Sunday, September 11, 2011


My husband went out in our manufactured home park this morning to put up our flag.  We were the only ones with one up on our street.  I was astonished!  There should be one on every house in this park!  I am sure there are many flying through out the whole park as we have a wonderful community of people living here.  No one that is an American will ever be the same person due to those horrific acts of cowardice 10 years ago…..As I said on a comment on Yahoo about 9-11….”God Bless this country, we need his blessings now more than ever ”…..





  1. Found you through Cozy Little House. Yes, I hung our flags out today, too. One other on the block had theirs out. I live in NY on Long Island where many people lost family members. I did not, but one of the doctors that I worked with for many years lost a son( whom I had met a few times, nice young man ). I was working the morning of 9/11, I remember the expression and the colour draining from the doctors face when he could not get his son on the cell phone, (the son worked for Cantor-Fitzgerald, in the first tower near the top floor), he quickly left the hospital to try to find him. I am so glad you hung your flag out to honour those who died. - Lana

  2. That's sad...we have a lot on our block...we have many that were in the military they put them out almost everyday anyway!

  3. At least you did it! I think those that do remember help those who didn't ...remember.

  4. I put our flag out today with the help of my older son - there were a couple in the neighborhood but not as many as I expected. I think 9/11 should be one of those dates that we always honor by flying the flag - God Bless America -

  5. Our Flag flew today in Honor of all we loss what a beautiful Country we live in, I am proud to hang our flag, we do it all the time! Hugs, Diane

  6. I flew my flags in their honor yesterday. Only one on my block it seems.....

  7. I had mine out front the whole day! I'm with you...they should have lined the whole block.
    I hope you're doing well, Sandy. : )
    Take care,
    Mary Lou
