Thursday, January 26, 2012

More color!

I am sure by now a lot of you have found Pinterest.  It is such a fun place to go for vintage graphics!  There are a ton of Vintage Valentines out there right now.  I have noticed on quite a few of these cards the color is faded or just not quite what I want.  I have a program that came with my Windows 7 called Windows Live Photo Gallery.  It is a spot to do a little adjusting and such.  If you have this program, it can make a faded card look better if that is what you want…

The original:


After auto adjust:

177681147768364563_H4kC67Su_c - Copy - Copy

As you can see it is bright and sharper!

A few more images before and after:


39547302947617156_DHJwYCil_c - Copy

145522631678909749_R8tQle6u_c - Copy

Auto Adjust

Sometimes it is just subtle, you can also straighten the photo and many other things….if you haven’t used this before, give it a try! 

It is a lot easier than PSE for quick fixes, for me anyhow….:)


Also the other new October Afternoon coming out soon!



  1. Sandy,
    Thank you so much for the tips. I just joined Pinterest but don't really have much of anything there yet. I will be getting around to it soon. Love love love vintage valentines. And you are such a sweetie for the editing tips, I sure could use them. Thanks again so very much. I always love your posts!

  2. HI SANDY!!!
    Thank you so much for stopping in and wishing me a speedy recovery, I love my blogger buddies and they always put a smile on my face. I was always so pleased to read the comments and my well wishes!!!
    I love those vintage valentines, I need to pop over and find me some!!
    MY BLOG needs an overhaul so bad, just not enough time, I lost 6 weeks being sick and I am so far behind on all kinds of things, I still have some Christmas stars hanging from the air vents to take down, how I missed those, do not know!!!!I only put out a few Valentine decorations, I will be taking my MOM to Orlando for her 75th birthday celebration. i also have a bridal shower to host for my future daughter in love!!!
    Busy months ahead for sure. I think we need to plan another ladies luncheon!!!
    don't you????
    i will let you know when!!!

  3. Gorgeous valentines. I have lots of high-end software for my job but I was constantly using Picnik because it was easy and I could show my faculty how to edit photos quickly. Now, I'm searching for alternatives with Picnik shutting down and I've been playing with as an alternative. Thanks for your tips too!

  4. Thanks! I love easy...being lazy and all. I've had some fun enhancing some of my files. A few I left as is...the color alternative...though brighter, wasn't as sweet as the original. But it sure brightened up some faded ones! Thanks again! =D

  5. Very nice Sandy. Love how you corrected that.

  6. Cool! I am so behind in the photo editing! I JUST this week learned to lighten up a dark picture!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. Hi sandy, I have a kodak program on my computer and theres an enhance button that does the same thing. I use it all the time. sometimes it makes the reds a little neon, but then we just skip the enhancing when that happens.
    LOVe pinterest!!
    have a great weekend.

  8. Haven't joined pinterest, yet! Love how you made the cards prettier!

  9. what a great vibrant.... Glad you liked your hot pads....Hope you will be able to use them. Hugs,Mica

  10. Holy cow, what a difference! Thanks for the tip.

  11. I have collected vintage valentines for years... your blog is cute. I just had mine redone by Happy Harris. I think you will like it. Have a wonderful day!

  12. Hi Sandy,

    I'll have to check and see if I have this feature. I have so much to learn about taking and editing photos. Thanks for sharing this tip!


  13. Thanks for the tips. I just found some of the cutest Valentines today! I haven't found a reasonably priced truck yet! Found a very old one in red and green but it had a hefty price on it. Will keep looking! Sandie

  14. Hi Sandy,
    Great tips here. Those vintage Valentines are precious.
    I scrolled down to see your big tin dollhouse. My big sister bought me one for Christmas when I was about 7 years old. It looked almost identical. How fun!!
    Take care,
    Mary Lou

  15. Good morning, Sandy!

    Oh my goodness...Pinterst...I don't even want to know how much time on spend on that site...I LOVE it! So many things to find & inspire...

    Thanks for the tip on Windows Live Photo Gallery...I'll have to give it a try. I love Windows Live Writer, which I use for writing my posts--so easy & wonderful!

    Just came back from a three week blog "break" & it feels so good to be visiting my friends again! Thanks again for sharing "The Chosen" story--it really spoke to me & I love it.

    Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend!


  16. Hi Sandy! Love those vintage Valentines!!

    Susan and Bentley

  17. Wow Sandy, I have that program and have never even looked at it, guess I have a new assignment! But more important, how did I miss those images on Pinterest?! :) ♥
