Sunday, January 31, 2010

I am back in my new room!

Hi Everyone!

I am finally back at my desk in my brand new craft room! I have a long way to go in the next few days getting everything back in and the shelves and pegboard up but I wnated to share how far we have come!

This is what the wall looked like where I sampled paint. I had a color I was OK with, but it was much too bright, so I took the paint chip back to Lowes and had them mix a small can of 25% and 50% less color. The 50% less color was perfect! So my friend Linnie came over and between her, me and my husband Wayne we got the room painted in a little over 2 hours!

The color on the far right is the one we chose.....

And this is the color all done! I tried taking some other photos but they just washed I hope you get the is the prettiest robin egg blue....I just love it!

Now, for the floor. When ever I take a photo, my dog Maya has to get in it, she ran in, turned around, sat down and she "posed"! I took this one so you could see how the floor looked first. Just plain tan carpet...blech!

Here, the tile is going in.....I was so afraid that when they took up the carpet the floor would be all uneven but we were pretty lucky, the guys that laid the floor only has one area to sand down. We live in a modular home, so it was board underneath the carpet.

And here is the finished product! I am so happy with it! We had to put 4 coats of polish on, and my husband thinks we need to buy a cheap buffer to keep it pretty...we'll see.
So what do you think?????

I was also lucky enough to find an old Cosco kitchen cart at Goodwill for 12.00. It was in pretty good shape, but the wrong color, so after a can of cherry red Krylon.....

This is how it came out! It is going to hold my printer, and paper and it holds my modem and such for my computer. Perfect piece for the room.
Well, this is all I have right now, but I wanted to share it as soon as I could! I can't wait to get into my bins and boxes and see what I know it is that shopping at home again! LOL
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Now they are Messing with my Childhood!

I AM SO MAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who doesn't remember these sweet little valentine treats?

OK...I wasn't going to do any posts as I have been super busy, but then I bought a bag of Necco sweethearts and just about flipped! Have any of you seen these???? New package looks like M&M's...and ( I just can't believe it) new colors and flavors.... they are horrible!!!!!! Green apple, grape, blue raspberry....there are no white ones!!!!! Are you kidding me????? They have taken away a candy that I have been eating for over 50 years!!!! And why????? Corporate America!

Now, messing with a candy that comes out once a year is bad enough but...are you ready? they are changing Necco wafers also!!!!

They are going all "natural"...don't these look yummy? YUK!!!! And there will be no more green ones! The green ones couldn't be made "naturally"...

"Natural" candy????? Still made with the same sugar that could kill us, but "natural flavors and colors" LOL
The chocolate ones..... the ones that you always kept for last? They are now coming in milk, dark, white and mocha chocolate! Again YUK!!!!

And these beauties......
They came out with these about a year ago or so...I only see them in the dollar stores...they are so bad very few were bought. Tropical flavors...are you kidding me? These are just horrible!
So take a look, you won't be seeing these anymore like this...another childhood item gone for good.
Who doesn't remember getting a pack of these sweet little wafers and being able to eat a few all day long! Of course, I chewed them down in 5 minutes...but you get my point!

Why must things always change????? They made billions of these little hearts and wafers every year. Billions!!!! You would think that would keep them happy. I don't usually get this upset about trivial things like this, but I am just tired of things changing just for changing sake....leave my candy alone! I have been to numerous candy blogs tonight and they are all raving mad about this! So I guess I am not the only one who is upset....

I will be hitting every 99cent store in Mesa tomorrow and buying up all of the old Neccos...they have a 8 year shelf life you know!!!!
Thanks for letting me rant.....sometimes you just gotta get it out of your system!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A short break

Hi Everybody,

Well, yesterday we painted my craft room the most beautiful shade of Robins Egg Blue, but I had to take my computer down and out of the space, ( that felt strange) so I am not able to download my photos and whatnot, my floor is going in on Tuesday and Wednesday and hopefully I will have the room put back together on Saturday. So....just to let you know, I am out here checking in with all of my favorite blogs, but I won't be posting anything for a while....I can't wait to show you the finished product!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

100+ Followers! Happy Dance Time!

