Thursday, February 24, 2011

Easter Swap Signups End tomorrow night!

Ladies, just a reminder that the Easter Swap signups will be done as of tomorrow night.

I am going to be at my son’s house watching Abbey as she is having her spay surgery tomorrow morning….so I will get back to everyone this weekend! We have 46 people signed up so far. I am so excited! I think this will be a wonderful swap! So if you know of anyone who has expressed interest that hasn’t contacted me via E-MAIL ( …please let them know! Thank you all for making this so much fun!


  1. Hi Sandy...oooohhh how I love this site and all of your eye candy!! It's like a vacation on my couch!! *wink. Thanks for sharing...

    I have a question about the tag there a size requirement?


    P.S. I wanted to let you know I'm having a give away over at the Cherry Kingdom that you might want to get in on!

  2. Oh' Sandy, you're such a hoot!!! Yup, we must be sisters!!!! And yup, the economy sucks too but at least we're not in Egypt or worse Libya. I guess I'll never get to Egypt (I always wanted to go there)now. Maybe one day we'll look back and think these were the good ole' days when everyone got away from passing the Jones-idous. Cause it doesn't quite feel like the good old days yet. I tell you what you keep me motivated and I'll do the same for you Sweetie!

    Love ya girl! T:)

    Oh' yeah, I know you never got my email but I am in the swap, right?

  3. Hey Sandy I waited till the last minute to see where I was going to be at in my little world...nope not able to do this one.I missed E's swap and I will now be missing yours.There are days up here I don't know how I am going to bathe much less be creative!!lol

    Wow it sounds like you have a great group...and for your first one!!Great job girlfriend.

    Looking forward to seeing what you all exchange.

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  4. Sandy....I found your blog somehow, I can't even remember how i stumbled upon it but that doesn't matter. I've been snooping through your pages for the past 30 minutes. What a fun blog you have. I too love vintage linens and fiestaware and have the same red Cosco cart that you have in your craft room. I live in Peoria and it's always nice to see fellow bloggers living close by. I'm your newest follower. Have a great weekend.

  5. Sandy, I've been trying to tell myself, "No, you don't have time right now for a swap!", but I can't stand it! This one sounds soooo cute and fun, so I'm emailing you right now to sign up - probably the last one to sign up! Looking forward to it. Love your Easter cards you've posted for enticement!

  6. Gosh, Sandy, I hope you got my email! Had to send it 3 times - weird! Maybe I'm really not supposed to be in the swap after all! But I do want to take part in it!
