Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Down and Out for the Count


I am so sorry I haven’t been around……I have been sick for a little over two weeks….. I did this in early October like I have every fall, and I haven’t had the flu in years.


But I got on an airplane, and well you know the rest of this sentence….

Flu Bug

We all with it could be as mild as this, and as “lady-like”


But this is more like what it really is……



I have finally stopped coughing, and so my family now can all sleep at night…..I went out with my son today to get a few things at Wal-Mart for Thanksgiving dinner and I swear I wanted to wear a mask!


Just an hour out and I am pooped, for lack of a better word…..

I feel like I have lost most of this month, and it has me a bit on the anxious side……but Thanksgiving will be here in a week, so I figure by then I should be human once more……

This was one bad virus…..and I have heard people say it can last up to 4 weeks!  So I am happy mine was gone in a little over two….. still awfully tired and weak though….so take care of yourselves!!!!!!


  1. So sorry you've not been well! Please take care! That's what one of those trips to Wisconsin can get you!

  2. Wishing you a speedier recovery and hoping you are through the worst of it.We are getting on a plane next week and I have nightmares about the plague that will then run through the family!

  3. well, on the bright side, at least youve had it, and it'll be gone for the holidays!!
    I'm glad youre starting to feel better. Make sure you dont over do it!

  4. Had it here in KY too - today I pocket dials someone from work and they instantly knew it was me because all they heard was coughing Hope you're up and about soon.

  5. traveling always equals lack of sleep and illness for me. That's why I don't like to do it!

    I'm glad you're feeling better. I bet it felt good to get out even if it did wear you out. Try and take it slow! ♥

  6. Sandy so glad you're feeling better.


  7. Feel better soon and enjoy the down time...smiles...Renee

  8. i hope you're feeling better soon, it's no fun being sick.


  9. Hope you're all well by Thanksgiving Day!

  10. Oh Sandy, feel better soon! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  11. so sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Allergies here have been awful this year. Get plenty of rest. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

  12. Yuck ----get better soon!! There's been a lot of crappy crud going around!

  13. It sure has been a nasty strain of flu this year.

    Rest up!

    Take care of you!

    And take your vitamins!

  14. Being sick like that is NO fun! I totally understand the "pooped" feeling. Take care of yourself so you don't relapse. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

  15. Hope things improve real soon for you.

  16. Hope you get your strength back in time for Thanksgiving!

  17. Feel better! At least you did not get sick for the holidays. We all knocked over every now and then.

  18. Glad to hear you are on the mend! That's a long time to be sick...

  19. Hi Sandy, I sure hope you are feeling better and I hope you are back up on your feet in time to prepare for Thanksgiving, if not please inlist the help of others!! Don't over do it on yourself!! You take it easy and take care of yourself!!

  20. Aw, that's no fun. But you're right...lucky it didn't last four weeks. I'm glad you'll be up and around by Thanksgiving. : )
    I scrolled back to see your AMAZING quilt. What a treasure!! Lucky girl! : )
    Take care,
    Mary Lou

  21. Sandy,
    Thank you for the really sweet comment on my post. I am so sorry you were so sick. I was too, but mine was first a little cold which went into 2 ear infections and a sinus infection. This happens usually five or six times a year. I just can't seem to fight off anything, so I can relate to wanting to wear a mask out in public. I'm glad you are on the mend. I also read your other post about the apron quilt and I love it. I swear, if I ever get caught up on my projects I will make you something quilted, or at least a doll to sit on your new quilt!
    Have a great Thanksgiving!!
    Big hugs, (don't worry, I'm not contagious anymore)

  22. Good Morning Sandy...
    So sorry to hear you have been under the weather, but happy to hear that you are on the mend. At least you will be able to spend some family time together for the holidays.

    Tony and I are going out for Thanksgiving dinner, and then will stop by DD house for a little desert and a movie or two. We are taking our time this year. Slowing down and smelling the roses (so to speak).

    Please take care of yourself sweetie and have a beautiful, blessed Thanksgiving. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  23. Just checking in to see if you are feeling better.

    Susan and Bentley
