Tuesday, May 31, 2016

We are done with Chemo!

Can you tell he is happy here?????

It has been a grueling 9 months, from diagnosis to chemo to surgery to more chemo.  They had to stop the chemo at 4 more to go as his kidney's were not functioning right.  He was ecstatic to say the least, and a bit worried....his one doctor at Mayo told him that they have a specific protocol they follow as far as the number of treatments, but there are many who cannot finish it for a multitude of reasons. It made all of su feel a bit better hearing that.

He was told by his Ortho doc that he no longer needs the brace, and he can put 30 pounds of pressure on the entire foot now, not just walk on the ball of it.  He is building muscle and it hurts like hell!

Chris is a trooper....no if, ands or buts about it!
We are both exhausted and sleep a lot....making up for all of those lost hours along the way.
I cannot wait to see him with a full head of hair and eyebrows again...

....so glad that when he starts to feel better it will just continue to get better and better.  No more one week of feeling human and three weeks of the month feeling beyond horrible.

Hopefully in a month or so he will be back to work at least part time.  Oh, and he can drive now....not sure how I feel about that one!  lol

We are feeling extremely blessed to have all of the support in the form of prayers, well wishes and help from our families and friends. Couldn't have done this without you.

 THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, on to living life as we knew it....:)

           This is the family on Chris' 32nd birthday, he wanted to have it at Peter Piper Pizza!

Thanks for stopping by.....