When I was a little girl, we used to go back to Wisconsin every summer for vacation. One of those summers my Grandpa Harstad
decided that one day I need to go with him to Woolworth’s so he wouldn’t get lost in the store!
Image from Google
And so we went and looked thru the aisles, of course the toy aisle was my favorite! Grandpa bought me a wonderful little chalkboard with a abacus on the top with fun plastic beads. I am not sure why this particular memory is so vivid, but it is and I have always hoped that someday I would find another one of these so I could feel how special I was once more and bring Grandpa back for just a moment…..
The other day I was just looking at different things on Ebay and this saw this auction!
What????????????? Could it be???????????
Colored plastic beads, and a chalkboard….. lets look at the tag….
Well, if this isn’t the same exact one, it is just like it!!!!! I have told many people about this memory with my grandpa and now I can own a piece of my own childhood again…..yup, I won it!
Who says you can’t go back in time????? Small trips are welcomed and much needed at times! :):)
Thanks for stoppin’ by…….

I'm so glad you won that chalkboard Sandy! I just love hearing that someone is just as sentimental as I am. Ebay is just the best place for buying back our childhood, one toy at a time!
What a wonderful story! I am so glad that you found the chalkboard to help keep your memory of that special day with your grandfather alive. Thanks for sharing...made my day!
Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage
Sandy, I'm so pleased you won the chalkboard. It is amazing how items and little smells can take us back to such wonderful memories. We bought my grandparents home (and now own my greatparents home. While living at my grandparents home on a very warm day I could catch a whiff of Old Spice ever so often and it'd remind me of my Granpa. In this home I keep a little container of old spice, but rarely catch a whiff. I think he splashed it on so often at the old home it was embedded in the wood LOL
Hey Sandy! What a wonderful story and great photos. As soon as I saw the chalkboard, I thought,'Oh yeah, I remember one of us kids having something just like that.' Thanks for the memories...
Linda Ruthie
Now that is just fabulous! I'm so excited for you. Sounds like Grandpa was a treasure.
I am so glad you found the chalkboard.
What a sweet story.
How happy that you won the chalkboard! Those vivid childhood memories are the happiest ones of all. Thanks for sharing that -- it brought to mind lots of good times with my grandma.
Your grandpa looks like a great grandfather! What a great memory of him.
Sandy your blog is so darn cute!!! I love your table cloths. Love them Love everything. Who did your blog? Did you have someone design it? I absolutely love it.
Hi Sandy!
Wow, this is so sweet! I love the story, and that you found one on e-bay!!! Ahhhh, such sweet memories with Grandpa. Love it!! How are you doing sweetie! Much better I hope. Always fun to stop by for a visit, and see what you are up to.
Debbie from NJ
Sandy, I got so excited for you when I read your sweet comment!!! You will never regret painting those cabinets and you will forever be in love with them! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Sandy,
I so remember those sweet looking chalkboards. Your memories of your visit to Woolworths with your Grandfather are so wonderful. I'm glad you found one on ebay to always relive that memory. I oftern went shopping at Woolworth's with my Grandmother, and we never left the store without her taking me to the toy aisle, to pick out an inexpensive trinket. I "heart" Woolworth memories! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face today.
How cool is that...you found it and won it. They say there are no coincidences. :)
Thank goodness for eBay...I've found old treasures from childhood to remind me of people and times.
Hi Sandy. I know I'm a cry baby anyway but I don't know anyone that can make me cry and laugh at the same time better than you. This post sure did. I just love to find new old stock like this. Don't you just wish you could find an old store loaded with untouched goodies? I love your find.
Thanks for coming by and entering my giveaway. And the words you left on MIL photo album post brought on the tears. Ya' know I love you! T:)
P.S. Try to come by and leave me a 2nd comment on the Purex post so you're sure to get that 2nd entry. I don't trust me to remember.
Have a fun weekend!
Loved your story, very sweet. Great find too!!
XO Glad & Celia/Junebug
Such a sweet little story! Isn't it something how we can remember certain things so clearly, as if it were just yesterday. Glad you found that special chalkboard on Ebay...My friend surprised me with a Little Kiddle doll she found on Ebay, a short time after we chatted about playing with them as kids...Needless to say I was also thrilled! Have a happy week filled with happy memories, Sandy! :D Paulette
I loved this post about going to Woolworths with your Grandfather. I, too, have fond childhood memories of Woolworths...shopping there with my older cousin and then getter a shaved ice (for 10-cents) for the walk home. You find the "bestest" stuff on ebay...I'm still dreaming of a dollhouse some day. did you sell all of the furniture you bought or did you keep it? I can't remember.
Have a good week sweet friend!
aww!! thats so cool! There was a five and dime called Merrils near where I grew up and I used to go there to buy stuff for my barbie dolls! I soooo wish that place still existed!
have a great week Sandy!
Aw! I'm so happy for you, Sandy! ♥
Sandy, I was cheering with, and, for you as I read this post! I love happy endings!
Just found your lovely blog...it makes my heart sing. I so remember Woolworths! What a great post.
Off to take a peek around and some of your past posts. xoxoxo
What a precious memory! We use to have a Woolsworth in town and I'd go on weekends with my grandmother....I love things that can take to back to a moment and memory in time like that..so glad you won the treasure...hope you have a great week...Picket
I loved Woolworth's! We had an Art Deco beauty here in Lincoln with a Harvest House in it! One Christmas, Grandma Budka took me and my twin brother in the downtown Omaha Woolworth and said "What would you like?" My eyes caught sight of an AHM HO scale New York Central J3 Streamlined Hudson Locomotive. Grandma looked at the price and almost broke into tears. "Mark, Grandma doesn't have that kind of money. I wish I could get it for you, but I can't." I really loved Grandma even more after that. Thank you for sharing a wonderful story. You made a 49 year old man almost cry. Merry Christmas 2011!
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