Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Heart of the Home Party- Favorite Cupboard


I am linking today to Sheila’s party today: The Heart of the Home Party-Favorite Cupboard….

I am just going to add a few of my favorite shots…I do not have a very big kitchen but I do have two cupboards that make me smile….

plate rack 2 (2)

I love my Fiestaware…..

Kitchen cupboard 2

Every morning I smile when I come out to my kitchen, color is everywhere and that is so me!!!!

kitchen cupboard 3

The salt and pepper shakers in front were my grandmother’s…

Plate rack 1 More of my dishes, my syrup dispenser collection and a few of my favorites….

vintage red kitchen shelf1 (1) where we hang our keys…

vintage red kitchen shelf1 (2) and get our cookies, sorry this isn’t all cupboards, but it was the best areas in my kitchen ! LOL

Please go over to Sheila’s and see all of the wonderful kitchens!


  1. OH I would love to sit and have a cup of tea with you in your cheerful little kitchen! My kitchen is small too. but sweet and cozy!
    have a great day

  2. Sandy...just loads of color and fun. How can you not smile! Renee

  3. Good morning, Sandy! I think your plate rack/shelf thingy is so awesome! ♥

  4. All the color is wonderful.. I am a bright color person, too. Love the Fiesta!

  5. Your colorful cupboards are so cheerful and charming, they make me smile too!


  6. I am a fiestaware girl too...we could live together and be perfectly happy haha!

  7. Love your cozy kitchen and the great cherry treasures!


  8. Hi Sandy! Oh, I love seeing your cupboards and the one filled with the Fiesta Ware is wonderful. I love color too and this would certainly make me smile too!
    Thank you for telling me there was something wrong with my linky. I had four columns put up and the entries on the right were just not showing up so I went back and changed it to two columns and now there you are! :)
    Thank you so much for coming to my party.
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Hi, I love your colourful Fiesta ware dishes in your cupboards and the sweet collectibles. I think going to your cupboard every morning would cheer me up with it's bright colours. Have a great day! Pamela

  10. I love your plate rack...that is gorgeous and so homey. We use Fiesta constantly, its beautiful isn't it.

  11. What a colorful and just beautiful home! I am in love with all of it. Red is my very favorite color (at the moment) and I have a lot of color in my home too..but I have to tell you, it does NOT hold a candle to yours. Not only that..but your blog is precious...LOVE the background.

  12. I love peeks at your collections Sandy! I would love a closeup of the cups hanging in the first photo with flowers. It's such fun to see all my favorite colors gathered together in such a wonderful way. You have the touch! Elizabeth

  13. Your so sweet!
    Thank you Sandy! They are going to a lovely home!


  14. Sandy, that old mixer on top of your cupboard in the first picture is over the top! Are those cherries decals, or did someone handpaint them? Or did the mixer come that way originally? I could barely get past that to look at the rest of your kitchen photos. But, look I did, and I think it's just so adorable and bright! I can only hope when I get done with updating mine a bit that it will look as bright and cheery. Great job, you've got a place to be proud of! Leslie Anne

  15. You know I gotta' love all that glorious color! I like the top of your cupboards too!

  16. What wonderful cheerful cupboards! I love all of the color.

    Susan and Bentley

  17. What a happy, happy kitchen, Sandy! Perfect that you have some glass cupboards to perfectly display all of your pretty dishes.

    Have a great day,

  18. So incredibly cute. I love a sweet cupboard full of lovely dishes.

  19. Oh my...this kitchen just screams of cheerfulness. I love all the happy colors. And how awesome that you have your adorable Grandmother's S & P shakers. : )

  20. Oh I love this you can be sure as I have Fiesta too. I don't have all these other cute items you have collected however but no matter no room here for them anyway. I adore those sweet vintage things of yours and the way you display them is perfect. Happy birthday to your dear son.

  21. Hi Sandy! I missed this post last week, but I'm glad I saw it today - I always love looking at your kitchen, probably almost as much as you do!

  22. Y'know - I forgot to mention how perfect those syrups look on that shelf - everything is so colorful! Gee, I wonder where you got those syrups? ;)
