Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Meaning of Memorial Day

I have always know that Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died during an American war, but I did some checking and found out how it started…..


The day was originally know as “Decoration Day” because the day was dedicated to the Civil War dead, when mourners would decorate the gravesites.





The holiday was first widely observed May 30, 1868, when 5000 people helped decorate the gravesites of 20,000 Union and Confederate solders buried at Arlington National Cemetery. After World War 1, the observance was widened to honor the fallen from all American wars- and in 1971 Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday.



Please try to remember the real meaning of this day when you are with your loved ones and take a moment this weekend to really be thankful to all those who have died for our way of life!


Images all courtesy of Google

Friday, May 27, 2011

I am in business!!!!


Hello Everyone, I am so excited to let you all know that I know have 13 sheets of 4 different vintage children cards on each sheet set up on Etsy!

Thank you for all of the email about when I was going to get around to doing this! LOL This oddly enough was a bit of a struggle, a new learning curve with Photo Shop Elements for sure! I have had a couple of lessons with Karen Valentine and I feel like an old pro now….at least on doing these sheets! LOL She said once I got the hang of “layers” the digital scrapbooking would come easier….I sure hope so!


I have 13 sheets up for sale and will be adding more as I can get to them….I have a question for all of you….should I do seasonal ones when it isn’t the actual season? I have tons of Valentine and Christmas…..

I even did one for Father’s Day!


Please tell your friends and thanks again for all of your support during this tough time……:):)

Monday, May 23, 2011

A De-Stash Giveaway !

Hello everyone! It feels good to be posting again, I have been at the organizing stage for awhile now and I am ready to give it a rest!
The latest items to be organized have been my Vintage Children’s Greeting Cards…..I have two really nice We R Memory 5.5 x8.5 binders that Elizabeth from Creative Breathing told me about, I have a sweet buttercup yellow for everything other than Christmas and Valentines Day, and a red that those two holidays are going into…


I thought for sure one of each would do it….silly me! I loaded two cards back to back in each sleeve, but pretty soon the book was just too full!



I had to order some more, and of course they have changed the style to this:

40382_100 They hold the same sleeves just look different…..

I hate that! My perfectionism rears it’s ugly head at times like this….but I just have to deal with what is……

Here is the buttercup yellow…..


I got 1 more yellow and 1 more red…..we will see how many they hold….:)

OK….so I have some wonderful COSMO CRICKET Papers that I did not use and so I don’t need them any longer….and I decided to have a giveaway for them…..


Early Bird ( some 12x12 (10) sheets and a full mini deck)


Hello Sunshine 12x12 Set and 1 mini deck (shaped at the bottom of the pages and they are all 8x8)


and 1 mini deck of Jolly by Golly…..

I have not used any of the papers in the sets, but I know me, and I HAVE to de-clutter! I am sure I will be doing this again! So just leave a comment on this post and I will draw a winner next Monday the 30th at 6:00 PM my time ( MST) Good luck to everybody!

Thanks for stoppin’ by….:)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Too many Things Going on!


I am sorry I haven’t been around much….it seems I have fallen down the genealogy rabbit hole… I have been doing research on my family and other families for about 5 years now, and I have about 90% online with my Family Tree Program. So, I decided it was time to “go thru” the actual paper items I had saved on each family. Over the years I have been pretty good about putting the sheets of paper with birth, death, marriage certs, newspaper articles in the right spots….NOT! My husband pulled out 4 bins of “records” and paper that I needed to go thru and get into binders.. oh my gosh!!!!!! I shredded a ton, I am sure a full ton of paper! And I still have 2 folders ( not bins, just folders)to go thru…..I should have taken before and after photos, but I was too tired…..I sure hope one of my sons if not both, will appreciate someday when I am gone, the amount of time and effort this took me. My oldest promises me it will not be in vain….:):) But I found my great grandfather’s letter he wrote during the Civil War, it was safe all along, just didn’t know where! I wasn’t sleeping at night worrying about it, so afraid I had accidently thrown it out….

