Friday, December 14, 2012

Our Lives are Forever Changed


Why?????  Dear God, please can you tell us why????


Parents at Sandy Hook Elementary School learning the news of their children.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”.


Jesus and Childfenb


  1. I'm sickened and heartbroken by this whole unfathomable tragedy.

  2. There are no words....and we will never understanding why these things happen....prayers to all of the families in Jesus's name...I know how it feels to lose a child, life is never the same.

  3. our thoughts and prayers go out to those families; this picture of Jesus and the children is perfect.

  4. I have just heard the news, I feel just awful. How will the families begin to cope? Why are there so many guns out there? I just don't understand all these tragedies!

  5. It really is a perfect picture Sandy. Viv posted another fitting one. The whole thing is beyond heartbreaking.
    Praying Tonight,

  6. Praying for all involved....children, families, teachers, first responders....such a horrific thing to have happen!


  7. This is an area where I have a lot of trouble with beliefs my freind. If God is in control why does he allow senseless things like this to happen? I really don't have an answer for that yet.

  8. My heart boke..can't stop watching the news or latest updates...praying!

  9. Words can't describe how we all feel but knowing that Jesus has those little ones wrapped securely in his arms in heaven gives me peace.

    My heart goes out to the families. Not sure how one recovers from a tragedy of this magnitude.