When I got to 10 followers I was amazed, and then 20, 30, 40 I was beside myself! They like me...they really really like me! LOL

Then 50, 60, oh my gosh is this really happening????

When 70 hit, I was just so pleased!

Then I got to 99 and I thought oh I would check a couple of times a day to see if the magic number had happened.....and guess what?????

I HIT 101!!!!!! I just want you all to know how very much I appreciate your support and the comments and the means A LOT!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Paula's Gnome Party- Look, I found a live one!

I have been watching Paula at Paula's Palace of Altered Art and Elizabeth at Creative Breathing having a ball with their Gnome goodies! I don't own any right now, I had some in my yard, but they decided to move on... :)
But I was looking at Fat Quarter Shop's Blog and look! A real live gnome!!!!!

Apparently Michael Miller got him to help promote a new fabric line:

I don't know how new this line is, but it sure is cute!
I have tried twice now on Ebay to get a set of those cute little vintage plastic Christmas gnomes ( or elves if you prefer) like Paula has, but no luck. So...I will wait until next Christmas! Or when I see another set! LOL

Friday, January 15, 2010


I have been looking at a lot of blogs this morning( OK it is afternoon) and I just love some of the ideas I am seeing out there for organization. Using things you wouldn't normally use....and I had a thought pop into my head, I love those trios of little cardboard suitcases that you see online everywhere, but they never have exactly the look I want. Now I know I can decoupage any of them. But...I looked in my pantry and remember these little cases, but as with most of my cute things, here they sat! ( Remember this year it is DO!) I am just over the moon about these! And I already owned them! :)

Then, all of a sudden I realized these match my Banner!!!! Sue over at It's a Very Cherry World!. realized that the paper I had a sheet of to make my banner with, and a pad of paper she had bought were the same! ( Take a look at Sue's most recent post, the pad of paper is in her first photo) She got hers at Home Goods a couple of years ago. Mine was given to me by a friend, just one piece! But I saved it! LOL Well....these wonderful little suitcases are by the same company ( Lady Jayne Ltd) that made that paper pad! What are the chances of that????? Sue, I sure hope you are OK, if you are seeing this! Take a deep breath! LOL

I got these years ago at Gooseberry Patch, on (are you ready?) CLEARANCE!
So...I now have a really really cute set of these little suitcases to use in my new craft room....
I am hoping to do posts on the progress of this little room, so I can get all of your input!
I am doing the Happy Dance! :) :) :)

Also, Brenda over at Cozy Little House had this great idea using a dish drainer she found at Wal-Mart! Is this cute or what????? Perfect for all of the things that clutter my space. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My One Little Word & Happy 101

I saw a post at Joyce's blog Scrap for Joy. about this idea and I had to take a few days to think about this, but one word kept coming up over and over. The word is "DO". Over and over in my life, I have decided I am going to do "something", what ever it is, a craft, a self help program, a job, etc. But I never get it done. For instance, take crafting. I buy all of the items I need, (and then some) and then I just let them sit. Or I would just give up and put them in the Garage Sale pile. People in my neighborhood loved my gargage sales, most everything was new and all kinds of great crafting supplies. :) Or I get started and then never complete the project. I don't get tired of things, or really even lose interest. I just quit. My brother said something to my this past holiday season that really stuck. We were talking about crafting, as my sis-in-law Jo ( who also blogs at My Grama's Soul ) has taken to crafting a lot of fun things. I took her to my favorite crafts stores ( she had never been to Hobby Lobby! ) and we had a ball. She made her things... mine still sit in the bag. My brother hit it right on the head...he said something like " I have you figured out like to think about doing it and buying the stuff, but that is as far as you get". He is 100% right. I have a little problem sometimes with perfectionism and I guess I figure if I don't make it, I can't make it wrong. I want to but I just can't seem to do it!
I got that new sewing machine for Christmas and my gosh, I am going to learn to use it! Heatr that Meri???? LOL

The other main thing in my life that needs to be "done" is my health. I have to "do" the right thing and get busy! Same scenario here.... only with much greater consequences if I don't "do" something to get feeling better.

