Saturday, January 7, 2012

A bit of this and that…..

I have been busy looking at Pinterest and my favorite blogs and came up with some great ideas…..

first of all I want to show you some of the items I got at Michaels in the dollar bins….there has been quite a few posts about their recent stash….very Cath Kidston like and of course Mary E!

But I saw these stamps for just a dollar and I really like the graphics….




And the cupcake liners, which I just love to have, I haven’t made cupcakes in months and months…..


I was just at Kathy’s Cottage and look what she did with them…..

Here is another idea I like as it uses the old vintage jar look….

Pinned Image

                  ( Pinterest)

A jar full of cupcake liners


I just found out for the Valentine Swap I joined, my partner is a good friend of mine!  Love it!  Look out Joyce, you get to be my partner! LOL

Have a great weekend, what are you doing to get organized or de cluttered????  I am thinking about it! But that’s as far as I have gotten so far….LOL


UPDATE:  These items were 1.50!!!!  I think that is nuts!  I wrote Michaels a letter explaining how they always seem to ruin a good thing!  50% increase???  I don’t think so!  All of those dollar bins items are great money makers…..this is a shame, because it will change how I buy things there from now on…I think we all need to go to the Michaels site and complain.


  1. Oh Sandy - your post on the cupcake liners sent me dashing to Micheals where I got LOTS of cupcake liners and some ME stuff too. I didn't see those stamps so I'll have to make another trip there - oh darn - I did end up making a garland with the liners - you can see it on my blog. Thanks for enabling me - LOL!

  2. Michael's Dollar bins are the BEST. I own way too much stuff from them, often that I have no idea what to do with. Your display of the cupcake liners inspires me - where's my piggy bank, I know I have some dollar bills in there.

  3. Lovin the liners storage idea and LOVE the key stamp!!!!!!

  4. Great ideas! I am definitely going to use the jar storage method for the liners. I needed a new idea today! =D

  5. Yup! Gotta get me some dotty cupcake papers! everyone is going to michaels cept me! whhaaa! Okay. I feel better now. :)

  6. Love the bins at Michae's...did you notice that they are now 1.50 ... everything is going up!
    Still working on the craft room!

  7. Oooh...cute, cute, cute! Love that cupcake liner idea!

    I got really behind caught up in a Strepedemic around here...

    But I'm sending you warm (germ-free) wishes now for a 2012 filled with joy and happy discoveries!

  8. DANG! I missed the Lock and key!! I got the tea pot LOVE IT!! And the cup cake holders and redid my jars with them!! I don't know why a jar of fun things thrills me so BUT it does! Enjoy Pinterest!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. I love how the cupcake papers look in the sweet!

  10. No you didn't go to Michael's...ack...these are gorgeous. Smiles...Renee

  11. Aren't cupcake liners so happy looking! They are so sweet in bunches!

  12. I have some of those special cupcake papers but find I don't use them much. Putting them on display this was is a great idea!

  13. I love all of your cupcake liners they are gorgeous! I just found your lovely blog from Cutie Pie Cottage I'm a new follower now! God bless, Jennifer ♥
