Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rednesday already? Wow!

I can't believe it is time for Rednesday already! Where did this week go????? I want it to slow down, I am having so much fun this Christmas season!

I am going to show you a wonderful vintage towel I won on Ebay this year.....I saw this and had to have it! In all my years of buying on Ebay I have never seen anything like this! I am going to find the perfect frame and have it blocked and put in the frame like a piece of needlework. It is in perfect condition, don't know if it was ever used.....

The little ladies heads on the picks coming out of the jello mold are so cute! I have a thing for jello and molds so it was just calling my name!

These cherries are just perfect!

This is going to be in my kitchen, the colors work with my Fiesta ware so well....oh and by the way...there will be no discussing the price! Honey, if you read this was a REAL bargain! :)
Check out all of the other fun things at Sue is a great hostess! Have fun today!


  1. Ebay was made for you wasn't it. However did you find stuff before?

  2. What a cute find...I love their jolly faces! But I would hide it away or Sue will have it for sure with all those cherries on it! LOL!
    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  3. I think that's the cutest towel I've ever seen, and it's definitely worthy of framing! Those old towels have become so expensive, that when I see a cheap one, I grab it, even though I certainly don't need anymore!
    Happy Rednesday!

  4. Oh, Sandy, this is just too cute (and funny)! Isn't it a riot what they did back "in the old days"? I suppose we'd be doing the same things if we didn't have computers, huh?

    Head picks in jello molds . . . whodathunk?

  5. Bwaaa I was thinking the same as Lori... however did you exist before online shopping... I wonder somtimes myself how ever did I do without.. ehheeh.. HUGS Tammy

  6. I love the towel ! Happy Rednesday !

  7. What an adorable towel you found Sandy! Sometimes when you snag the perfect thing...the cost is not important. (Thankfully, my husband doesn't read YOUR blog comments!) I loved the picture of you and Santa..I loved winter dress coats for little girls! If I can find your email address, I'm going to send you some vintage Jell-o ads to use!
    Merry Christmas! Joyce

  8. That is just calling may name! I adore vintage linens!

  9. I have never seen anything like that either. It is so cute and whimsical! Love it!

  10. Adorable!! I'm sure it was a steal;)
    I collect Fiesta too, we use it as every day dishes.

  11. Gosh! How wonderful & pretty ... will look great with your Fiesta ware.

    Follow/read us on new blog @

    Merry Christmas ~
    TTFN ~Marydon

  12. It is so will be wonderful in a frame..please share a picture when it is framed....I love the cherries..and red is my favorite color....blessings

  13. That is the happiest towel I have ever seen! Love your blog, especially the festive holiday designs.

    Happy holidays!

  14. SCREAM! It is so utterly adorable! How wonderful you found such a treat! Doesn't it make you feel a bit like Jacque Cousteau when he discovers buried treasure?!?!

    I LOVE're killing me here!
