Is this not the cutest graphic you have ever seen???? Sue outdid her self this week!
Today I am sharing some ads for vintage Fiesta dishes. I found them on a blog called The Pottery Papers which is owned by Candy of The Little Round Table. I asked if I could share these with you and she said OK! Now I warn you, these prices are going to make all of us wish for the Good Ole Days!
Even though it looks orange, they called this red……
This made me crazy!!!!! Yes, that is right. One dollar and 25 cents!!!!! This is almost impossible to find and VERY expensive!!!!!!
And who of us that loves red wouldn’t want a kitchen like this?????
I also wanted to share a couple of photos I got off of Flickr , and Ebay.
This was actually on EBAY….just 750.00!!!!!!!! EEK!
I would love to have this!!!!! An old piece of French Provencial gone red! Love it!
Wonderful jewerly with vintage buttons. This person’s Flickr name is Grey Goosie….
If you would like to see all of the other fun Rednesday items just click on the Ferris wheel at the top of this post!

Hi Sandy,
Yep, sure do wish we could go back in time and buy some Fiesta ware at those prices!! I love that kitchen with the red counter tops.
The Tattered Tassel
Sweet stuff!! I love it all. that kitched is adorable!
you always have such bright and cheerful posts!
hugs and happy day!
Cute things! I'm drooling over the picture of your vintage linens on your side bar-so pretty!
A very nice red feature for today.
I need a new sink and you just made me wish for a red one!! Happy Rednesday!
That kitchen was perfect. I want one just like it. And that fiesta ware. If only we knew then what we know now. lol
Hi Sandy, great pics today. I too LOVE Fiesta even though I don't own any, I want to start collecting new pieces and add old ones if I can find them at a reasonable price. I've never participated in REDNESDAY, may have to start!
Your Rednesday finds are always fun to see! I love the kitchen ad...that is so cute!
Love those ads (and the prices)! That kitchen is my favorite though. Love the red dresser ~ but the price on that sink ... yikes!!
Susan and Bentley
Oh my goodness! That kitchen!!!:) I'm posting about the reds in my kitchen today! ♥
Oh, how I love that kitchen! That stove is so adorable!!
Sandy, You and Grey Goose are like minded in the cute department! I always know I will be inspired when I visit here. Cute as can be Rednesday! Have a fun week ahead! Elizabeth
Oh I love all these sweet vintage items in red. Fiesta ware of course I have it for my dishes. I don't have china just Fiesta ware the modern stuff not the old, just love all the fun colors and how lively it looks set on the table. Nan
Hi Sandy,
I've been so MIA this Summer. But my goodness...I can't get over that adorable ME banner you received from Elizabeth! It's priceless. I love all the details!
And how fun that you found that amazing Renwal kitchen set. It's to die for. Way to go! : )
Mary Lou
Ohhh I would love to find some Fiesta wares and that kitchen is soooooo gorgeous!!
I love looking at old ads! Such an education! Great kitchen!
Wow, that print of the red kitchen with the yellow walls is to die for. Lovely.
I don't know quite what it is about red that almost makes me drool with happiness. Love that kitchen. Yes, a red lovers dream!
Oh my, that kitchen is adorable!! How dreamy. Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my little corner on the weekend.
Have a great Rednesday!!
Hi Sandi!
Oh boy! You sure gave me a major case of the "I wants" today! I adore Fiesta ware and I love that kitchen. So much fun!
Happy Rednesday,
Hi Sandy! I Love that kitchen! Why don't they make them like that anymore? I love all your reds. That red provincial dresser was awesome! Twyla
Cuuuuuuuute blog! Love it! :)
Thanks for stopping by mine today.
I am very grateful for the people in my life. I learned at a young age that you shouldn't take one day for granted. I lost my grandpa (pap) when I was 9. I've missed him everyday. My other grandfather died 21 days before I was born. I miss having a grandpa.
Anyways, enough about me. Thanks for stopping!!!
So vintagey...I have some fiesta ware somewhere too? Don't cha' just love RED?
I love the old ads, but the best thing is that vintage kitchen. wOW! I dream of a kitchen like that.
Wow! Wow! Wow! Your blog is simply spectacular! The colors and themes are brilliant and make my heart want to sing and dance! Your reds are beautiful! What a HAPPY place to visit; thank you for having me!
I would love to have a big old window over my sink! Mine is on an inside wall with a mirror over it "pretending" to be a window!
The jewelry is adorable - especially the necklace.
Love ya!
Hi Sandy!! Oh, what a cute Red Post! I love the sweet little graphic too! But the main thing I'm lovin' is that precious little kitchen with the baking center in the corner. I could get lost in there! :)
Thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love the red in the kitchen. I must admit I would pair it with oatmeal or fisherman white and then add touches for the seasons. Hmmm, I might be on to something here. Lovely colorful blog and I'm glad I found my way back here. I followed some time ago but closed down that blog... Hugs. Tazzy aka Tammy
Those are my dishes - I have a complete set of Fiesta and use them. Love your blog colors! that kitchen in the vintage ad! My dream is to find a cottage someday that has a kitchen like that still intact.
OK, here is my fiesta ware story. My dear friend, Donna, found some being sold on the side of the road in the Black Hills. There was almost a set for thirteen in pink and aqua, the vintage set. Guess how much it was...thirty-five dollars! She gave it to me as a gift. We have added four purple sets, since we have a lot of those three colors and I LOVE it. Those were on sale but still more expensive, of course. I am so happy with it!!!
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