Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Bryan!

We are celebrating our son Bryan’s birthday today. Yesterday was his 31st birthday…..what???? I couldn’t be right there……but yes, it has been 31 years… Mom used to tell me in the short amount of time I had her after Bryan was born, “it will go too quickly”, enjoy all of it!  How right she was…..

Mom and Bry 1980

This is one of my most treasured photos…….I didn’t get many  more before she left us…..

Here he is on his first birthday….

Bryan 1 year old taken in Tempe AZ  J C Pennys

and his second…..( notice a pattern, yes I was into horses! ) LOL

Bryan 2nd birthday 1982 Carson City, NV

My Dad took him to meet his favorite superhero in November of that same year….”Spidey” was going on  break at the mall, Pop-Pop made sure it wasn’t before Bryan got to meet him!  My Dad is on the far right….Dad passed a month later….


Bry, spiderman and Papa Nov 1982

Here was my Mom’s favorite photo of him….I have to agree, it is priceless!   He is 6 months old here, he was bruiser, walked at 9 months!

Bryan Burgess McClay as a baby


His love for dogs started early, this is Bry and Corkey, on their first day together, she was HIS dog, no doubt about it!

Bryan and Corkey

And of course with Abbey girl earlier this year….

Bryan and Abbey Nov 24

His other love as a child….Pop Warner Football! 

Bryan first year of Pop Warne with the Americans in Deer Valley AZ

Bryan playing football

   Bryan has grown up to be a man any parent would be proud to call their own!  I know I have had help from above in guiding him to become the incredible, loving person he is!!!!!  We love you son!


Mom and Dad


  1. How sweet, Sandy. Happy birth-day to YOU & to your son.

    TTFN ~
    Have a beautiful holiday ~

  2. I guess I've been reading you for awhile now. Because I remember other birthdays you've chronicled!

  3. Happy Birthday Bryan. Your pictures are sweet.

  4. Bryan was an adorable little guy...remember when we dressed our kids in kiddie clothes and not street punk stuff? Little tiny kids in cammo and motorcycle t-shirts just don't do it for me. Give me Carters or Healthtex anytime. He's grown into a handsome guy. Hope you're having a fun celebration. Hobby Lobby was awesome!! I may go back tomorrow!

  5. What sweet remembrances of your son and parents. Your Bryan is obviously very loved! I'm betting he is equally as proud to be your son.

  6. what a nice tribute to your son! He is quite handsome. I hope you all had a great day!

  7. How fun...a boy and his dog. Nothing better. Enjoy every minute. Smiles...Renee

  8. Our son's almost have the same birth-date, a year apart.
    Both are handsome!
    Thanks for joining my fall swap!

  9. Happy Birthday to Bryan! It is so great to hear a mom so proud of her child.

  10. Happy Birthday Bryan! Love all of the pics! I bet you had so much fun going down memory lane. Our children are the joy of our life.

  11. Happy Birthday to Bryan. Mine has a birthday here on Sept 9th he'll be 49.

  12. He is quite the cutie...from birth until now! Happy Birthday to your wonderful son!

  13. Happy wishes for a happy day Sandy! E
