Friday, October 31, 2014

Life with Fibromyalgia…


It has been some time since I have talked bout the chronic pain in my life.  I just need to vent a bit….

When you “wake” up from a night of maybe some sleep…



And then through the course if you are lucky to have a decent morning….you attempt to go out and have a life.



….and in an short period of time this is your reality…


“But you look fine”….I swear if I hear this one more time….. this is what I would like to say….


Fibromyalgia is a bitch, pure and simple.  And all of the positive, affirmative words in the world will not change it, or your reality.  Yes, reality!  Not yours, mine….. I really  want to scream…








I am so damn tired of being ill….and yes, there are things that could make it better, a better diet, for one. And exercise….


And please do not tell me that you had a friend with fibromyalgia and she lost weight and started exercising and she is all better.  I am so sick of hearing that. it just does not happen that way.


So be kind to your friends with auto-immune diseases. And don’t even imagine what their lives are like….you can never comprehend it if you do not suffer with it….but you can be kind and offer them support.



I want to ride a horse again, I want to be able to run, clean my house and go grocery shopping without paying for it for two or three days.  Enjoy my friends, without having to worry that I will have to cancel…again.  Take my dog for a nice long walk. Just the simple things in life. What it comes down to, is after 24 years of this pain….



Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Cards…so much fun.. And goodies for sale!


Hi Everyone,

I have been away too long!  I have been participating in some swaps from a wonderful spot online called “Your Paper Pantry”.  One swap was to make 4 cards….I copied one style I saw on Pinterest and loved, but did the rest myself…..they have been sent to the swap director but I thought I would share them with you…

I am pretty happy with the results….

2014-09-30 12.18.00

2014-09-30 12.18.07

2014-09-30 12.18.15

2014-09-30 12.18.22

2014-09-30 12.18.29

I am anxious to see what 4 cards I get back…I have joined three swaps so far and they have all been a blast…please click on the link above and check it out.  Not just for paper crafters…all kinds of different swaps every month!

I am trying to make room for crafting and in doing so I HAVE to get some kits gone…so this is your chance to make that December Daily, or Baby mini album, or whatever you would like.  These kits cost me way more than I am asking…Shipping is additional…again, if you leave a comment it is yours.  Paypal payment only. These items are cross posted on FB.

2014-10-25 13.51.37

Everything you need for that December Daily, Mini Christmas album, or any holiday project!
All new, AC Peppermint Express 48 page 12x12 tablet, AC Wintermint Bingo cards, AC Figgymint bits, I package of stickers that match it all, 2 co-coordinating spools of ribbon and two individual sheets that also match.
The whole kit and caboodle is 20.00, plus shipping. I will ship the most efficient way to your door.

2014-10-25 13.52.18


A wonderful full collection from 2013. Glitz Paper Co Hello December. 12x12 kit, 6x6 pad, full package of whatnots, and 2 extra alpha sticker sheets. 18.00 plus shipping.

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2014-07-08 17.50.18

Complete set of Carta Bella Baby Mine "girl" 20.00 plus shipping. This is an adorable set and would make a great scrapbook album for a newborn!

2014-07-08 18.09.07

Carta Bella Baby Mine for a boy. 18.00 plus shipping.


It is still hot during the day, low 90’s, but we have been promised high to mid 80’s next week!  We cleaned off the patio, decorated it for fall and we will use it a lot this time of year. 


Hope everyone is ready for Halloween….

Thanks for stopping in….


Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Bailey!

Sorry this is wasn't when I took it.... this is our Bailey at one year old!