So I went from this:


To this:


images 32

My shoulders hurt from all of the repetitive motion! LOL I am also reading this book that is really speaking to me….but more on that later….

book cover0001

It is interesting when I started this book what came up for me about my folks and my sibling and our “genealogical map” for learned behaviors …….have a great day!!!!!

(All images off Google except book)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Wonderful Mother’s Day Vignette

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mom’s out there, I know just how this Mama Robin felt when she came back to this next the last time in the video…..I have felt it myself…..I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!!!!!


imagesCAKN90G1 Google

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jessie Emilia Emma Reinhard

I don’t often do posts about my family on this blog, I have another one just for that, but I saw this photo on my computer just now and decided today was the day to introduce you to a very special lady….

Her name was “Aunt Jesse”, I only knew her as that as I was just a child….Aunt Jessie was my maternal grandmother’s sister. There were three Reinhard sisters:

Mamie, Josie, Jessie Reinhard 1892   2

The baby in the middle is my grandmother Josephine ( born in 1891) , the child on the left is Mae Lillian “Mamie” and the oldest on the right is Jessie.

The family story is that Jesse got Scarlet Fever as a child and her fever went too high and she came out of it mentally “different”. She lived with her parents Charles and Amelia Reinhard her whole life, and when they both passed within 48 hours of each other she came to live at my grandparents house. She never got past about 10 years of age….so to me a 8 or 9 year old she seemed perfectly normal! She loved puzzles, she did hundreds of them and they were all in my grandparents attic. . My grandmother was rough on her sometimes or so it seemed to me as a youngster, and I would get cross at Grandma, I hated it when I thought she was being mean. Now as an adult I understand what a sacrifice my grandparents made in taking her in, and how it was like having a forever child.

In the few photos I have of Jesse as a child, she has a somewhat different look on her face, but she was never excluded from anything! That was not the normal for mentally challenged children in the early 1900’s and I applaud my great grandparents for not putting her away, like so many children were that were afflicted mentally in some form or another in that time era.

L to R Jessie, Mamie, Josie Reinhard

Above photo, L to R, Jessie, Mamie and Josephine.

Reinhard Sisters and Friends

Josie Reinhard far right sitting down

This wonderful photo is at a Halloween Party, Jessie is the beautiful women in the white right in the middle, The woman sitting down on the far right is my grandmother.

BR Josie, Mamie, Amelia, Jessie FR Phyl, Bob, Chuck and Ione

Jessie is in the far right.

The photo that means the most to me is this one……

Grand Aunt Jesse Reinhard

This is how I remember my sweet Aunt Jessie….always with one of those very worn, very soft aprons on and that sweet smile…..

Jessie outlived both of my grandparents and ended up in a nursing home in Eau Claire, she lived to the ripe old age of 82. Having very little of life’s stresses, Jessie was able to outlive all of her family. I don’t know if that was a good thing or not, but it was how it happened. As long as Jessie had her coloring books, crayons and puzzles her world was good…. I miss her a great deal some days…..

A Swap for All Seasons Mother’s Day Brooch Goodies

I am linking up with Linda’s blog today to show you my wonderful brooches I received in this swap. Yes, I said brooches….more than one! My partner was a wonderful lady, Sharon Wideman . Sharon and I have been blogging buddies for awhile now so it was fun gathering goodies of also!


Wonderful vintage Christmas card which you know I love with the sweetest Christmas tree brooch!


A vintage postcard with a wonderful crocheted doily and a pretty round rhinestone brooch.



A fun Bingo card with a great set of vintage buttons and a wonderful retro painted brooch.


And two little extras….isn’t this the cutest potholder???? And fun, bright brand new paper stock from Cosmo Cricket….love them!

Thank you Sharon for everything, this was fun! And Linda, you have done it again, to perfection! :):)

Click on the blue "brooches" above and see all of the other wonderful swappers goodies!