Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Hunter Girl

Well, we found out what was wrong with the blog thanks to Karen Valentine, I had my counter go corrupt, so out it went!

I wanted to share some photos of Abbey we took on Christmas, this dog and my son have become quite the unit….they go out every weekend now and work on their communications and her ability to “point thru the flush” of the bird, retrieve the bird and give it to Bryan.

It is amazing to watch a 14 month old pup do this well. The trainer cannot wait to put here in some AKC trials this winter.

We have a lot of quail out in the back park here and so Abbey went “hunting”…..

Abbey 1 Xmas Day 2011

These next shots were all taken in a row….

Abbey 2 Xmas Day 2011

Perfect point, my Son told her “whoa” and she stopped dead….

Abbey 3 Xmas Day 2011

Here he is about to touch her to “release” her so she can move forward slowly….

Abbey 4 Xmas Day 2011

This shot just amazes me…he told her “whoa” again and she stopped with her hind leg in the air…didn’t move a muscle! I am so proud of her! Her abilities are incredible!

Abbey 5 Xmas Day 2011

Again, she had been told to stop…..after Bryan "flushed the birds” she was allowed to run after them….she just didn’t get any. She didn’t care….we had a hard time getting her convinced to come inside for awhile….her instincts are really strong. I just know Bryan and Abbey are going to be a heck of a team in no time!

My grand puppy is all grown up, and a beautiful example of her breed.

Christmas was a wonderful day of just family and relaxing, it couldn’t have been better!

Thanks for stopping by…..


  1. I love your grand puppy! and I'm glad you had a nice relaxing christmas. I'm also glad its all behind us now. Now I can enjoy the decorations and with out the stress of having to do so much. Thats why I love halloween.. all decorations and treats.. no big parties, no expensive gifts.. and not to mention, but my birthday is in the same month! lol!
    have a great week Sandy!
    ps.. did I ever mention that I love the tag you made for E's tag swap?

  2. Glad you fixed your blog, Sandy! Isn't that the worse feeling to have it mess up and you don't know why?

    Awesome grand puppy ya got there! I think pointing is so amazing. It must be so much fun to watch them work. Our mixed breed dog has a bit of lab and will occasionally point and I think it's just so cute!

    I have temporary custody of my Chaweenie grand puppy. I think I need to find a support group for grand parents raising their grand dogs. ☺! Just kiddin'. I love her but I do wish my boy would just let us have her and quit changing her home!

    We had a great Christmas, too. Less stress than ever before and THAT is a gift! ♥

  3. That is one beautiful dog. Glad your holidays were nice and you got your computer fixed.

  4. Oh isn't she doing well, so sweet. Great pictures Sandy.
    My boys love to flush up the pheasants I'm feeding here, we have up to 22 of them. I discourage it and they listen to me most of the time. I have had them as close as 10 feet from some of the birds and keep on a stay. As you know we are not encouraging the hunting of birds from these boys however if they want to hunt the rabbits they can we have an over abundance of them in the entire Kenai, literally hundreds of snow shoe hares eating our trees. Things will run their course in time and the food will be gone then they will die off. So far they only eat the lower branches of the spruce trees leaving the trunk alone, if that happens we'll have to get out wire and believe me it would be very rough to do in this weather if you could see what's out there right now. Love Nan

  5. How great! I love how much they can be taught when
    you take the time!
    Hugs, Lisa

  6. What a beautiful girl! And how exciting she's already turning pro:)


  7. She is gorgeous. I love to see all the muscles and how these dogs work. So glad you had a great holiday...smiles...Renee

  8. What a smart dog!! They must have such a great job! My son just left Orlando this morning to drive back to DC with my grand dog, i already miss her!


  9. Isn't that amazing? My dad raised Springers. We were at a field trial where they had barely weaned puppies who were going out in the water to retrieve birds. What small miracles God puts in everything!
