Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Fun Mail from my buddy Deb!


I got a huge package yesterday….’


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Deb sent me Valentine and Birthday goodies!!!!

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I don’t wait to open gifts…..so I had a blast getting all of the goodies out of the box…

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I just laughed when I opened this…it is so stinkin’ cute!  A Valentine Pixie ladies….:)  and inside….

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and inside the little box…

2015-01-27 09.19.00

Then I got busy on the Birthday goodies, my Birthday isn’t for a few days ( Feb. 4th) but I was so excited….

Look at this PERFECT Anchor Hocking Sale shaker….

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It was never used….look at the lid…

2015-01-27 09.17.19

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I have a Pepper one from her before…so now I have a set!  WHOO-HOO!

This is everything she sent me….Deb you know me so well….I cannot thank you enough!

2015-01-27 09.16.02

and of course Miss Bailey had to check it out….that little transfer looks just like her…will make a great scrapbook embellishment…

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A GREAT start to a good week!  I am so blessed by my bloggy friends…and so happy we met!

Bailey says Hi…:)

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Just keep at it!


I wanted to share this with those of you starting or trying to keep a personal business going….

This is about perseverance and patience…

This woman has been on Ebay for years, when they started the business it was her and her Dad and he passed away suddenly a few years ago and just devastated her world…slowly she came back…while others got on the band wagon…

here are some of her newest creations…


$_57 (1)

$_57 (2) b

Sweet little vintage card images on fiberboard cut perfect, just the right amount of glitter …they are to hang on a tree… approx. 4x4 inches …She finally is using images we can all relate to….she used to use Victorian type images…but the vintage children’s images from the 50’s and 60’s  are the biggest hits….:) 

These two items sold for are you ready???  $102.00 and $75.00 respectively!  She has many many more with active bidding up in this price now…



Here is a brand new auction, they all start about 6.99…

$_57 (3) h

This one is about to end….

$_57 (2)

it is currently at $74.00….I am just amazed that people will spend that kind of money on one ornament that is paper, wood and glitter and brand new…

I am so happy for her!  But now, I can’t afford them! :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cath Kidston…we need to talk….


Hi everyone….well, I am starting to feel like a real person again….

I thought since I was up I would look at Cath Kidston’s site for what’s new…and of course there is SO much I would love to have in my home…so bright and cheerful…here are a few of the items…

11.00 each

11.00 each


plastic type plate  10.00 each

24.00 each

24.00 for each set..

40.00 3 piece

This just gave me shivers it is SO cute!  Are you ready?

this 3 piece set is 42.00 !



for the necklace  and bracelet of resin button…59.00

This is an adult dress….I would never wear it, but it is adorable…



114.00 dollars…..


For my phone….40.00


104.00  Can you tell what my favorite pattern is????


and last but not least a plastic ruler for 12.00….

OK…now I love Cath Kidston….so I tried to figure out how much an order would be for 4 mugs, 4 plates, 4 three piece cup sets, I phone case and a ruler….

A whopping 232.00 !!!!!!!!!!

I sure don’t have this kind of money hanging around, how about you?  I didn’t even look at shipping…lol

Why does it have to be so much????  Plastic, ceramic, shoes?  I know it is HER brand….how in the world she keeps going in this economy is a mystery to me….the Christmas items were a much better deal…

So go have fun and fill up an imaginary cart…..they are free!’



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Enough already!


I am down for the count….again or I guess still….

Went to the doctor yesterday and I have walking pneumonia! 

Two different anti-biotics and a major cough syrup….a bunch of lymph node in my face and neck blew up….  this is the pits…still waiting on the blood work….

Still sick apparently from back in December….got a flu shot, but I guess they are saying this is a virus, not a flu….all of the doctors in my group are out sick!


Hopefully in 10 days or so I will be better….until then….please keep in your prayers, this is not fun….:(


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I have been waiting….


I am a paper hoarder….you all know that….well, I just found the ONE paper collection I have to purchase this spring….



It is called “Home Sweet Home”….and it is just beautiful!  I have a project already for this paper.  Yes, I am using this line for sure!  Here are some more of the beautiful items, and look at the Hoosier in the stamp set! ( black and white images are stamps)






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an idea from Graphic 45….


Just click on a photo to make it bigger…..

It is not for sale yet…I am sure it will be out in a couple of months…cannot wait to see the CHA 2015 video from them on You Tube!

I know what I am getting for my birthday….:)


P.S.  URI is gone!!!!!!!!!!!  Who-Hoo !