Monday, December 31, 2012

On this New Years Eve….

Some cute graphics to share….


Happy New Year 1

Happy New Year 2


Be safe tonight and I will see you in 2013!!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Real Story…..

Remember all those silly women who smile while they do housework and cooking back in the 50’s ads???

You know the ones….






And be sure your daughter can “do” the smile too!


Oh and don’t forget how to really LOVE doing the dishes….lol

Here is how they hoped you would feel…




This was the reality then and it still is….


Yup!  Look at the date!!!


Do you see the look on her face????

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I had to have this magazine…just for the cover!  lol  Do you see where the Mister is sitting???  Now that would just really get me riled….I am so glad I wasn’t born in that era.

Women have never enjoyed all of this tedious work!  So don’t feel bad if you are not Suzy Homemaker….Martha Stewart acts like she has major issues with control and OCD!  lol


I have felt this way more than once in all my years of holidays and meals….how about you?  I will admit it, I do not enjoy cooking and cleaning!  There I said it!  I worked a full time job, had two sons in every sport known to man and a husband that had a job that took a lot of time away from us as a family.  So cooking and cleaning were mandatory, not fun.   My body finally said…Enough and I ended up with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I ruined more than one holiday when I was a young mother and wife having to have everything “perfect”.  I refuse to do it anymore, and you know what?  Things turn out better every year! 

Thanks for letting me rant…:)


Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Well, I hope everyone’s Christmas was wonderful!

I wanted to share with you some of my gifts from fellow bloggers and my husband and kids…

A lot of the items I got from Ebay and Etsy…I got to go “shopping” for myself this year.  Thanks honey, it worked out great!


This was a Christmas lot I bought on Ebay for 12.00! 



Beautiful vintage garland and two rolls of red metal border!


A WHOLE box of vintage pink picks, most still in the wrapper…


Lots of vintage Christmas balls…


And a lot of the vintage aluminum reflectors….I can’t get enough of these….they are going to be used for a lot of things….


An so are  these….you can never have enough vintage jell-o molds! :)

See?  Like this…..I got this idea from Meri….the possibilities are endless….lol

a a a garage sale gal banner 276 - Copy

This is my second try with Pic Monkey, it sure is fun!

PicMonkey Collage

These are all of the goodies I received from blogging buddies and my friends Meri and Cheri….Too cute and I want to thank each and every one of you…Deb, Chris, Elizabeth, Elaine, Erica, Meri and Cheri!!!!

Here is the photo of the cute white milk glass cup from Chris without the top cut off! lol


From my family….




A system to talk on my phone hands free and a CORDLESS glue gun and a paper Dremel set….


This adorable card came from my son Bryan, he didn’t even sign it, he knew I would love this vintage Santa!  He wanted to keep it “mint”, but I am going to have him sign it! :)

A few more goodies new this year…





The Santa cookie jar blow mold was one of my finds, the sweet little snowman jar came from Cheri when she bought the Christmas cottage at Hallmark.


A beautiful shadow box from my friend Meri…


Look at the details….


This wonderful “Ho Ho Ho” came from another friend, Jenny …I love it all!  Thank you so much!  Jenny informed me that after Christmas I can turn the plaque around and it will say “Oh..Oh..Oh” ! lol

And just a few more Christmas decorations…


Where I hid the cookies….they actually lasted until Christmas Day! :)


Mary E, all done up for the holidays…


an adorable faux cupcake….I am going to try my hand at these this year….



I got one of these for Meri last year and I just loved him, I was lucky to find another on Etsy!  He is a music box.

And last but not least…


Is this not the cutest graphics?  The lights are inside, but I would never use them.  Too scary…lol  Feel free to use this graphic how ever you would like…

We all were tuckered out at the end of the day….


Even Maya…..:)

I do have a You Tube video to share with you of my grand puppy as soon as my son gets it uploaded…:)  what did you get for Christmas???

If I have forgotten anyone gift wise,  I apologize now…my head is still spinning! 

Thank for stopping by….

Saturday, December 22, 2012

So I Say To You…..


This will be my last post until after Christmas, but I wanted to let all of you know how very special you are to me!

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I had no idea when I started blogging that it would open up a whole new world to me!  A world of creative, talented caring women who open up so many new doors for me as a person….

Xmas kids color changed23

I feel so blessed to know each and every one of you!  I also want to thank those of you who have sent me gifts and goodies!!!!  I will be posting about all of those after Christmas…

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Please enjoy your time with your families and hold them close…


And enjoy all of the wonderful family foods and baking goods of this season!

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And last but not least…

pink backround santa

Merry Christmas too all…

...and to all a Good Night!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rednesday at 521 Lake Street

Hello Everyone, it is Rednesday at Sue’s place It’s A Very Cherry World .


So I thought I would share some more fun RED Christmas! 

This is by far my very favorite item I have found on Ebay !   The graphics are incredible and the container is perfect!  Look…



and when you open each sweet card….



From this…..


To this!!!!!



There are 16 in the box, so I got a box and a half!!!!! Look at the original price….


Yup, one of us surely can figure out a time machine!!!!!

Meri came over and showed me some of the stash she got up in Prescott this weekend with her hubby….it snowed up there!


I am sure she will show you photos….but look what she came back with for me!


a wonderful kitschy plastic Christmas tree that I will re do and the cutest plant mister!!!!


LOVE it!!!  Thank you my friend!

She also made me the cutest banner for Christmas, the photos do not do it justice….






We waited forever for our October Afternoon Make It Merry paper Line to show up, finally gave up on Stop and Scrap and bought it at a scrapbook store in Tucson via online.  Meri immediately got busy!

I am going to stop for now, but have other goodies to share during the week…..I just love Christmas!!!!!!  Stop by Sue’s to see all of the wonderful Red!!!

Thanks for stopping by….