Saturday, October 30, 2010

Boo !!!!!!!!!! Happy Halloween!

Halloween suckers

Just got this from a good friend….thought I would pass it on!!!!!!!!!  LOL



  1. Oh Sandy ..Happy Halloween to you too.Remember limit your don't want a stomach ache tomorrow! lol

    Hugs..Cindy....eating some minatures chocalates!

  2. How cute! Happy Halloween to you, too, Sandy!


  3. Happy Halloween Sandy Sweetie...
    Hope you have a beautiful evening with lots of treats and NO tricks.

    I have finally been given a diagnosis: Spasmodic Dysphonia. My voice is not coming back. It will never be the same. They are trying experiments with botox in the vocal cords, but I am through with tests, and doctors and I am taking what little voice I have and moving on with my life. I know that for whatever reason, I have what I have, and I will take this journey one day at a time. I am okay with it.

    I think of you and smile when I pop over. You and Meri both have that affect on me. One day soon before the holidays I hope to get together with you. I haven't forgotten, just haven't felt real well.

    Many hugs sweetie and much love, Sherry

  4. Cool graphic, just perfect for your wonderful blog! Thanks for your kind words on my blog post. I know I'm going into tough times and positive words really buoy me up!

  5. Oh Sandy! Neat Graphic! Witching you a BOO-tiful Halloween, too!

  6. I love the witch! Happy Halloween to you!

  7. Sandy...I LOVE this post. It is so clever.
