My friend Cheri and me have been talking about spray painting quite a few items we both own that have needed it for about two years when do we finally decide to do it? At 10:00 in the morning on a day that hit 105 degrees!
I have to say I am please with how the chair came out...but we both almost got sunstroke! lol
This is the time of year those in central and south Arizona hate! Summer is upon up and so we go inside and find all those projects that need to be done indoors. Note to self...the other chair gets painted this fall! :)
So here is the before photo.....
During.... yes we had to pull it into the shade to dry....the heat was too much for the paint to set!
And the finished product! Ta-Da!
Spray paint has come a LONG way in the last 10 easy to use now...and such a nice finish...
Now If I can find a way to paint the other one and the little table that goes in between before fall....I heat it is to cool down to 90 degrees thsi next week! I might just try this again in our "cooler" weather Monday....
We drank water and Gatorade like crazy and then went to Culver's and had a bite to eat....then she went home and we both took a 2 hour nap! The heat just zaps you..We have both lived here the majority of our lives, we knew better....but we were!
And please remember no matter where you live in the summer....
Thanks for stopping by...