♫ Adoraaable ♫

I have one too that when I drive by it's like someone else is living in MY house!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sandy! Just coming by to give you a hug and to say I hope you're feeling better! Happy days WILL come again! ♥


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