Friday, October 31, 2014

Life with Fibromyalgia…


It has been some time since I have talked bout the chronic pain in my life.  I just need to vent a bit….

When you “wake” up from a night of maybe some sleep…



And then through the course if you are lucky to have a decent morning….you attempt to go out and have a life.



….and in an short period of time this is your reality…


“But you look fine”….I swear if I hear this one more time….. this is what I would like to say….


Fibromyalgia is a bitch, pure and simple.  And all of the positive, affirmative words in the world will not change it, or your reality.  Yes, reality!  Not yours, mine….. I really  want to scream…








I am so damn tired of being ill….and yes, there are things that could make it better, a better diet, for one. And exercise….


And please do not tell me that you had a friend with fibromyalgia and she lost weight and started exercising and she is all better.  I am so sick of hearing that. it just does not happen that way.


So be kind to your friends with auto-immune diseases. And don’t even imagine what their lives are like….you can never comprehend it if you do not suffer with it….but you can be kind and offer them support.



I want to ride a horse again, I want to be able to run, clean my house and go grocery shopping without paying for it for two or three days.  Enjoy my friends, without having to worry that I will have to cancel…again.  Take my dog for a nice long walk. Just the simple things in life. What it comes down to, is after 24 years of this pain….




  1. I hear you! I also wake up with excruciating pain every day...I try to brainwash myself into believing its only in my head...but its not. I am praying that you will find some relief from your everyday pain...

  2. I hear you! I also wake up with excruciating pain every day...I try to brainwash myself into believing its only in my head...but its not. I am praying that you will find some relief from your everyday pain...

  3. A plant based diet and as close to raw as you can get. Plenty of green juices will reduce your imflamation. My mother has chronic pain. Whenever she eats only raw living fruits and veggies she starts to feel normal again

  4. I was diagnosed with FM about 18 years ago and some years are better then others. What works for one person hardly ever works for another. And just because it worked for the first 3 months dose not mean it will work for the next 3 months. As stupid as it sounds to most everyone one thing that helped me was a Q Ray ( been wearing one for 13 years now)
    New thing I am trying is Yoga for FM... got no idea if it will help yet but what the hell.

  5. You have my support! Especially the "you don't look sick and why aren't your fingers bent". All I have found that helps a little is heat, thank God for heating blankets and heated throws. Just like Rebecca said, what works for me doesn't work for everyone. I just stumbled upon your blog, but there was a reason, so glad to of read it!!

  6. I'm so sorry you are struggling with this; it must be awful.
    I have no advice for you ... just a virtual hug.

  7. My heart is with you, Sandy. I have no idea what you're going through, but I can empathize because I have chronic asthma that keeps me indoors when it is cold...which is over half the year here in OH. People don't understand & probably never hang in there & do whatever you are able to do...and don't make excuses. YOU are the one who is important. Hugs to you, my friend.

  8. OMG! Just stumbled onto your blog. I agree with everything you say. I won't even tell you about my "adventures with Fibro". Have a question for Rebecca----what is a Q Ray?
    I too want to try some Yoga for FM, but not sure where to turn for that--a special DVD or special local class I have not found. God bless all those who suffer with FM.

  9. I'm a frequent reader, but don't often comment. I just had to say that I too have a chronic and "invisible" illness and it is hard when no one can "see" you are sick. I don't know what you are going through exactly and have no advice, but hugs and kind thoughts from Nebraska.

  10. Oh! I've got chronic back and neck pain and frequent headaches and sure can relate. People who've never experienced it just don't get it at all and can be so unkind.

    Sending hugs xo

  11. Hugs and prayers coming your way! Vent whenever you must, friends understand and care. The best thing anyone can do for you is to listen and you're quilting friends understand. God Bless You!

  12. Dear you, I could tell that you were going through an extra hard time because of your Pins. Every thing you pinned was exactly how I'm feeling now too. This morning my sister and some of our friends ran/walked a 5K. It made me really sad that I had to stay home.I hope you know that every single word of this post was right on for me. All we can do is try our best to deal with this B.S. right?
    RAW Plant diet? As if we aren't depressed enough! Ha!
    Hugs- Erica

  13. I am so sorry you are in pain. People can be idiots about a condition that they can't "see". I have chronic migraines. I make plans hoping and praying that I won't have a migraine and have to cancel. Luckily, my meds have been working very well for a couple of years. Sending you lots of hugs.

  14. I just stumbled upon your blog and felt like you were reading my story. After 9 years of Chronic Lyme Disease which then gave me Chronic Fatigue as well, at 47 years old I feel like my life is slipping away,quickly. Bit by bit I have given up my hobbies-sewing, crafts, embroidery etc, the cattle and ducks and chickens are no longer. Friends are few-who can blame them when I am unreliable and often need to cancel last minute. I am rarely able to go out much less do anything now. Most days are spent in bed in pain on meds wondering how this is all going to end. Doctors in Canada cannot treat legally, I have tried different treatments, drugs,diets etc all to no avail. Getting up is a huge effort most days. Sometimes just seeing someone going thru the same issues and feelings helps. Pain shared is sometimes pain halved.
