I decided that my hutch that I had in my room was just too big and bulky and it took up too much precious space. So I put it on Craig’s List and sold it! Yea!!!!!
So once it was gone this is how it looked….
Lots more space for my computer, printer and everything! But the modular unites were still taking up more room than they needed to and I needed to bring in another table, so I could put my dollhouse on the cherry topped one so I can work on it. '
So this….
Became this:
thank goodness for the Salvation Army! This is a sturdy heavy Formica topped table, it was 39.99 marked down to 29.99! Not real cute but totally usable!!!! And the way the legs attach I have lots of storage below.
The larger cupboards ended up behind the left French door and the smaller ones over behind the right door…
Then it was hours and hours of going thru everything once more time! I called Meri and she came and took all of the excess! She was a happy camper!
So now, this is how it looks!
I was lucky enough to get these plastic holders for my cardstock for just $1.00 each from my friend Jennifer at Mystic Paper here in Mesa.
I still need shelves, but they aren’t critical at this point. The dollhouse sits on the other table perfect…..
For the time being, until it is remodeled this is where it will be….I need to move all of my cute stuff from behind it and put it on the other side of the room. I also repurposed the red Kitchen cart….
It isn’t anything fancy, but it is very workable and after having “cute” I like practical better! Cute will come later! LOL What do you think of cloth skirts on the two table to hide the stuff underneath???? And what fabric would you use????? I appreciate ideas from my buddies!

Amazing transformation. I think any of your vintage fabric would work to skirt the tables. You must have the perfect pattern somewhere :>)
Sandy, where on earth did you get that swanky red kitchen cart?..simply divine. Yes, any cute fabric would work wonders to skirt the tables. You have a great work space. Lots more room than my overstuffed craft closet. :)
Sandy, Everything works perfectly! Very nice work space, I bet you are going to get real creative in that space! oxox, Diane
Your revamped room looks so great. I'm so envious of how orderly it is! It only takes one project in my "playroom" to make it look like a bomb hit!
It still looks cute...and with you, I need practical to get work done. My room doesn't stay cute when I get into a project anyways.
Yes a skirt in red/white checks.
I was looking closely at your room as I'll be making up my craft room and I haven't a clue how to do it and can't just run to a Wal Mart to buy containers either. Well I can but it 75 miles away. I was wondering if I shouldn't have some wooden shelving built some how. I have a friend who will do that for me if I design it.
It is darling as is! I have a similar red kitchen cart too!! What a wonderful place to create!
How wonderful to have all that room!! That's great and I'm sure the cute will just ooze into all the nooks and crannies real soon!
Oh man. That looks so good. I can hardly walk into my craft/sewing room. That's my next project as soon as I get done with my bedroom. You inspire me
great job, Sandy! I love a "L" shaped work space! All your pops of red make your craft room a very happy place!
I have tables cloths(sheets!)over my tables so I can hide stuff underneath. The skirts occasionally get in the way of the chair wheels but it's worth it.
I grew up with one of those kitchen carts! I can't remember the color, though. That's where mom had her coffee pot. I sure love yours red. I think I remember you showing it before.
Happy creating! ♥
Hi Sandy,
TOO CUTE! I am going to have to do the same at some point...I've been putting it off til the fall...and now, well, it's nearly upon us! ARGH!
How about a happy Mary Englebreit print or cherries or something in a red/white polka dot? (I thought it'd be cute with the black/white checked floor) Whatever you use will be adorable!
Hugs and happy cleaning!
Paula Clare
looks like you created a very usuable work space. looks great!
Oh my goodness! What a fun new room! I am glad you got it working again!
Hugs, Lisa
I think skirts are a great idea! I'd try using vintage tablecloths-if it were me-I wonder if you could hang them with a double-stick tape to keep from damaging them so you could use them as tablecloths again some day if you remodel again...
