It has been some time since I have talked bout the chronic pain in my life. I just need to vent a bit….
When you “wake” up from a night of maybe some sleep…
And then through the course if you are lucky to have a decent morning….you attempt to go out and have a life.
….and in an short period of time this is your reality…
“But you look fine”….I swear if I hear this one more time….. this is what I would like to say….
Fibromyalgia is a bitch, pure and simple. And all of the positive, affirmative words in the world will not change it, or your reality. Yes, reality! Not yours, mine….. I really want to scream…
I am so damn tired of being ill….and yes, there are things that could make it better, a better diet, for one. And exercise….
And please do not tell me that you had a friend with fibromyalgia and she lost weight and started exercising and she is all better. I am so sick of hearing that. it just does not happen that way.
So be kind to your friends with auto-immune diseases. And don’t even imagine what their lives are like….you can never comprehend it if you do not suffer with it….but you can be kind and offer them support.
I want to ride a horse again, I want to be able to run, clean my house and go grocery shopping without paying for it for two or three days. Enjoy my friends, without having to worry that I will have to cancel…again. Take my dog for a nice long walk. Just the simple things in life. What it comes down to, is after 24 years of this pain….