Friday, May 25, 2012

In case we forget…on this Memorial Day Weekend






Freedom isn’t free………….

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Simpler Time


When I see some of the decorating that is being done in kitchens now days I am just amazed at the amount of money spent!

I like to imagine what it was like when these items were popular….




Is this not the cutest idea?????


And who wouldn’t love cherries????


Or morning glories, Oh my gosh! And be sure to get ready for that spring line…..I would want them all!

And during World War II:


Love what this says…..:)



This was shelf paper and edging all in one…..


Again, shelf and edge all in one….


So many cute cute motifs, and I am sure there were 100’s more…I know I have a few that are not in these ads…..such fun fun items and such a simple way to add color and personality to your kitchen!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

More Goodies from the Trip

A few things I have gotten the last couple of weeks…..



Yes, Meri, I had to have my own…..Got these about three weeks ago, Meri and I were out and she nabbed the set we saw first, she is really good at seeing items I don’t even see…..


I have bought two of these stoves now, I had the same one when I was a child but it was blue where everything here is red.  This one if near mint!!!!!  Look….


No dents, one little mark on the top…..


The rest is perfect, so I will have one for sale, it has a big dent in one side and the top isn’t as nice, I was going to try to get the dent out with dry ice, but I will sell it as is if preferred, just email me at and I can send photos of it…it is still stinkin’ cute!  Good price too….


The dollhouse is basically done, how do you like it?  I couldn’t decide which way to have it on the shelf…this way or backwards so you have to look through the windows….what do you think?


Kitchen, has a much redder tone than this photo….






I also got these item's at an antique store up in Prescott, they were my Mother’s Day gifts from Wayne…..


LOVE the tins with the vintage tablecloth motif…more vintage decals….


an adorable sifter, love the red wooden handle.

And then we saw this sign….yup this is me…..




And an adorable vintage greeting card for all to enjoy…..

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Have a great weekend…….:)


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Very Nice Weekend


Well, the appointments are made, the medication has been adjusted and I am already feeling a bit better…..I find that I get so overwhelmed that I feel I must back away, and yet, I miss this so much!  So, I am not promising I will be posting like I used to, I am getting involved in a genealogy research group in Wisconsin and finding it will take some of my blogging time away.  My genealogy is my first love, the hunt is just incredible and the finds are so satisfying even when they family is not mine!  I guess that means I am really into genealogy…:)

Wayne and I went up to Prescott last Friday, just to take some time to reconnect and relax.  At first, I didn’t want to go, but forced myself and I am so glad I did!  We had a wonderful trip!   

I will be posting a couple of times as I went a little crazy with the camera…and I was spoiled something awful for Mother’s Day:)

So This is where we stayed…


A wonderful place called Prescott Resort and Conference Center, those of you who live in Arizona must try this!  Great place, high on a hill and near everything.

We went downtown to see our favorite antiques and such and there was a HUGE Arts and Crafts Festival in the square!  And a vintage car show too…..

So enjoy….


My folks has this very car….I remember it well. Same color too.


Tents and tents, and wonderful music, and food….




A great bronze of how they must have felt when they first laid eyes on this beautiful area….




The courthouse right in the middle of the town square…


The band shell with live music….


Beautiful horse and carriage to take you for a sweet ride in the wonderful weather!



Check out the Red Chevy in the back….

On the way back Sunday we stopped at a really sad looking Swap Meet, but found some good buys….


A cookbook that my Mom had…it originally sold for 4.95, I paid 4.00 for it.


I am a sucker for transfer ware…..3.00  in perfect shape, and I love the size.


A wonderful little table with no top for 12.00, I got it for 10.00, I am going to paint it and put a colorful Mexican tile on top, it will make a great plant stand!

Tomorrow I will let you see the wonderful items we found at the antique store in downtown Prescott….

And last but not least I want to thank all of you for the kind and supportive thoughts and emails,  I thought I would be gone longer, but I need this in my life…..and all of you!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day !

Sorry this is late, but still heartfelt to all of my friends in blog land.

From her son Chuck to Emma Burgess boot camp in Louisianna

My Dad…19 years old… away from his Mom and Dad for the first time in his life, at Boot Camp in Louisiana during WWII.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We interrupt this program for…..

Every so often, I just have to lay it out here as to how my life is going….it makes me feel genuine, not fake, not pretend. I know sometime when people get to know the real person behind a blog they leave, not wanting to know the way their life is now and then, I have found nothing but love and support when I have reached  out to you my friends…and so I am reaching  again… 

I am on of the people you know that is always trying to out run the bad feelings….

get busy……do something, read a book, just get busy!

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Well, this is where I have ended up….


….the same old adages from friends” lovingly given….”“Don’t worry about what you can’t change”…it will get better…. find something to do to take your mind off it…. you have everything you could want, why aren’t you happy?”  “Just change your attitude”….I really love that one….who in their right mind would want to feel this way???



Such good questions….but sorry, not an answer to one of them…..depression is just like it shows in that one commercial, a cloak that is always trying to cover you, snuff out the light….well….mine caught up and there is just no more anything right now…I am heading to my doctor asap and hope that someone can help….all of the things I love…


My best friends… family



Being around the horses…

Table from Goodwill 4

My lovely room…


Reading a good book….

and of course my happy place…..

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I cannot connect to them,  I just can’t reach them. I have been here before, but never quite so afraid of how I feel……when  people talk about a void…a nothingness, most can’t imagine it.  I can imagine it really well, just wish I didn’t.

I know there is much unfinished business in my life that has to be addressed, just anxious on how it comes out at the the end.  Way too much loss, way too much loss….so tired of the loss….

… I will be taking a brake to get feeling better….don’t know how long but please don’t forget me….I know I won’t forget any of you!

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