Monday, June 14, 2010

Greeting Card CD ready for Shipment!

Hi everyone, I have received the mailers for these CD’s so, I know there are people who want this, please email me at with your address and I will give you mine for the payment. They are $12.00 with postage….. There is 177 images on this CD.

THANK YOU everyone who responded to my vintage children’s Misc CD offer….the Holiday one will be out next month!

OK….no more commercials on this, I promise! :)



  1. I'm excited! And I loved seeing you new non-Ohio Ohio friend! Hmmm...

    Hopefully you know what I mean!

    I feel like I've know you both forever...not that we're old or anything - ha!

  2. Oh my gosh! How cute are these
    I got here thru Happy Zombie and will be bookmarking you !
    I have sent you an email for a cd. Can't wait

  3. They sure turned out awfully cute!

  4. I love your blog, and all your posts are nice and interesting , vintage is a nice , nice ...thank you.From Buenos Aires , Argentina , Bolmara.

  5. I guess I missed it the first time. I see now that there are 177 images on the disc. Thanks! They're adorable! I will be ordering one... :)

  6. Sandy, I wanted to tell you how much fun I have had looking through your wonderful CD. You have chosen such great images for our crafting. Thank you again for all your hard work and making this available to all of us. Have a great weekend! Elizabeth
