Monday, March 10, 2014

On to Spring…..let’s play!




I think that Deb came up with a real winning project again!  Have you seen the Dollar Store wine glasses that have been made into little plastic cloches????


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They can be made for any occasion….these are just a few examples….I found most of these on Google…..

They are like the spoolies, easy to make and don’t take forever…..

So if you want to join in the fun this time, here are the rules:

1.  You must have an ACTIVE blog.  Active meaning you post at least as couple of times a month.

2.  The package needs to be sent out no later than April 1st…..PLEASE  I know things happen, but let me know…

3.  This is a one on one swap, and I hope you get a different partner but there is a chance you will be teamed up again with a person you have swapped with before.

4.  The swap includes the cloche, and 3-5 little items….little, not big!  lol

5.  It can be a Spring or Easter theme, just be sure to check with your partner as to their choice.

I am closing entries in 4 days….that is the evening of the 14th. Share this with all of your friends, the more the merrier….and on the 10th of April we will all do a post showing our goodies, OK???

Email me at letting me know you want to join, please do not leave a comment here for signups  (Subject: Cloche Swap) and  be sure to include your email address in the email so I can give it to your partner….this will be a lot of fun!  Your creativity can sure shine with this project!




The button for the swap is darling! I'll copy it and put it on my blog! You already know that I'm in!
Nice talking with you the other day!

Becky Garrison said...
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Patti said...

Yes, yes, yes! How fun!

imsteelefullofscrap said...

How adorable love them all

Scrap for Joy said...

Very cute idea, Sandy and Deb! I would love to do this but we are going to be traveling and I won't be home enough to finish in time. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. The sample pictures are darling!
Have fun!

Unknown said...

Sandy, I was worried about being able to commit to having this shipped by the first....but after thinking about it I think it will work out, so please sign me up!!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Ok, let's try this again with correct spelling this time... :) Please include us in this swap. I have emailed you also. Thanks!
Michelle and Ashley

Unknown said...

I've been wanting to make those for some time now, looks like I need to do some right now! Love those wine cloches.
Hugs, Lynnie

Annesphamily said...

I have missed your swap but will be back to see what everyone had in store! I have a precious cloche from my Princess House days. Hand blown with a lil bird sitting on top. I had a cat figure hiding under there and he looked like he was watching that bird! No worries, hiding under glass! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs, Anne

Sonia H said...

I love how creative and easy these cloche projects are.


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