Friday, March 12, 2010

A “Peep” into my obsession!


OK…I love them, I love to eat them, collect them, I covet them!

I have been a Peep lover since I was a child. The first thing gone in my basket???? The peeps!

But I digress, I just wanted to share these fun photos for today….I will have my collection out soon! I got rid of a lot of it, too big to store, but I still have a good amount…I will see you soon….




How can you not love these little buggers? The colors make me crazy! LOL

peeps-easterlollipops peeps-merchchickbeanbags peeps-eastercandyopen

Yes, I have these all! Have a good day everyone and I will be back with my peeps!

It is Remicade day….YEAH!


  1. Girlfriend,

    You are a what you eat, so you must be a peep! LOL

    I got my Tussie Mussie done! I'll send you piccy's


  2. Oh Sandy Sweetie...
    You are just to cute. A little PEEP at heart. I love it.

    I must confess I have already ate my share of peeps. I even have the grandkids hooked on them. Pure sugar, an insulin diabetic, what was I thinking? I figured 1, okay maybe 2, oh all right so I ate 3 of the darn things, I couldn't help myself.

    I can't wait to meet you and Meri at the luncheon on the 27th. What a fun time for us all.
    I hope we will have many shopping days in our future.

    Have a beautiful Friday sweetie. Country hugs and much love...Sherry

  3. Loooove the brilliant, vibrant colors. And the little critters are so soft and spongy and cute. It's true, what's not to love? Now are you a "fresh" peeps fan or a "left out on the counter for a couple of days" peeps fan?

  4. Oh cute! Did you see my peep lights? ♥

  5. Oh its soooo nice to find someone else who loves peeps!! Like everyone I know thinks they are gross but I LOVE them! I'm dying to know where I can get the little stuffed beanie baby peeps :)

  6. Hey sweet SIL....your post cracked me up!!! I think your teeth are going to fall out yet. LOL LOL

    Get some rest and feel better.



  7. I looked in Target for the chocolate covered Peeps, but I couldn't find them. They sound soooo good.

    Where did you find the tiny bag of peeps?

  8. I had no idea that they made Peeps collectibles! I thought you were saying that you had a collection of old Peeps candy! Yuck! I get it now though!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. I'm with Carol-I thought you were saying that you "collected" the candy peeps...Yikes! I never saw such wild colors and I've never seen the stuffed ones. You crack me up Sandy!

  10. I watched a show on TV once that showed the Peeps factory. I almost went into a diabetic coma.

  11. Hi Sandy,

    Oh I love peeps too! So cute! I like them a little stale though. the colors are so cool!! I like pink and purple!!

    Debbie from NJ

  12. And they are such precious sweet little peeps! I can surely see why you love them.

  13. Hi Sandy,
    The peeps are a favorite of mine too just like you always has been. Back when my kids were little I had to buy extra for their baskets I made up because I ate so many peeps. These colors we never had in the old days that I saw. Actually I only remember the yellows.

  14. Love your peeps! Those colors are wonderful! I have a little peeps obsession too-- I even have a silly t-shirt that says, "Chillin' with my peeps" with a row of peeps. :)

  15. Oh girl, you've gone Peep Crazy. Luv em too!

    A reminding that you send your Bunny Package to Sissie at Sissies Shabby Cottage.

    Please contact her for her address if you do not already have it. Thanks, Mollye

  16. They are adorable! So cute to look at.

  17. lol! peeps are my favorite time of year!!!
    and really no fat! just sugar... I like them stale!
    love your bright and cheerful blog!
