Monday, June 11, 2012

Just Imagine….


I realized on Sunday that it would have been my mom’s 90th birthday this year.  And my Dad would have been 90 in July….now I know better than to believe I would have had them until 90, but it is still inconceivable that they would be this old! 

I wanted to share some photos of them with you…another time, another place, another lifetime ago…..

Charles Robert Burgess 7 months old

Charles Robert Burgess at 7 months old.

Charles Robert Burgess 4 years old

At 4 years old…..

Charles Robert Burgess at Silver Springs in Eau Claire Wis.

In high school….

Charles Robert Burgess teenage possibly junior year in high schoolLois Jane Harstad HS grad photo

My folks when they graduated…..

Phyllis and Lois Harstad

The only baby photo I have of my Mom, she is the little towhead on the right……the other sweet little girl is my Aunt Phyl.

My mom as a young girl in love….

Pretty Loie


A very young Chuck & Loie

In high school….

Charles and Lois Burgess circa WWII

During World War II..

Mom and Dad  Loie and Chuck

Right after the war….

Loie and Chuck Burgess 1975

My folks back in Eau Claire on vacation in 1975.  They would both be gone by 1983.

It is hard to fathom that everyone connected with these two, fathers, mothers, siblings, all gone but one.  Whole families passed away….I miss each and every one of them….there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of my Mom and Dad….how in the world could they have been 90 this year?????  To hard to fathom, because it means they have been gone much too long.

A year ago on Father’s Day this is where Scott and Rianna,  his daughter were….on his patio enjoying a good day.


We had just found out that he was ill…..and hoped to get him to the Cancer Treatment Center of America in a few days….it just wasn't’ to be…he was gone in a little over a month.  This is where we were this morning…..

Scott's grave

Rianna wanted to celebrate her Dad’s birthday, he would have been 52.   Her pain is not diminished at all, and it won’t be for quite some time.  I know how she feels and I wish I could have kept her from this heartache.  This is still so wrong… very very wrong… can people that mean so much to us be so far away?????  Just to hear their voices, or see their smiles…..but it is not to be here on this earth again …..still missing all of you….

Thank you my friends,  for letting me feel safe enough to write these feelings down and put them out there and know I won’t be judged.


  1. Sandy this is such a sweet and loving post. You can feel the love in your writing.


  2. Thanks for sharing such great memories and pictures of your family and close friend. It is amazing how fast the time goes by..I know what you mean by it's hard to fathom some dad would be 100 this year! I can't believe it.


  3. What a sweet post about your parents. I know one time I figured up how old my Dad would be if he were living today and it blew me away, 122 years old this June 20th. I really loved my parents and had such great ones and still miss them.

  4. Had a very similar discussion with my daughter this Sunday. Miss Judy Garland would have been 90 years old and we spent the day watching several of her movies together. Claire wanted to know why she was gone so young and why. I could only say how wonderful the gifts she had given us continue to be. I hope Rianna feels the same every day. You as well for your parents have given us a you...smiles...Renee

  5. Melt my heart, Sandi. Beautiful share. So love all the photos ...

    Have a great week ~

  6. ((((((HUGS))))) Do you know the song by Mercey Me....."I can only imagine." Brings me peace when I hear it about those that I have lost.

  7. Hugs from the heart, my friend! Your folks are undoubtedly smiling that you have so many happy memories. Those photos of them are TREASURES!


  8. Thank you for sharing such wonderful memories and photos of your sweet parents. Many hugs to you and Rianna! Have a blessed week! xo Heather

  9. I loved seeing the old family pictures. they are great treasures to have. I wish I had old family photos of our family.
    have a lovely day

  10. Sandy,
    WHat a beautiful couple your parents were. My Dad passed away almost a year ago, and I still can't believe he's gone. Mom died 6 years ago, so I have the same feeling-I'm the only one left. They are alive in your heart!

  11. What a heart-warming post. I really enjoy looking at old pictures...I own many! Having your story match up with the timeline made it very speciail to see.
    Thank you for sharing!

  12. What a sweet post. I loved seeing old pictures of your family... sad too. Thinking of you today!

  13. sad.

    You are as beautiful as your Mom! You really resemble her.

    Sorry you have so many to miss right now...hope your memories help!

  14. Oh Sandy, It seems we both were in a sentimental mood today. How is it couples were just so sweet looking so long ago. Your dad was a cutie right from the start. Your mom such a tiny thing. My prayers are with you as you morn the loss of your loved one today. E

  15. Well we must be on the same wavelength Sandy because I was just thinking about my own Parents yesterday and how my Daddy would have just had his 87th birthday and my Mom would be 81. It's so hard to imagine them that old but still I wonder, what would they have been like at this age. All of my Daddy's family is gone but my Mom was the oldest so her sisters are both doing quite well. I love the old pictures you shared and it was such a sweet post! xoxo Nan

  16. Please know I am thinking of you as I wipe away tears...

  17. My dad and both grandmothers passed away not long ago. It's hard to imagine that they aren't here, but their legacy still lives on each day. My heart goes out to you and Rianna (:

    XOXO ~ Michele

  18. So tender and thoughtful, Sandy...they're not really gone, are they? As long as we're remembering them...

    I so loved all your beautiful photos, too--treasures.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend...


  19. Such a beautiful post about the people you love and miss. The pictures are so wonderful for you to share. Be comforted with all the love you have going your way!
    Bless you Sweety!

  20. Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures of your dear parents, and your sweet and loving words. I lost both of my precious parents in the last 2 years, but I am so very fortunate in that they lived to be 85 and 88, so I am blessed. My heart goes out to you. XO Helena
