Monday, January 25, 2010

Now they are Messing with my Childhood!

I AM SO MAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who doesn't remember these sweet little valentine treats?

OK...I wasn't going to do any posts as I have been super busy, but then I bought a bag of Necco sweethearts and just about flipped! Have any of you seen these???? New package looks like M&M's...and ( I just can't believe it) new colors and flavors.... they are horrible!!!!!! Green apple, grape, blue raspberry....there are no white ones!!!!! Are you kidding me????? They have taken away a candy that I have been eating for over 50 years!!!! And why????? Corporate America!

Now, messing with a candy that comes out once a year is bad enough but...are you ready? they are changing Necco wafers also!!!!

They are going all "natural"...don't these look yummy? YUK!!!! And there will be no more green ones! The green ones couldn't be made "naturally"...

"Natural" candy????? Still made with the same sugar that could kill us, but "natural flavors and colors" LOL
The chocolate ones..... the ones that you always kept for last? They are now coming in milk, dark, white and mocha chocolate! Again YUK!!!!

And these beauties......
They came out with these about a year ago or so...I only see them in the dollar stores...they are so bad very few were bought. Tropical flavors...are you kidding me? These are just horrible!
So take a look, you won't be seeing these anymore like this...another childhood item gone for good.
Who doesn't remember getting a pack of these sweet little wafers and being able to eat a few all day long! Of course, I chewed them down in 5 minutes...but you get my point!

Why must things always change????? They made billions of these little hearts and wafers every year. Billions!!!! You would think that would keep them happy. I don't usually get this upset about trivial things like this, but I am just tired of things changing just for changing sake....leave my candy alone! I have been to numerous candy blogs tonight and they are all raving mad about this! So I guess I am not the only one who is upset....

I will be hitting every 99cent store in Mesa tomorrow and buying up all of the old Neccos...they have a 8 year shelf life you know!!!!
Thanks for letting me rant.....sometimes you just gotta get it out of your system!


  1. ok, that is just WRONG! Why mess with tradition? Maybe the won't sell enough and they'll go back to the original. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

  2. Yes and they have an 8 year shelf life in your stomach too. Ugh. Enjoy

  3. Necco's are my Mom's and mine favorite seems when ever we are shopping and need a little treat this is what we get, would love it if they made all banana flavored into a roll like the chocolate.

  4. Now that's un-American! I have a good mind to drive 45 minutes to the plant (which is just outside of Boston) and tell them off!

    Funny, Mister was just saying yesterday that he had a hankering for Necco wafers!

  5. Well, I don't think you're as upset as you were yesterday, cause you definately sounded more pissed when you called. Don't let em' get away with it girl........give em' hell...I'll be right behind you picking up and eatin' all the ones you drop! LOL

    Lot's a love,

  6. I totally agree. Although I don't like any of the candy you mentioned, if they had success for so many years, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know one should stick to what works. When their sales take a dive, you will see another marketing tactic...packages touting the "original" flavored Neccos and Candy Hearts. I hope the companies get inundated with calls from unhappy customers.

  7. I agree....why would they do this? They probably did some "market research" with people who didn't grow up with these and just don't care. Ugh,

  8. this is a travesty we need to start a petition!

  9. I just had to be 111 - and am so glad I found you 'round about way

  10. I feel for you sister!! I too have an emotional response to candies of the past. They dont make anything 'good' anymore. I miss so many of the old school candies of my youth. I miss getting blackish green teeth from chewing black cat bubble gum! Good luck on your search!!

  11. OK! I am mad too!! Who do they think they are! I think we should revolt! Yes! A revolution of all of us who want the candy we grew up with! If you want natural, eat a carrot!



  12. the old adage 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' applies here. Unfortunately someone didn't get the MEMO!

  13. Oh saw mew package. Didn't know they changed the flavors. Everything seems to be tropical flavored anymore. Have you tried Sweet-tarts lately! GROSS! Yeah they cannot just leave it alone! Sorry!
    Hugs, Lisa

  14. I hate it too when they mess with a good thing! But I wouldn't mind if they made a roll of Necco wafers with just the licorice flavored ones in them...

  15. contact Necco at to let them know how you feel about the new flavors - maybe if enough people complain they'll change them back!

  16. Well now this is just too much!! I've been eating Necco's since I can remember and I still buy them. I'll be on the look out now for the new 'natural' ones. Oh my another childhood memory bites the dust.

  17. I love Neccos...I better get to the dollar tree and load up then. Yeah, I hate when they mess with tradition...remember the Coke Classic fiasco? At least, they fixed it when people complain...oh, I see someone posted a link for complaining - good.

  18. Oh no! Wait til hubby hears this. Why do they always have to change things? They think it's better, but it's not. I'll be buying some up too!

