Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rednesdays at National Christmas Center

I haven’t done a Rednesday post with Sue for awhile now, and decided I wanted to do something special for this Rednesday. So I looked up Vintage Woolworth Christmas photos and came to a Flickr site for a person named fontgirl68. She has had the great opportunity to go to the above named museum in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This spot is definitely on my Bucket List!!!!

So enjoy…..and wish we could go back in time! :)





How many of us have purchased these items all these years later and paid a good amount for them! I would have a hard time being in this store for too long! LOL


Thanks for stopping by! And please check out the other posts for Rednesday at It’s A Very Cherry World!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I can’t believe I won this!!!!!

Once in awhile I am lucky on Ebay. It used to be where you could fine vintage linens like this all of the time for a reasonable amount but not anymore. “Vintage” is sooo in right now!!B9Kgc)wB2k~$(KGrHqN,!ksEy jCwc3EBM5!uy1uLw~~_3

I have seen this particular tablecloth go for a lot of money….there is on on Ebay right now at $135.00 ! I don’t think it is going to go….

This is right up my alley! So cute and the images are just like the vintage children’s cards I collect!

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Plus she threw in 4 napkins, they don’t match but that is OK……I am a very happy camper! I was just so amazed I won this I wanted to share with everyone! LOL

Hope everyone’s weekend is going well. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Some thoughts about the Thanksgiving meal

I am about to get busy with my prep for Thursday and I wanted to leave you with a few images…..


Do any of you do this with your bird?????

thanksgiving-turkeyOr this?????

I think this is just to make us feel guilty…..this is how my bird looks coming out of the oven!


Which photo can you relate to????? :)

And the photos of the family????? These are stock photos from the web, but we can all relate….


I bought it, I cleaned it, I cooked it, I served it, and now I have to carve it???? NOT!


Check out the size the of table….76766419 Don’t they look happy???? LOL


You can just about read her lips….”Can I put this stinking wine glass down now”? :) HORRIBLE looking turkey….is that plastic???? :):)

We all put such pressure on ourselves to have everything perfect, the house, the table, the food. I don’t know about all of you, but by the time I sit down I am not even hungry! I am so tired and so sore by the time the meal is served, I just want to go to bed! Sound familiar? LOL

I hope that everyone can take a breath and just think about this for a minute….The turkey in the third photo tastes just as good if not better that the turkeys in the first two photos! And the same goes for the rest of the meal…..take it easy on yourselves!!!!! I think this is the year we all make a good meal, set it up buffet style, let them grab a pretty paper plate and enjoy it! And yes, I have done paper plates, the meal tasted just as delicious as it would have on china!

Come on gals….let’s enjoy Thursday too!!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

An Important message from another blogging friend!


I often go to Home is Where One Heart Is, when I need a little pick me up, a reality check or just a blessing….

This was her post today, and I wanted to share it with all of you who mean so much to me!


There is no time like the present to let you all know how very much I appreciate you!

Have a great weekend!


Thanks for stoppin’ by!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Run…Don’t walk!


I was at Wal-Mart earlier and look what they have!


They are for scattering on your holiday tables, but they are glittered chipboard!


They had these holly leaves and stars and …


These pretty gold and red snowflakes! They also had a burgandy Ho Ho Ho ( I think) but I didn’t get that…and you get 40 for $1.50!!!!!!

WOW! Great for your paper projects and your tables!!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tags, Tags and More Tags!!!!

Elizabeth at Bluebird Papercrafts had a Christmas Card Swap! We had to use the colors mint green, light blue, pink and red…..well needless to say that was a challenge for me!

But I tried really hard to use those colors! We had 22 tags to make! And I am not one to cut out the same thing 22 times….so I have a bunch of tags that are all a little different! I had a great time making these, but wow….22 tags!!!! LOL




The backs I did different on all of them!


This one is a play on words…..do you see it??????

IMG_2366 :):)

I used vintage gift tags and stickers everywhere I could! I had won a TON of these on Ebay years ago….they were so old that the bags said 40 for 5 cents!


What do you think late 40’s or early 50’s maybe??? A lot of the stickers were glued together but I had quite a few I could use, and do you know that the glue on the back still worked like a charm!

Now I just need to punch the holes for the ribbons and thread it thru…..

And clean up this mess!!!!! LOL


Thanks for stoppin’ by……

Friday, November 12, 2010

The many seasons of Life

imagesCA030K10We have all heard these words before: Some people are meant to come into your life for a lifetime, some for only a season and you have to know which is which. I will write this post and be done with the issue, but this needed to be said.

( These words below were written by a teenage boy, you don’t have to be older to have the knowledge to have a healthy life.)

