Friday, February 3, 2012

Discombobulated for sure!

I wish I knew why I seem to be really scattered right now… is the weirdest thing…just can’t “seem to light” as my mother would say… a flighty bird!

Things on the homestead couldn’t be better, the weather is great, my kids are great….so what is up?????  Wish I could tell you.

I spent some time on Flickr, sometimes just getting my mind calm helps….and I found a person who goes by the name of “salty cotton” that has done incredible research and scanned a ton of vintage advertisements for everything you can think of!  Here are just a few of the at least hundred they have. You know me and my love of vintage graphics….:)




This is not for toy trucks, but real ones…look at the colors! 

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I want one of these carriers…..:)


I would have had a hard time picking a color back then…..


Metal kitchen cabinets….still not a favorite…..


OK….gingham Formica topped tables…in yellow and red????  I have never seen one of these!  Hate the chairs, but the table???  Be still my heart!


I want all of these vintage ones please…..:)  look at those tins and bottles!

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Vintage Rubbermaid ad…..


These two flower packets are incredible!!!!!


Pretty enough to frame, don’t you think?????

And the last one???  Part of a painting company ad…..and yes, I will take this one please….

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Now for some actual fun in this world…..

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Just click on the photo to go to their site!  I got some of the fabric toweling for placemats and a runner…..perfect for my Fiesta ware!

Oh and I almost forgot….tomorrow is…….


And yes, at times I feel the amount of candles is correct! LOL

Thanks for stoppin’ by…….


  1. I love the seeds the best so gorgeous it would make me want to plant those for sure!!
    Thanks for the tip on the images too. And Happy Birthday. I'm sure you are quite young, (my son will turn 50 this year) you know how to feel young don't you? Pal around with old people. When I lunch at the Senior Center I feel like a teenager in there no kidding, now those people are old!! I leave with just a spring in my step!!

  2. oh I LOVE all those vintage ads! And the bright colors just make my heart sings, which is probably why I love my Fiestaware and I'm always trying to find ways to add more color to my home. Thanks for sharing!

  3. First of all girlfriend...I am impressed you could spell Dis....ted...I never could of spelt

    Then to think you took the time to share these yummy goodies with us...yes so much of this was from my era....I would seriously fight ya for the gingham

    Happy Birthday to you deserve to be spoiled rotten!!

    Hugs and join the other flighty bloggers right I don't know what is in the

    Hugs and Happy Birthday..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  4. Happy Birthday Sandy! Wishing you all of the best.
    My ~ a gingham fomica table, who knew?

    Susan and Bentley

  5. Well, lucky for us you needed a break. I am so excited to visit that site. Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. And a very happy birthday to you tomorrow!

  7. I feel like I just got a present...all those colorful ads. I just had to steal a few to look at again and again. Happy Birthday, tomorrow...may the sun shine even brighter on your special day! =D

  8. Oh wow, we had an 8 mm film of that Howdy Doody movie when I was growing up. We just loved it.

  9. Happy Birthday Sandy!! Love all the vintage things you posted. Don't you wonder what people will love about our day and time some 50 years from now??

  10. Oh I just love these ads! And Happy Birthday to you!!! I sent you an email! Hope to hear from you soon! Sandie

  11. Happy birthday to you tomorrow, Sandy! Those adds are great! ♥

  12. Hi Sandy,

    It was so fun to see all those vintage ads. Everything was just so more fun and colorful back then! I know the feeling you're describing--I can just end up walking myself in circles some days.

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a truly special day.


  13. Well look you have my kitchen, my table, my home and my seeds. I am set...oh its your birthday my mistake. I was lost in the graphics....they are gorgeous. Happiest of days to you sweet friend...Smiles...Renee

  14. Happy birthday. Hope you have a fun day tomorrow!

  15. Happy Birthday have a Wonderful Day! ox

  16. Tee Hee...I am still up..and today is the real


    Now you can go back to

    Hugs yours truly...Cindy goof ball.

  17. Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a fabulous day filled with fun...and some cake! ENJOY your special day! ♥

  18. Stopping by from Two Crazy Crafters to wish you a happy birthday. I've been quite scattered lately but slowly my mojo is coming back. Wishing you a wonderful birthday weekend. Tammy

  19. Oh the gingham table take's me back to my child hood (wish I would have kept it).
    Your blog has got to be one of the cutest blog's I have seen.

  20. Happy belated Birthday! Thank you for sharing the vintage ads. I love 'em too. I've been feeling the same as you lately. I feel like the lights are on but nobody's home. Maybe it is just "that time of year...."

  21. Oh! These are wonderful, Sandy! Thanks so much for sharing them...I'll have to check out that site!

    I know what you mean about "can't seem to light"--I've been feeling that way a lot lately. Just never had a good term for it--I'll have to borrow your mother's!

    Wishing you a beautiful "lighted" day, dear friend!


  22. Love those vintage much color!
