I am about to get busy with my prep for Thursday and I wanted to leave you with a few images…..
Do any of you do this with your bird?????
I think this is just to make us feel guilty…..this is how my bird looks coming out of the oven!
Which photo can you relate to????? :)
And the photos of the family????? These are stock photos from the web, but we can all relate….
I bought it, I cleaned it, I cooked it, I served it, and now I have to carve it???? NOT!
Check out the size the of table…. Don’t they look happy???? LOL
You can just about read her lips….”Can I put this stinking wine glass down now”? :) HORRIBLE looking turkey….is that plastic???? :):)
We all put such pressure on ourselves to have everything perfect, the house, the table, the food. I don’t know about all of you, but by the time I sit down I am not even hungry! I am so tired and so sore by the time the meal is served, I just want to go to bed! Sound familiar? LOL
I hope that everyone can take a breath and just think about this for a minute….The turkey in the third photo tastes just as good if not better that the turkeys in the first two photos! And the same goes for the rest of the meal…..take it easy on yourselves!!!!! I think this is the year we all make a good meal, set it up buffet style, let them grab a pretty paper plate and enjoy it! And yes, I have done paper plates, the meal tasted just as delicious as it would have on china!
Come on gals….let’s enjoy Thursday too!!!!!

You are so right. At our family get togethers it was always more about seeing people that we hadn't seen all year and catching up with them and much less about the meal. And I really think it's more the cook that worries about making everything perfect, I don't think the average diner cares as long as turkey is served. They don't notice what color the napkins are.
I love it when my daughter and I are together as she's so confident and skilled in the kitchen I can just hick back and relax !! This year we're going to a friends in town and I just bring the stuffing. Christmas I will be here and am hoping my daughter comes over from Kodiak. Have a great Thanksgiving Sandy.
We set a comfortable warm table that both the children & adults can enjoy without worrying about anything happening ...
Have a beautiful & blessed Thanksgiving ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Lovely post......Happy Thanksgiving,
Kitsch n Stuff
Thanksgiving? It's Thanksgiving this week????
great post Sandy.. I so relate to the not so pretty turkey.. but oh so tasty! I'll be posting thanksgiving pictures.. Our family gathering will probably resemble a thanksgiving you might see on the tv show rosanne or the ozborns!
Yes Ma'am!! I will take it slow and fun!! Take some pictures of your real family..lol
Hugs ..Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
BAH HA HA! Oh girl, you had me giggling all the way! My turkey looks just like yours. I'm usually doing good if I can get it out of the roasting pan in tact! And why bother decorating it like that? That "stuff" just gets in the way when you are trying to carve, those pretty little veggies would go shooting across the kitchen when I started carving. I'm with the gal in the last picture, after I've cooked all day, to have my family come to the table in whatever they happen to be wearing and dh has to drag himself away from the football game, I want a nice BIG glass of wine. Turkey tastes much better with wine, LOL!
Oh I keep forgetting to tell you how cute your apron pocket tag was! Loved the colors of the paper and the gal on the back with her hands in a bowl of goo! :)
Can you say "Food Stylist"?? I'm sure none of us are one. "Friends are the Family that you choose for yourself"...I'm going to have dinner with friends for Thansgiving...turkey & ribs...a special new recipe for Thanksgiving punch...show up, eat, enjoy and leave.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone...remember to be thankful. I am.
Sandy, my turkey definitely looks like the one sans decorations, but who cares what it looks like! It's supposed to taste good, not look pretty! Great post!
PS - have you mailed the CD? My prep time for the craft show is running low! Thanks, Becky
Hi Sandy Sweetie...
What a precious share this evening. I love it. I have always enjoyed cooking for the holidays, but our family has grown, they have families of their own, and this year DH and I are going out to a quiet meal alone, just the two of us. Someone else is doing the cooking for us after 35 years. The kids want to have their own meals, and I don't want to cook, sooooo we are going out. Yes we are. No leftovers to put away, and no leftovers to gain weight on. Yippeee for me.
Have a gorgeous Thanksgiving sweetie. I am thankful for our friendship this year. From my family to yours, much love. Many hugs sweetie, Sherry
Okay, I am turkey number two, but a crust of bread is a feast when shared with those you love!!
Hi Sandy,
My family and I are spending thanksgiving at a restaurant. We've decided we'd rather spend the time together talking and laughing and sharing great desserts than cooking, cleaning and doing dishes! I'm excited! It will be cheaper for us to eat out than to purchase SO MUCH FOOD for the four of us. Less waste, more fun! I'm ALL FOR IT! Have a wonderful thanksgiving, girlfriend!
Hey Girlfriend,
First of all, I didn't hear anyone complaining!!!! Methinks you art the one who puts too much pressure on yourself.......how about YOU take it easy.....LOL I cook for 25-30 each year and I don't get stressed by it........I love it....pain and all. Besides, everyone knows not to bother me for a week afterwards.....LOL
Please have a un-stressful Thanksgiving dearest lady.
Love ya'
I laughed out loud, that was very funny. I put on Thanksgiving every year for the whole family( well, whoever wants to come) usually about 10-15. It is always a lot of fun and we ALWAYS BBQ our birds. I will enjoy it again this year and hope you do too.
lol... plastic turkey.
I haven't even started shopping for the big day o' food :/ eeeeekkkk!!!!
Can we be just as thankful eating pb&j? ;) lol.
Thanks for the giggle.
Giggling here Sandy! OMG! What funny turkey dinners! I wanted to thank you again for my wonderful book and tags! I have photographed them for you and will send you wallet sized copies which are wonderful to craft with. I hope you enjoy the post! E
Hi Sandy! Now where did you get a picture of my perfect turkey? LOL LOL!!!!! I honestly don't know anyone who's turkey comes out like that. They use all kinds of tricks when taking pictures of food. (I googled it once) he he
I also don't put the whole bird on the table. I cut slices of light and dark in the kitchen, and put them on seperate plates. The meal is not perfect, as I don't make good gravy. But the meal is good, and we are all together. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
LOL. Thanks for the chuckle, and giving us all a reality check :)
Happy Thanksgiving.
What a cute post. My turkey will be a turkey breast this year. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
You are so right. I put pressure on myself because it was the first dinner in my new dinning room and I love doing tablescaping. Of course I got so busy getting the dinner out on time that I hardly took any pictures.
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