“I put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. When the wind blows, they’re over there… wind blows that way and they over here… they’re unstable. When the seasons change they wither and die, they’re gone. That’s alright. Most people are like that, they’re not there to do anything but take from the tree and give shade every now and then. That’s all they can do. That’s all they were put on this earth to be. A leaf.

Some people are like a branch on that tree. You have to be careful with those branches too, ‘cause they’ll fool you. They’ll make you think they’re a good friend and they’re real strong but the minute you step out there on them, they’ll break and leave you high and dry.

But if you find two or three people in your life that’s like the roots at the bottom of that tree you are blessed. Those are the kind of people that aren’t going anywhere. They aren’t worried about being seen, nobody has to know that they know you, they don’t have to know what they’re doing for you but if those roots weren’t there, that tree couldn’t live.

A tree could have a hundred million branches but it only takes a few roots down at the bottom to make sure that tree gets everything it needs. When you get some roots, hold on to them but the rest of it… just let it go. Let folks go.”


And this was added by his Mom…..

“There are people who come in and out of your life and it hurts to go through the process, but the truth of it is you have to let it go. There are more people you will meet, some who will only turn out to be leaves and branches, but always remember to cherish those who are your roots. These are the people who truly know you through and through; it could be a family member, a grade school friend, even a high school sweetheart, but if you can count on one hand the number of friends who are like “roots” then take comfort in the fact that you are truly blessed in life.”


I have had some major leaves drop from my tree recently, but what really matters are the roots and they are still strong and healthy and deep, deep into the soil! I get it……in ways some people never will. Because someone “loves” you does not give them the right to abuse you emotionally, over and over again. It is harmful right down to your soul. So watch the leaf fall to the ground, then look up and see that magnificent tree in all of its glory and know there will be another spring and new lovely green leaves!


Have a wonderful day everybody!

Thank you for the wonderful comments about my Dad…..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On this Veterans Day I honor my Dad

On this very special day I want to honor my Dad….

Charles Robert Burgess WWII

Charles Robert Burgess was born July 21, 1922 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. It was a small town and he always lived in the same home on the same street.

My Dad was a very Proud American. My Aunt Rosemary told me he stretched the truth a little bit about his age to get into the Army National Guard before the war. He had told me that at some point he was a member of the Horse Calvary. I wish I had listened a little better as he would often talk about those days in the Guard. Not so much about WWII. Even though he was very lucky and never had to go overseas, it was still a hard time for him.

When it came time, he enlisted, they did not have to ask him twice to serve in World War II. He wanted to become an Army pilot, and went thru a lot of testing and waiting until he could try out. They found out as they were doing his physical that his depth perception was very poor. That was the end of that dream. My Mom told me even though it was hard for him to accept, she was pretty happy he wasn’t going to be a pilot! He was in Louisiana for his basic training and then was in Colorado, California, Alaska and ended up at Ft. Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma at the end of the war.

When my folks passed I found more than one box of letters my Dad had written his family during the war…he tried to write so often, but found he had little he could share. So much was considered confidential info back then! The letters spoke of his love of his family home and country and of course my Mom Loie, also the incredible loneliness a 19 year old boy felt being away from home for the first time ever. I remember reading more than once how my Grandma sending him cakes thru the mail, how they ever got there and were edible is beyond me! My Aunt Rosemary said she used to get a little annoyed as Grandma would use all of their sugar ration stamps for his cakes! :)

Dads letters1

box of letters

I have gone thru them and put them in chronological order. He would sign each and everyone of them the same way….

Dads letters2

( Your loving son, Charles. Love to you all. Don’t worry.)

After the war, my Dad continued his service with the National Guard until he was medically discharged in the 60’s due to being diagnosed with Diabetes. I have vivid memories of the Armory in Lakewood, Ohio and when he would go to Summer Camp a Jeep would come to pick him up, to a little girl that was so exciting!

I miss you Dad, and I am so proud to have you be my father!

Over the Fence Chatting

I have a dear friend that I have met in Blogland that I would love for you to meet!

Her name is Cindy and her adorable blog is Rick Rack and Gingham.


Cindy lives in Texas and she always has her back door open for friends to come in and chat about anything they chose…..she is a wonderful Grandma, wife and mother and I adore her Texan ways!

She has a day a week where she has an “Over the Fence Chat” letting all of us know who is doing what, who is needing our support and just general “neighborhood” stuff! I look forward to it each and every time she posts it!



She recently opened up a very special general store called “Mornin’ Glories”. Every Thursday you can link up and sell your wares! It is such a fun, vintage site! And it really truly feels like an old general store…..


When you see this photo on the blog you know it is shopping time! Smile

I know many of you already have the pleasure of knowing Miss Cindy, but if you have not met her yet, please go and introduce yourself….she is one wonderful Blogland gal, that is for sure!