Sunday, June 24, 2012

Excited! Now blogging on the go!

Here is Abbey at home from my new smart phone!


  1. I was just thinking of her the other day. She is gorgeous..Smiles...Renee

  2. Alright lady if you can figure that out, you can surely figure all the other goodies out!


  3. Ohhh, think of the possibilities!
    Have a happy day!

  4. What a sweet doggy! Looking forward to getting my "smart phone" later this summer...until then, I'll just have to blog the old fashioned way!

    Wishing you a beautiful day, Sandy!


  5. Sandy, Your lunch box post was so cute! I wanted to ask you if your would be up for a Friendship Garland (kinda) swap. I so would love to make a garland to string across my large window of my favorite blog friends. A long triangle cut from 6" square with your blog name and your paper art style. I am waiting for paper to arrive in the mail to begin making my CB triangles. This would be like our block party. I think it would be such fun! You could ask the ladies who are your friends to make triangles for your garland. Let me know what you think! Always, E

  6. Looks like you are having fun with you phone!

  7. I just don't like that you cannot move the pics :( But it is fun to fdo it on the go!
    Hugs, Lisa

  8. Those things are just amazing, aren't they? They take such great pictures, so you'll never miss a great shot, no matter where you are. Have fun!

  9. Haven't tried blogging on the go yet.....

    I just picked up those doilies last night in the big city. I'll be headed back up there on Friday or Saturday. They had a rosey pink or it might have been coral too. I thought they were $1. You know how they just have them all lined up and I slowly poked around in them while standing in line. Let me know if you want some and I'll try to get some for you. I think they had green too. Okay, I could just totally be making up colors now. LOL Let me know. I'd love to get some more for me too.

  10. We love our iPhones and mine has replaced my point and shoot camera for most photos. Just so easy to take photos. I even use it to do my blog posts and to read my favorite blogs. There are so many cool photo and camera apps to play with and have tons of fun. You will love your smart phone.
