Saturday, June 19, 2010

Let’s wrap this up!


I have had such fun reading all of your comments about your own memories of penny candy and where you got it…..

For me it was a small corner grocery store in Eau Claire. You know, the one that most neighborhoods had back in the day…..


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The one I went to was only known to me as “Stangies”…I guess it was his name. It was a tiny place on the corner of Broadway and 5th Ave.

It had one of those wonderful screen doors with the 7-Up metal sign on it, and old wooden floors. The penny candy was behind the register and so was Stangie…..he got tired of helping me and my cousin Jan, so he finally let us back there…..I took my eldest son back to Eau Claire last year, and I walked the route to that store with him…it was surreal…..going past 521 Lake Street via the alley, seeing the place where a playground used to be in a schoolyard that we played at all of the time, the building is now condos…but it looks the same. The grocery store is long gone, but not the building…here it is today:

Where the candy store was Bryan in front of what was Sandy's favorite candy store in Eau Claire WI

The steps are concrete now, they used to be wood….I can’t explain how odd it is to see my son Bryan in front of this building!

So here is to the candy store, and the little grocery stores and the wonderful memories we all have… more hurrah!

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Who of you remember the lemon Tootsie Pops???? My favorites were these and orange ones, and of course cherry!!!!!

And this really big piece of taffy???


Or the rest of these?????

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I could go on and on…actually I did! Thanks for going with me down this memory lane ! This is what my blog represents, all of the good things I remember…thanks for stopping by and sitting for a spell at 521 Lake Street, we can go over to Stangies whenever you want!


  1. Such memories I remember my last box of good & plenty costing 25 cents!
    oxox, Diane

  2. I still buy boxes of Dots, large ones in two kinds of flavors, one is regular and the other some kind of fruity flavor. Wis has maintained a lot of that 50's look today, where I grew up it was out ages ago. When I visit Wis it's like stepping back in time.

  3. I loved junior mints, the fake cigarettes and the wax bottles of koolaid!

  4. I remember most of those! Thanks for sharing Sandy! I remember that I thought the candy cigerettes tasted awful but I still just *had* to eat them because I was allowed too! One of my earliest memories is going to the candy store in Seattle and eating a Chinese? candy that had a melt in your mouth rice paper wrapper on it. ♥

  5. The store in our farm community was Whittons General Store and Feed room. They always had penny candy in Lance jars..and other red metal lid jars.She never would let us get the candy out..she had to.
    The wax cigarrettes were my fav..and the wax lips..we would have a blast with those!! The paper stick candy..that you shook the candy into yours tart! We always had to buy the see our last name was Gober..everyone would pronounce it Goober.My nickname thru High school was Goober..and in College when running for Homecoming queen ..on the posters I asked..Do you like Goobers ( and had a paper wrapper from the candy) then vote for me Cindy Gober. Hey it got me

    But my all time favorites..were Sugar Daddy' I have any teeth left amazes me!

    Thanks for bringing up old memories!!

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  6. What a lovely nostalgic post Sandy. I really enjoyed this. I'm all about the Dots! The red ones. And Chuckles. Yum.

  7. Oh, I love those candies, mostly for their beauty, rather than their taste. I love the rock candy on sticks and I love the look of candy buttons...the cutest things on earth. We had a neighborhood store and you could get a whole lot of a dime...Seward's Grocery in Mitchell, South Dakota! I will never forget it!


  8. Sandy, this is a great post. It's fun to go back in time and see how things have changed. A bit nostalgic though too.

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