So my word for 2010 is "DO" and I hope that little by little I can follow this path. If you are the praying type, please put me in your prayers....I could use them!

OK.... on to Happy 101....Lori at Family Tree May Contain Nuts was kind enough to give me this award! Lori, Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! And like you, I am going to come up with some simple things that make me happy! ( Not as funny as yours but simple) LOL

1. I am happy to wake up every morning and walk.

2. I am happy when I can get off of the horse that I got onto, or out of the cart I got into.

3. I am happy that I live in a state with no cold winter snow.

4. I am happy that I can plant flowers most of the year and they don't die.

5. I am happy that I have such a helpful husband.

6. I am happy that I have the friends that I do. And the new ones I have made here.

7. I am happy that my brother and I are closer now.

8. I am happy that my sons are healthy and happy.

9. I am happy that we own our home.

10. I am happy that everybody shops at Wal-Mart, as that makes it possible for my husband to have a job!

See???? Pretty simple. Now I am to give this award to 10 people, if you don't do awards, that's fine, but you deserve this one anyhow! Hugs to you all!

Meri @
Elizabeth @

Paula @

Carol @

Jo @

Twyla and Lindsey @

Elizabeth @

Maureen @

Laurie @

Sue @

Becky @

I know there is 11, but that is just how it goes! :) Thank you for letting me ramble..... you are all so special to me!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Betsy McCall's Tag Along with Elizabeth

I wanted to join Elizabeth's Betsy McCall Tag Along at Creative Breathing. I went to and looked up my year and my month!

And here I am!

I love all of the outfits but the one in the lower left corner is my favorite! I would havee loved to see the whole magazine for that Month! February, 1954.

Take a look at the site and see what Betsy was doing the year and month you were born! Paper dolls....too much fun! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Come and get warm!

I just got done looking at some of my favorite blogs and I just can't believe the weather some of you are putting up with! So, I thought I would show you some warmth! LOL

Arizona is just gorgeous this time of year. We put up with 100+ degrees in the summer so we can have this in the winter!

My Orange trees are just about ready to let go of their fruit. But as you can see from the ground, it looks like fall at the same time!

We have three massive cottonwood trees ( without the "snow" ) in the little park behind our home. And as far as they are concerned it's fall!

My roses started their first bloom shortly before Christmas, I haven't had any time to clean them up so they look really ratty, but the color is nice. The beautiful red bush behind them is bougainvillea, they bloom most all year and come in wonderful oranges, purples and this bright red/pink. ( Notice my soil in this photo? That's right, what soil? It is hard as a rock! )

This bird is a Roadrunner. I am sorry the photos are a little blurred, he moves really fast! They are native to Arizona. They are meat eaters and so birds scatter when they show up. Aggressive buggers! One person told me his grandparents use to feed the roadrunner in their backyard little meatballs! LOL This one is huge!!!! He is at least 14 inches from the tip of his beak to the end of his tail. A lot of people in my park have taken photos of him! He seems to be a loner. No one has seen two of them together. He runs just like the roadrunner in the cartoon with Wiley Coyote.

It is suppose to "cool" down to the high 60's today, it was mid 70's yesterday. So, I hope this helped warm a few of you up! My husband gets tired of the sunny days, I could have them 365 days a year! Oh by the way, I have a guest room! So come and sit on my patio and take in the sun! You might even leave with a tan! LOL Take care and thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's All Put Away!!!!

My sweet husband helped me yesterday and it is all done! YEA!!!!! Now, I have to figure out what to do to make it a little less blank. I got some really fun things last year that I am going to put up and enjoy! That will be another post! :)

But...until then, these toys are the cutest little things.....and I do mean little. They are called Re-Ment and they are from Japan. I thought if I am ever lucky enough to come across a dollhouse at a yard sale these might work in the kitchen!

They had a few sets that are very retro for the kitchen, one even had a Norcrest Bluebird item! I was a Pez collector for years and just can't believe the detail on these tine tiny Pez!
OK...I need to go visit all of my buddies and see what they have been up to! Have a good weekend!

Disclaimer: I am not a Redskins Fan, but this bear was too cute!