Yesterday was a cold, rainy, “ be inside all day” kind of day here in Arizona. We don’t get many of these from here on out, so it was nice. I had made plans to have lunch with a new friend of mine, Karen Valentine. Karen designed my genealogy blog : I couldn’t be happier with it! I came to know her fairly well during that process, and she and I have stayed in touch.
If you haven’t met Karen… must see this video:
Here is her blog too! She also has a wonderful downloadable book out that helps all of us with our blogs, whether we are brand new or have been blogging for a while… ( Karen did not ask me to mention any of this, I am doing all of this promoting on my own! LOL )
Karen and I couldn’t be more different in how we decorate our homes, but I sure can appreciate the beauty! Wonderful palette of whites, creams, browns, so soft and welcoming…This is her chandelier over her dining room table….
So pretty and I love the creamers! Karen has a collection of the most beautiful brown transfer ware in this room.
Her living room:
Her kitchen counter and back patio…
Wonderful little vignettes everywhere!
And then….this is the one side of the double sided fireplace in Karen master suite…..
I love this mantel, I have never seen this style of fireplace with a mantel like this….so homey and cozy!!!!! ( notice the colors on the bricks)
Karen is decorated for spring with all of these wonderful little bunnies! When she told me how she buy’s the plain brown ones or other colors at places like JoAnn’s and repaints them, I was amazed!
This little guy was repainted, his wagon is an Altoids Tin, with a cute little picket fence( popsicle sticks) and simple little wheels she made herself! Is this not the sweetest???? A few more she has made….
Thank you Karen, for a wonderful day ! Have a ball at Round Top!

Love that chandelier. On another topic, I didn't realize you were in Arizona. Me, too. I for one, didn't like the rain much.
Thank you for letting us meet Karen Valentine. She truly is an inspiration to so many. I love her home and her blogs. I wish I still lived in Arizona, so I could meet all the wonderful bloggers there in that area. I used to live in Pinetop. My sister does live in Anthem, AZ and she has a wonderful blog called The Rusty Plum.
I really miss living in AZ.
Thanks for the introduction!
I'll have to check out her blogs.
Looks like you had a great visit. Love her house!
Sandy, it's easy to embed a you tube video.
Just find the video you want and underneath it there is a code. Just copy the code and paste it into your blog post with the "edit the HTML" code tab. Click back to compose and there it is.If you need any help give me a holler.
Yay for you! A fun day! I'm so excited that you're doing so much fun stuff! I can honestly say that your house is absolutely perfectly decorated as well!
You know I didn't realize you lived in Mesa! I also visit Karen's blog as well. Such talented AZ gals! :)
How fun to be meeting other bloggers in person! I also check out Karen's blog -- I only wish I were headed to Round Top too. Next year, I hope!
How nice to enjoy lunch with a friend on a rainy day.
Sandy! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. What fun, what a beautiful home! I just love your 521 banner is back up. It is my favorite because it recalls my coming across you. Thanks for the Hello! E
Hi Sandy~
Thank you for takling us along to Karen's. I've followed her blog for some time and have seen some pictures of her beautiful home...I'm sure it was delightful to visit in person. Yes, your tastes are different but both beautiful!
I'm glad to be visiting again!
Karen is a doll she helped me via e-mail when I was frazzled with a change i was trying to make on my Blog, I will never forget that. oxox, Diane
Hey Sandy, just wanted to stop in and tell you that I am and have been thinking about you. I'll get a chance to call one day soon.
Have a great weekend. OOXX's...Tracy :)
Thanks for the introduction, Sandy; it's always nice to put names and faces together.
I sent my Easter swap to my partner today - couldn't wait any longer!
Hey, have you put up your red check shelf edging yet?
Hi Sandy, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I love your blog and joined as a follower. I love the vintage reds on your blog. You had asked about the plate on my blog with the yellow ribbon on the tree. The name of the plate is "Home Coming" artist. Maureen Jensen. Her hand writing is very hard to read. A friend of mine found one on ebay doing a seach for Home Coming Plate. Made in 1991. I hope that helps.
Shirls Rose Cottage
Hi Sandy! im glad you had a nice day out with your friend. She seems like a very talented girl! her house is adorable, I especially like her chandelier!
I hope you have a delightful and creative weekend. I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing today. I have lots of projects.. but I may need to put them aside to work on something special for easter thats been dancing around in my brain! Also.. be sure to stop by my blog if you havent already, Im doing an easter giveaway.
My house is colorful like yours but I do appreciate how beautiful Karen's house is. I love her garden and her vignettes in her house are wonderful. I just love the wall above her couch!
What a lovely home! Love the flowers!
I LOVE LOVE your blog-----I can't believe how beautiful everything is.In your next swap I would love to participate if there is an opening.You have inspired me to use and display more of my vintage possessions.
Hugs, Anita
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