Monday, February 28, 2011

Things to be Desired


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,

be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

and listen to others,

even to the dull and the ignorant;

they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;

they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,

you may become vain or bitter,

for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;

it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,

for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;

many persons strive for high ideals,

and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love,

for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,

it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,

gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,

be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe

no less than the trees and the stars;

you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,

no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,

whatever you conceive Him to be.

And whatever your labors and aspirations,

in the noisy confusion of life,

keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy

written by Max Ehrmann in the 1920s


Imagine, people in the early 20th century feeling as we do now, today!  To most of us looking back, their lives seemed so much simpler.   It seem that life really never changes, and yet it changes constantly at the same time!  I have been looking for some thoughts or words that can help me feel less stressed.  I was visiting at Deb’s blog….

and she had this posted.  Thank you Deb, how very perfect it is for this day and at this time too….Have a good week everyone!  :)

By the way, Desiderata is Latin for "Things to be Desired."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Easter Swap has begun!


OK… I have taken and paired everyone up with their partner…I have mailed out all of the emails. If you do not hear from me by this evening, February 26th, please email me and let me know! I show we have 27 couples! Great first swap! Thanks so much and if you have any questions please let me know at Drop your partner and email and if they have a blog please go visit and get to know each other! We have plenty of time to talk to each other and get some great ideas for the tags and the goodies. Remember to ask about food or fragrance allergies if you plan on sending either of these with your tags! Have a great Sunday, we are expecting a big rain storm to start tonight and go all day tomorrow….:)

I will have a post on April 26th that you can all link up with to show off our tags and such…if you do not have a blog, that’s OK, just email me any photos if you would like, and I will add them to the post!

Thank you again for joining this swap! :):):)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Easter Swap Signups End tomorrow night!

Ladies, just a reminder that the Easter Swap signups will be done as of tomorrow night.

I am going to be at my son’s house watching Abbey as she is having her spay surgery tomorrow morning….so I will get back to everyone this weekend! We have 46 people signed up so far. I am so excited! I think this will be a wonderful swap! So if you know of anyone who has expressed interest that hasn’t contacted me via E-MAIL ( …please let them know! Thank you all for making this so much fun!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rednesday’s at Sue’s Blog !

Once again it is Rednesday at Sue’s It’s A Very Cherry World. I just saw this new banner she has… cute and so “Sue” !


Today I am going to share some items I actually bought from Sue from her Etsy shop…one of my new loves is syrup glass decanter thanks to the Farm Girls Christmas book! I was luck to get 4 out of the 5 here from Sue!


At the holidays they are going to be decked out in ribbons and candy! :)

I also was lucky to find this red one!

IMG_2721 So cute and love the flowers!

This one was a tad dirty and the spring had come loos and well as the yellow one above, I have gotten pretty good at fixing these…it looks easy but boy do you have to have small hands! LOL

I know you have seen these two things before, but I just took them out of the box and found the measuring spoons just a bit ago at Pier One…..truly one of my favorites now!!!!

cherry measuring cups still have the plastic sleeves on them. :)

cherry spoonsred range set

I got this set off of EBay years ago, it was a yellow rack and the jars were all messed up, I redid the decals ( bought them on EBay too, now I know how to do them) and of course painted the rack red, I see it needs it again! :)

And last, one of the wonderful Punch Studio “book” boxes. I got this at Home Goods when I got my tea set.


Please go say hi to Sue and check out all of the other fun reds in blog land! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

ME Monday with Vickie

Today is Monday so that means it is Mary Engelbreit Day with Vickie at Cherry Chick!

I received this wonderful ME friend banner from my friend Joyce from Scrap for Joy! It was yet, another great birthday gift! She knows I love ME, as does Joyce’s sister Barb… :)


Sorry for the flash, it has been gray and rainy all day.


So darn cute!

On my shelf of my craft room:


This is in my kitchen….


I have ME all kinds of places in my house and tons of her paper products! To see more Mary E, head over to Vickie’s blog!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday Goodies !

I wanted to share some of the fun items I got for my birthday….on the actual day Wayne and me went “thrifting” at my favorite thrift shops here in Mesa. I was looking for a rotating spice rack that held round bottles….and this is what I found:

spice rack for crafts jars It was three dollars less 40%….can’t beat that! I want to paint it red! But it didn’t come with bottles…so on to the next stop…and I found two acrylic trays with 20 bottles each ( $5.00 each) and there were all the bottles with each tray!


From the side as if they were hanging on the wall…


glass jars for crafts I had to wash the lids after taking off the white labels, they came off quickly and there were shaker tops underneath the lids….perfect! I want these bottles for my glitter and beads and such so they are out where I can see them, I forget I have them otherwise… I am not sure which older I will use…but I have plenty of bottles and nice holders either way…:)

This gift was especially made for me by my friend Meri, she has become the queen of shadow boxes! This one has two of my very favorite things….horses and cherries! Perfect colors too!

