Friday, December 30, 2011

Changes are always good

I am just going to change gears here for a moment.  As most of you know that follow me, this has been a tumultuous year for me and my family.

A mountain of changes, and ones that were life altering.

A family member that has decided he no longer wants me in his life. I miss him, a lot…my family is very small and it was a huge loss for me.


The death of our dear friend Scott who was much too young, but through the process of Scott’s dying,  we all learned lessons that are so important!  About forgiveness, truly loving someone, knowing when enough is enough and being able to say good-bye and know that it was so right between the two of you at the end.  All lessons learned from Scott and his leaving us. We miss you Scott more than words could ever say, but we know you are healthy and happy on that other side.  We will all see you again, that is for sure! 

Scott 5

A marriage that almost didn’t make it after 31 years.  Talk about learning to let go of things and forgiveness….it is a daily lesson. I am grateful that we were able to survive and get strong again.  We have better communication that we ever did before.  Listening is so much more important than talking!

Montana Sandy & Wayne

We also have had great joy and new gifts in our life.  A wonderful grand pup that has taught me a lot about patience and acceptance. It is amazing what animals can teach us.  It has been wonderful watching my son start and grow a relationship with this sweet dog and enjoy the happiness she brings him.  Such a simple thing, and it is wonderful to see!

A retriever from the very beginning

Bryan and Abbey Nov 24 2010

This year we have also gotten to enjoy the company of  our youngest son Chris as he goes to a music engineering school on our side of town.  Having him back under our roof has been a blast!  He is going for his “dream job”….and we know sooner than later he will achieve it!


Manny, Chris and Oompa… aka “Fate of the Galaxies”

I have also started a closer relationship with Scott’s daughter, Rianna.  What a difference it has made in my life!  She is an incredibly strong young lady that has gone thru hard, hard times and came out on the other side a good strong woman!  I enjoy my time with her and hope we can spend more of it together in 2012.


(Photo taken this last Father’s Day Scott and Riana)

10 months of unemployment and no ability to get the infusions I needed for my Rheumatoid Arthritis.


So again, changes….moving slower, not going as much, being home a lot and really learning to enjoy it!  I hope I have turned this into a positive. The pain is worse, but again I have learned to slow down and “smell the roses”  so to speak! :)

I have also gotten to know me a whole lot better.  Taken a lot of time to discover who I really am, and I like myself!  I am not to loving myself, yet….but I hope to learn that lesson soon…:)

I am very thankful for all of the ups an downs we had this year and realizing as we look back that everything happened for a reason! Everything!    So as we start a New Year, my family is ready for what ever comes our way.  God’s grace is incredible!


Happy 2012 to all of you and may the year be filled with the blessings you all deserve!

New Years fixed Jpeg


  1. Happy New Year,Sandy!
    God's grace! I love that! May the New Year bring many Blessings and relief from your pain!

  2. I also want to wish you a happy new year, and may all the changes that come with the new year be good ones! I'll pray for you for relief for the arthritis. I know that can be awful. God bless.

  3. As you know, mine didn't make it. Glad yours did. I smiled when I read that. Good to know that some men get sensible and do the right thing. I'm very happy for you. Happy New Year!

  4. What a beautiful post. So honest. God bless you now and in the New Year! Continue to have faith, and give your problems to Him in prayer. You will be in my prayers.
    Blessings to you,

  5. Wishing you nothing but the best in the new year, Sandy:)


  6. Happy new year Sandy. I hope this year brings lots of new blessings your way. You are a sweet lady.. and I love your resolve to stay positive even when things are tough. I have a friend that has rheumatoid arthritis and she gets infusions once a month and takes some heavy duty meds every sat.
    not for nothing.. but wasnt obama supposed to fix the heath care system?????
    anyways... I'm so sorry you have to suffer with that pain.
    so what will you be doing to ring in the new year tonight? I hope you enjoy this weekend!
    happy new year!

  7. Happy New Year, Sandy!

    Strength through trials is a reality but I sure am glad when the trials are over!

    I feel like I've been getting to know myself better the last few years through facebook and blogging. Sometimes (most times?) Wives and mothers tend to lose themselves.

    Here's to a great 2012 and may we meet every blessing and trial with strength and patience. ♥

  8. Hi Sandie,
    I too have family members who no longer want me in there life and it has been hard! The hurt is almost too much to bear. But, I finally relaized that it was their decision, not mine, and I am not going to keep beating myself up because of it! I hope you do the same!! If you need to talk please call me anytime!! Goodness, we have so much in common!!! It is so unreal!!

  9. Sandy, your last year really has been full of challenges. But you have overcome them one by one and you are a very strong woman as a result. I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year!

  10. You know no year is easy but it is how we end up after it that matters. I know you and your family are stronger and happier for the most part so it it hard to be sorry tough things happen. Happy New Year!
    Hoping 2012 is good to you and yours!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. Sandy, you are a strong woman and I'm glad to count you as one of my friends! I'm sure 2012 will seem like a vacation compared to 2011! God bless you this year!

  12. Happy New Year Sandy!!! I hope you and your family will have a healthy and prosperous year full of peace, love and smiles.

  13. Happy New Year, and hope that this one is happy, healthy, and prospersous for you! Hope you can get relief from your pain soon too.


  14. Wishing you a Happy New Year - one filled with health, happiness, peace and grace.

  15. Dear Sandy~
    Your blog is always so refreshingly honest. You have had some major challenges this past year and you have risen above them and marched on. Now I pray that you will have lots of happiness and fun times in deserve that. I don't think Arizona is in the cards for me this year. My step-mom (who is almost 91) is having some health issues and may be unable to come down to Mesa (she's usually down from Manitoba in November) She's hoping to come down at the end of January but I don't know. I'll come back again some time and we'll plan in advance to get together!
    Peace and Joy...may they be yours in 2012!

  16. Happy New Year, Sandy! Wishing you all the best in 2012 -- it feels like it could be a very good year. :-) xo -amy

  17. Happy New Year Sandy!
    I am so glad we got to know each other a bit over 2011 and I look forward to getting to know you better in 2012.
    God is great to us.