Hi Sandy! What a fabulous place you have to work and be creative. I would put skirts on the tables. I would keep them simple to contrast with that striking black and white checked floor. Perhaps a white muslin trimmed with red rick rack. Or, looking at your charming blog background, maybe a soft yellow trimmed with the red rick rack. By the way, I am crazy about that dollhouse!!
Susan and Bentley
What are you talking about, Sandy? Your craft room IS cute! Very cute. And I like how you made it more workable for you. I think skirts are a great idea for hiding what's underneath. More cuteness!
I adore it! It looks so inviting. Can I come over and look at the doll house while you craft? I PROMISE not to break anything!
Sandy, YES...you should do the skirts....I actually have one in my craft room now (not in the pictures you saw yet) and one left to do...... I don't sew, so I have a super duper crazy way to do it that involves a staple gun, duct tape and a stapler. Ghetto! But from the outside it looks like a dream!!!
The skirts make the room look less junky and gives it more of a flow.
Thanks for commenting on my blog.
Wow, lots of room and organization--it is an inspiration! It turned out perfect!
I bet you feel so good now that it's all done...I just went through the same thing 2 weeks ago--since I didn't die from it, I can enjoy it...lol Lots of work...I showed the whole thing on my other blog, http://Ioweitalltohim.blogspot.com if you want to see it go from "messed" to "blessed." It's in 2 older posts if you want to come take a peek.
I love what you did and wow, you sure have it organized...amazing!
Hey girly thanks for stopping by the "factory" you made hubby roll on the floor laughing! He agreed. I am going to skirt my UGLY "wood" grain 9ft long table with oilcloth and sticky velcro heck I may even do the top it's just gross... I wanted to wallpaper the back of the bookcases before I loaded them but time was of the essence I bet the kids are both in college before I get to that :( oh well. Your space looks great nothing compares to lots of work space. I am trying to remember which piece you got, my records are still packed, glad you enjoy it though :) Hope your summer has been grand!
luvs and glitter
Sandy, I couldn't imagine getting rid of your wonderful components and couldn't picture where you would be going, but OMG what a charming space you have created! You have so much work space now! I just LOVE what you have done. A Velcro strip on the edge of your table with curtains will be a great idea! I just know you will choose the perfect pattern. EAK! I love these kinds of posts! You have started my Home Alone Week perfectly! Love to hear from you! E
Thank you for commenting on the OA blog today!!!! I appreciate your kind words!
I am so envious of your Craft Room!!! It's beautiful! Someday I will have one...fingers crossed that this econmy improves and my kids get jobs then move out!! LOL
Thats the only way I'll ever get one!
Enjoy your new work space!! I know yoU will
Man! I could've used that hutch! It was adorable...but you are in AZ and I'm in UT, probably not too smart...love the red kitchen cart..where'd you get that? Happy b-day to your son!
Sandy...What an unbelievable job you have done..I am so jealous. my “office room/craft room” is one big disorganized mess. It was great for years and then it sort of fell apart. Maybe looking at what you have done will give me the umph to get with the program,clean out, and then reorganize. Right now everything is scattered all over this old house. I loved looking at your photos....congrats on a job well done.
Genie @ buttonsforbaga
Thanks so much for 'stopping by' and the 'chat'. Now that we have these great workspaces people are going to "expect" stuff from us...lol...oh the pressure! I love your redo, too! Thanks for sharing....Vicki
Hi Sandy!
Nice to meet you!
What an awesome craft room! That dollhouse is huge, my country house is a bit of a monster - takes up most of my craft room, lol!
Looks like your dollhouse renovations are well under way...Mine is on to it's second renovation, I think I was just learning things the first time and now I (almost) know what I'm doing I just couldn't leave it alone!
I look forward to seeing your progress!
The first thing that came to my mind was how cheery your room is! Love how the paint color on the walls, mixed with the black & white on the floor & little punches of red - too cute!
Thanks so much for linking up to my linky party @ http://debsheartandhome.wordpress.com/
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