IMG_2662 See those cute cherries attached to the frame?


IMG_2666Aren’t these boots just the cutest???? And a sweet palomino foal! Check out Meri’s boxes at her Etsy site:

And last but definitely not least…..I LOVE Cath Kidston but can’t even begin to think of affording her kitchen items! If she would just open some stores here in the states! The difference in the pound and the dollar is too high right now and shipping is so expensive! But I found these at a Home Goods in Mesa……and Wayne bought them for me yesterday! :):) They could be from Cath herself!

IMG_2701 Aren’t these so cute???? I love the shape of the teapot…

IMG_2703 and look at the gingham on the top!


And I love the flowers inside the cups….


I know quite a few of you have gotten plates, bowls and three tired platters, but I had not seen this teapot! So happy with this, it will go with some of my Fiesta!

Along with these goodies I also had a few wonderful meals, got a cute reproduction vintage horse game ( Thank you Linnie) and had a great birthday month!

Thanks for stoppin’ by and please don’t for get about the Easter Tag Swap… is explained in the post below this one! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am hosting my First Swap!

I have decided I want to try my own swap and Elizabeth from Creative Breathing is going to help me! After talking with E, I think the easiest swap is a partner swap where you are paired with one other person to swap with.

So please sign up by emailing me at, I will need your email address to share with your partner. I will then get back to you and let you know who your partner is. If there is an uneven number of entires I will take care of the extra one myself!

I would like to make this swap to include a fun tag of your style having to do with Easter and/or Spring , and a little bag of goodies to go along with the tag! We don't have to go crazy here, but feel free to do as you wish! When you get your partner's name, please go to their blog and find out what their interests and loves are. That way we can make this a really fun event!

Please grab the photo above and post it on your blog along with a link to this post, the more the merrier....:) I will close the Easter Swap Entries on February 25th. That gives us 10 days to be sure everyone who wants to join can !

( Image from Google)
The goodies should be sent out no later than Monday April 18th, that way they can get to their locations by Easter which is April 24th.

(Image from Google )
Since this is my first time organizing one of these I am going to keep this a USA swap only please.

Thank you and let's have some fun!!!!!

(Image from Miss Rhea's)

P.S. Ladies, PLEASE send me an email rather than just leaving a comment here, I need to have your email addresses for your partners!
Thank you! :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

A very Special Valentine Present

I wanted to show all of you one more Valentine I received in the mail today….


This is from my new blogging friend Elaine….she started this project for me back in January and wanted to encourage my word for 2011 which is "FORWARD".


She is new to paper crafting and wanted some honest input. I was so amazed at this piece! Look a little closer…




The sweet vintage children’s images came from Nan over at “Bubbles of Joy”. Elaine did such a wonderful job with this banner!

I am hoping that you all stop by her new blog to say hello. Elaine is a very special lady, so please join me in welcoming her to our community! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day !!!!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, Wayne and me and our friends Cheri and her husband Brian had a wonderful Valentine Dinner on Saturday….and like a goof I didn’t take photos during the meal!  We had King Crab Legs and Filet Mignon and Brian’s homemade rolls and rice. The steak will be eaten tonight as we all went a little crazy with the crab, thank you Cheri and Brian! :):)

Here is the table I set…..


I used my red Fiesta, and some glasses that I got at the dollar store, they look almost identical to the Fiesta ones…


I just got the red pitcher for my birthday with Kohl’s coupons and cash! 


Now I wanted to share the rest of the fun Valentines I have received in the mail with you all……

From Sue t It’s a Very Cherry World… unique and different!


From Nan Edwards at Bubbles of Joy…


From a new person ( at least to me) Allison, I don’t think she has a blog yet…..


Viv from Viv on a Whim…..


From Deb at Garage Sale Gal:


Betty from She’s Sew Pretty:


A wonderful 1913 Postcard….and some fun red lace….



Look at the address !  And it got to her!  Amazing !!!!! :)

And Sweet Bee from Sweet Bee Cottage….


I also received these sweet handmade Valentines from a Meghan S. from Mars, PA……I ‘m sorry but I don’t recognize you name, any idea who these fun little Valentines came from folks????


Joyce, we will have a late swap…and Deb I will get yours out this week…..everything got away from me getting ready for our dinner! 

I think that is everyone now….if I have missed anyone please email me and let me know…..

Now…for the grossest Valentine ever……..



Check out my last post for the rest of the wonderful Valentines I received!

ALSO….I am going to do an Easter Tag Swap ( with some help from my friend E ) so let’s start thinking spring!!!!!!!